Friday, April 29, 2016

Principal's Update- Friday, April 29, 2016

Good morning!
We've completed another great week at McKinley!   We've also wrapped up Administrative Assistant's Week.  A HUGE thank you to Lorri and Selena for all they do. 

Teacher & Food Services Appreciation:
Next week is both Teacher Appreciation and Food Services Appreciation.  Please take some time this week to "thank" our staff for their hard work.  Teachers, please sign up for a "classroom story time" on Monday (more details came out in an email). 

Day of the Child:
Last night, some students were honored at the "Day of the Child" at OJHS.  It was a great night full of food, celebrations, and laughter.  The following McKinley students were honored:
-Joshua Hernandez
-Genesis Silva
-Nayely Lugo
-Rubi Barraza-Leon
-Alejandro Mendez-Enser
-Victoria Torres-Leon
-Amerie Burrola
-Crystal Garza

Here are some pictures:

A Note From MSU/Katie Coudron:
Happy Friday and shout outs of gratitude to all of you who have played a role in hosting MSU-Mankato students over the course of this year! Block II and III field experience students wrap things up today (Friday) and student teachers will wrap up their year with us next Wednesday (May 4) and graduate Saturday, May 7!
Thank you to each of you who have connected with these students during their time at McKinley and continue to open your doors to opportunities with teacher candidates.
Special thanks to:
Block II mentors: Paige Gilligan, Kate Seifert, Lindsey Born (& Melanie Feldhake!), Mark Langlois
Block III mentors (these teachers will welcome their candidates back in the fall for a final semester of student teaching!): Michelle Simon, Dani Rypka, Karla Wilke
Block IV (student teaching) mentors: Jessica Zupansic, Rachael Eickhoff, Kayla Davis, Rhynda Dulas, Justin Lang, (and Mark Langlois who mentored Dan in the fall!)
Thank you for the work you do day in and day out with your students and for sharing your passion with beginning teachers! What a way to grow the profession.

Strategies for Anxious or Defiant Students:
Brian Price shared this article earlier this week.  It's some great strategies when trying to de-escalate an anxious or defiant student.  It's well worth your time to read:

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the weekly building newsletter

Valet Parking for the Week:
The Valet Parking for the Week goes to Cheryl Miller.  Cheryl has been filling in for Julie Bauer this year in the area of Tier 3 Interventions.  Cheryl has been a wonderful addition to our Intervention Team- mostly because of her background with learners who need more support.  Cheryl is positive, knowledgeable, and focused on the best needs for the student.  One of the things I appreciate the most about Cheryl is the way she collaborates with others to truly address student needs.  Cheryl, we are lucky to have you here this year- thank you!

Have a great weekend!

Friday, April 22, 2016

Principal's Update - Friday, April 22, 2016

This will be a short update this week- not a lot to share! 

Windows - Left Open at Night
Please make sure ALL windows are closed at night.  This past week, we've had many windows left open.  This is NOT a good thing.  Make sure your windows are closed and locked. 

Minds at Work
Minds at Work (K-5 Summer School) forms will be emailed out next week.  Please use your spring benchmarking, plus your teacher observations, to refer students for the program.

Building Newsletter
Click here to see the weekly building newsletter

Valet Parking for the Week
Raffle Winner- Gia Davison!  She enjoys the spot all week long! :)

Have a great weekend!

Friday, April 15, 2016

Good Morning!
We've completed the Reading MCA tests (as of today) - Math starts next week.  A huge thank you to everyone who has made our testing environment smooth and calm.  A extra thank you to Denise Carlson, who lives and breathes the MCAs for the month of April.  Thank you for all you do, Denise!

PLC Work
I wanted to send an email regarding PLC work.  The hard work you have been doing this year hasn't gone unnoticed.  I love joining (or reading about) your PLC and hearing the conversations on students, data, and interventions/enrichments.  It's been great to see how much teams have embraced the data boards as a guiding conversation piece, too.  Thank you for that!  I think our next step in this PLC journey is to go back to Nicole Vagle's (expert in assessment) rule: 

When looking at assessment data, it's