Friday, January 17, 2025

January 17 Update

Happy Friday!
Another great week of smiles, laughter, and care!  

Toot Your Horn Thursday:
This week, we have two receipents of the Toot Your Horn Thursday!
Jess Hanson was nominated by Ashlee Krauss for "Jessica covers my break from 10:30am - 11:00am everyday. When I came back from break the other day, all of beds had students in them, a few kids were sitting in my chairs waiting to be seen, and some were even in the hallway waiting to be seen for tummy aches, wounds, medication, etc. When I came back and saw all of the kids and how busy Jessica was, I quickly took over and Jessica offered to stay and help me "triage" the kids. By her staying late and helping me out, we were able to help a ton of kids and get them in and out in a timely manner. Thank you so much Jessica for helping me and the kiddos! I definitely could not have done it without you! You are the true definition of teamwork."

Sami Wrobleski was nominated anonynously for Sami is an amazing team member. Her attendance is superb and when she does need to be gone, she has her sub notes up-to-date with clear details to help out a person who needs to step into her position. In addition, she is a positive person even when her job can be very demanding. She demonstrates needed problem solving strategies when issues arise. Sami builds trusting relationships with students and adults. Thank you for being such an amazing team member."

I forgot last weeks' winner - 4th Grade Teachers and Students! Kate Seifert nominated them for "My class was at library, Mrs. Carlson was reading a book. I noticed 4th grade stopped in the hallway before entering the library, then entered all together-completely silently!! It was very respectful and appreciated!"

MLK Day PD -Monday:
Just a reminder, this Monday is our MLK Day PD.  This year, with the READ ACT, it looks a little different.  Please check the linked document for a general plan for your day.  

Tuesday - Teacher Workday:
Tuesday, January 21 is a Teacher Workday.   We will be meeting with teams on this day to look through data and respond to students' needs, including intevention groupings. Below is a schedule of the day:
7:40 - 1st Grade
8:45 - 2nd Grade
9:50 - 3rd Grade
10:55 - 4th Grade
12:35 - 5th Grade
1:40 - Kindergarten
*we will meet in the Learning Studio South

Paraprofessional Appreciation Week:
This coming week is Minnesota's Paraprofessional Appreciation Week!   This is a week to celebrate the amazing paras and EA's in our building who do SO MUCH to support our students, as well as staff.  Take some time this week to celebrate them!  

Do This, Not That:
Each week, I will highlight a "do this, not that" for the Science of Reading.  This week, I have linked the fluency one.  Take a minute to read through - some great reminders!   

Weekly Update:

Friday, January 10, 2025

January 10 Update

Happy Friday, McKinley!
Another great week of learning and relatonships!  

January and February can often be hard times as an educator.  Below is an amazing photo - take a minute to read-  

Full transparency - I came back after break facing that mountain.  As I shared before, I was focused on the stress and all the "negative" about coming back.  It really took me a lot of processing, tears, and supportive people to help me move my seat on the bus.  Ask yourself - where are you sitting on the bus and are you currently happy with your view? 

Now, based on your response, what are you doing that is determining your seat on the bus and "view"?  Who are you surrounding yourself with?  Are you being someone who helps others see the "view"?  

Over the next week, I would challenge you to think about this - what is your "view" and what are you doing to help yourself (and others) see the beautiful view?  

Do This, Not That:
I found these from the Reading League which aligns to the Science of Reading.  Each week, we will highight a different component of literacy.  This week, we have decoding.  Below is a great graphic of the research behind what we should be doing, as well as not doing, to align to best practices.  Well worth the 2 minutes to read!   

Hearing more voices, preparing for conferences, and checking in with families!

Guest Blogger Eric Oppegard

Every day, we have the opportunity to hear from our students about how they feel school is going for them. But is that how they really feel? What are they telling their families? How do their families feel? How can we make sure all voices are heard?  

A few years ago, I started sending out a brief survey to gather information before conferences to help me prepare. I was hoping it would prevent me from being blindsided by a comment or question from a family member at conferences, and this gave me time to think about my response. I realize this was more self-motived to avoid something. It is often easier to type/write something than actually say it.   As it turned out, it opened my eyes to really hearing from families.  As time passed, the survey transformed into hearing each family's perspective and gaining insight into their student’s education.  

For the fall survey, I used the following questions:

  1.  Names of people attending the conference.  I realize this might change, but this gives me an idea of how many people will be here.  

  2. Overall, how is your student feeling about the school year so far? This data is collected on a linear scale, with a one representing "This year has been very tough/challenging for my student" and a five representing "This has been the best year/my student is really enjoying school this year."

  3. Please explain your rating for the previous question.

  4. Overall, how do you, as parents/guardians, feel about the school year so far?
    This data is collected on a linear scale, with a one representing “Very frustrated or displeased” and a five representing “Very pleased and happy about the year so far.”

  5. Please explain your rating for the previous question.

  6. What do you feel are the strengths of your student? (these can be academic, social, things you are proud of, etc)  

  7. What are some areas you feel your student needs to work on?  (these can be academic, social, etc.)   

  8. Please identify any questions or concerns you would like addressed at conferences.

I change the form in the winter to gather information since the last conference.  These are the questions I use for the winter conference:

  1.  Names of people attending the conference.  I realize this might change, but this gives me an idea of how many people will be here.  

  2. Overall, how has your student felt about school since our last conference? This data is collected on a linear scale, with a one representing “This year has been very tough/challenging for my student” and a five representing “Feels good and is learning and enjoying school.”

  3. Please explain your rating for the previous question.

  4. Overall, how have you, as parents/guardians, been feeling about school since fall conferences?  This data is collected on a linear scale, with a one representing “Very frustrated or displeased” and a five  representing “Very pleased and happy.” 

  5. Please explain your rating for the previous question.

  6. Please offer suggestions to help make school a great place for your student.  

  7. Please identify any questions or concerns you would like addressed at conferences.

How is this helpful?  When looking through comments before conferences, I found a theme that students were not feeling good about math.  I wouldn’t have found this out just from talking with the students, but obviously, they are going home sharing frustration, questions, or how they lack confidence.  I could gently bring that up at conferences, and the students looked relieved that we would talk about it.  We cleared up some misconceptions, and all felt positive about the conversations.  One family even reached out after thanking me for bringing it up, as the student didn’t want the family to bring it up.  I wouldn’t have known to bring this up had it not been on the survey.  

Another example was how one student was having problems with her two friends.  I didn’t see any issues in the classroom, but because the family put that on the survey, I could discuss friendships.  We had a great discussion, and since I was already aware, we brainstormed possible solutions.  We worked together with student input on what steps we could take.  Their students didn’t want them to bring it up at conferences.  Since this was shared on the survey, I was able to bring it up without the family having to, and the family was very thankful.  

The information I gain through these surveys provides many talking points, helps guide my conference planning, and ensures that families and students feel their voices are heard. 

International Day of Fun at Work:

It's coming soon -

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a GREAT weekend!


Friday, January 3, 2025

Jan 3 Update

Welcome Back, McKinley!

January Bingo Board:
If you are looking for a way to revisit expectations and re-establish your classroom community, below is a cute idea to do as a class.  

Toot Your Horn Thursday:
Congratulations to Dani Rypka for being nominated this week.  Her colleague, Eric Oppegard, shared "Dani is an amazing team player. She is "mentoring" 3 veteran teachers who have moved back to fifth grade. She shares, leads, and makes us laugh! She also has taken on keeping us organized! Thanks for being awesome, Dani!"

Fastbridge Schedule:
Just a reminder that FastBridge Benchmarking assessments start next week (Jan 6 - 10th). Please make sure you have reviewed this document to ensure you are aware of the schedule and the impact it has on the students you work with. As we will be using some of the common areas to assess students, please be aware of voice volume of areas you walk through or have students working in to provide the best testing situation for our students. Please check with Katie Demmer if you have any questions! Thanks for helping make sure we have accurate screening data for our students so we can ensure every student gets what they need.

Professional Development Opportunities:

Have a great weekend!

Friday, December 20, 2024

December 20 Update

Happy Winter Break!
Thank you for all the time, energy, and love you have given since August!  It's been a great year, but we really need some time away.  Enjoy your long break and take some time for YOU!  This is a perfect opportunity to truly check out from school and recharge yourself.  All this work can wait - we will resume in 2025!   

Winter Break - Clean Up Before You Go:
Before you head out today, please take care of the following:
  • Students - clean out locker areas, desks, and common spaces.  This is a great time to send a lot home!  
  • Clean up classrooms and common spaces.  Things should be put away.  All electronics should be shut off and unplugged, if possible.  This is a great time to get rid of, put stuff away, or throw.  
  • Check fridge in Staff Lounge
  • Check staff mailbox

Connection Day - January 2
Our first Connection Day of 2025 is January 2.  Click here to access the tic-tac-toe board.  A huge thanks to 4th grade for planning! 

Toot Your Horn Thursday:

Liz Stitzmeyer was nominated by Mallory Baumann for "Liz steps into the classroom each day with a positive mindset ready to take on each lesson. The students love her and she's a phenomenal person to co-teach with! She makes phonics more engaging and is willing to try anything with my group of kids. Thanks for all you do, Liz!"

Eric Oppegard was nominated (2nd week in a row!) by Amy Stalochi for Eric spent his "bonus" time while his student teacher was teaching putting together Phonics materials for our whole grade level. He has spent a majority of this time getting this all organized, put together in slides, and added extra resources! Thanks for being such a team player, Eric! You are the BEST :)

Don't forget, to fill out a referral, please complete the linked form.  Please spread some positivity! 

Save the Date - International Day of Fun at Work!
Friday, January 31 is our 9th annual celebration of this day!  Find a team and get your costumes!  This day is a full day of fun, laughs, and enjoyment!  

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a great, relaxing break!  Take some time for you, as well as those you love!
Thank you for being such amazing educators, as well as people.  You are all a gift to me!   
See you January 2, 2025!

Friday, December 13, 2024

December 13 Update

Happy Friday!

Toot Your Horn Thursday:
We had two "Toot Your Horn Thursdays" yesterday.  A huge congrats to Eric Oppegard and Xandra Sorenson!

Eric was nominated by Jen Bricko for "being brave to remove the “dead animal” from the boys’ bathroom! It turned out to be some type of dehydrated amphibian! Never a dull moment. :)"

Xandra Sorenson was nominated by Karen Thurnau for "I am thanking her for taking the time to attend conferences for some of my students. Sometimes when you have challenging behaviors from students as the classroom teacher you feel like you are the only one communicating with family at home. When other teachers support you with these behaviors it's helpful to have others communicating with family too! We are all in this together to support ALL of our students!"

Winter Break - Clean Up Before You Go:
Next Friday, December 20, we head off for Winter Break.  We resume back January 2 (Connection Day - more to come).  Before you head out, please take care of the following:
  • Students - clean out locker areas, desks, and common spaces.  This is a great time to send a lot home!  
  • Clean up classrooms and common spaces.  Things should be put away.  All electronics should be shut off and unplugged, if possible.  This is a great time to get rid of, put stuff away, or throw.  
  • Check fridge in Staff Lounge
  • Check staff mailbox
Next Week - Behaviors:
Just a reminder - this time of year is exciting for some, but very hard for others.  The time before breaks (and breaks from school) create change - change in schedules, expectations, safety structures, etc.  Please be aware of this as we work with kids next week - it's a tough time.  Many of our learners thrive off structure and consistency.  This will be challenged next week.    Many kids may need more grace and teachable moments in the next 6 days.  Additionally, our staff are humans, too.  We may need grace and check-in's on each other, too.  

"A Family Night at Home - January 9"
We are hosting a "A Family Night at Home" for families on January 9.  Similar to last year, families will sign up to get a bag that contains everything for a family night - activities, videos, and ingredients for a pizza meal.  The RSVP will be shared with families this morning.  This is just an FYI for you.

Foundation Grant:
Applications for the ISD 761 Foundation Grant were released in the Staff Connections.  Below is the process.  This is a great grant opportunity that has benefitted McKinley in the past (MakerSpace cart, Outdoor Learning Cart, Guided Math library, etc).  If you have a need in your grade level, consider filling this out.  If you have an idea for the building, please let me know ASAP.  Thanks!

Deadline: January 15, 2025

Every spring, the 761 Foundation awards approximately $100,000 in mini-grants to Owatonna Public Schools teachers and principals.

Grants are awarded based on the following criteria:

  1. Benefits a large number of students.
  2. Meets an important need, which is not likely to be funded in other ways.
  3. Maximizes good cost-to-benefit ratio.
  4. Shows creativity and innovation.
  5. Needed funds to continue a past approved project.

761 Foundation Grant application
(it will automatically ask if you want to make a copy which will be in your Google Drive)


  • Please itemize and prioritize requests that include multiple items/expenses.
  • Applicants must discuss the feasibility and implementation of the proposal with the appropriate building administrator. Comments and a signature from the building administrator must be included in the application.
  • Projects that include the purchase of technology also require a technology request form, which can be found at the end of the grant application.
  • No incomplete or late applications will be accepted.
  • Grants are for the 2025-2026 school year. Awards will be announced in March. Recipients may not make purchases using grant funds until July 1, 2025.
  • Note: If this is a technology request, please also remember to complete the technology request form.

Questions? Contact Sarah Hoffman by phone (ext. 8610) or email (

Have a great weekend! 

Friday, December 6, 2024

December 6 Update

Happy Friday!
Another great week at McKinley....
And, another great winter concert!  A huge shout out to Paige Huse, 4th Grade, and 5th Grade! 

Toot Your Horn Thursday:
We have three recipients this week.  Don't forget, to nominate someone, fill out the form linked here
Amy Staloch was nominated by Amanda Andrews for "I appreciate how involved and valuable Amy is during my monthly lessons. She adds experiences and real world comparisons to the topics. I leave her classroom knowing that she will continue teaching around the topic and its meaning. This month her class was so engaged and they had some "light bulb" moments around teamwork and their own personal strengths and limitations -- it was a great experience! Amy has built a classroom of trust and achievable, high expectations. Her students look to her for guidance and she allows them to be independent thinkers. McKinley is so fortunate to have Amy teaching here!

Zach Waletich and Kyle Melcher were nominated by Brenda Hager for "I would like to nominate Mr. Melcher and Mr. W they both have an amazing way of dealing with all the different personalities of all the students whether it’s celebrating victories like making it to the top of the rope, running the mile, finding them the right pair of shoes to wear, or making them sit for a while, learning to control their bodies and big emotions. they are both simply amazing!"

Congrats to Amy, Zach, and Kyle! Please take some time today to thank them for being amazing educators and people!

Matrix and Common Expectations:
I need to bring a concern to everyone that we need to address.  This year, we implemented a new matrix with the volume and expectation in each area of the school.  These expectations are not being addressed and supported in a common approach, which defeats the purpose of a matrix.  

In our common spaces and hallways, we absolutely need students at a whisper or no talking.  This includes traveling in the hallways, the library (and MakerSpace time), as well as the lockers.  We absolutely need to enforce this and not treat it as a "well, I tried".  It's impacting learning in the building.

With this issue, I'm also asking you to start having conversations with each other if we aren't following these expectations.  If another class is impacting your class's learning, please talk to that staff.   We have a great team here and should be able to have these honest conversations.   

Please take some time over the next month to revisit the matrix (by yourself and with your classroom) and have some honest conversations with how it's working.    If you need me to follow up or address your class, I'd be happy to.  

Caring School Community - teaching staff:
Just a reminder that our core curriculum for SEL is Caring School Community.  It is expected this is being taught (during morning meetings).   If you are looking for support in implementing this, please connect with Katie Demmer.  

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a great weekend!

Friday, November 22, 2024

November 22 Update

Happy Friday!

Happy American Education Week!  I hope you all felt the love and appreciation this week.  I wish you had that same appreciation every single week.  

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for all the love, care, time, energy, and support you give to our kids, as well as each other.  McKinley is a very special place - mostly because of amazing people like you!  

Thank you for making the world a better place!  

Schoolwide Celebration:
On Tuesday, 11/26, we will be doing a schoolwide celebration of Food Bingo from 1:30-2:20pm.  Instead of numbers, it will be food items.  Bingo boards will go in your mailboxes on Monday.  

Connection Day - 12/2:
December 2 is our next Connection Day.  A huge thank you to our 2nd grade team for planning this day!  Connection Days are days (after a long break) where we rebuild relationships, reestablish routines, and regulate students to prepare them for returning to school.  

Positive Recognitions -
Just a friendly reminder to be using the positive recognition strategies we have as a building - Positive Office Referrals, McKinleyStrong Slips, High Five, Good News call.  

For Quarter 1, we had the following McKinleyStrong slips by grade level - 

Building Weekly Newsletter:

There will be no blog next week - we will resume Friday, December 6.
Have a great weekend and Thanksgiving break!

January 17 Update

Happy Friday! Another great week of smiles, laughter, and care!   Toot Your Horn Thursday: This week, we have two receipents of the Toot You...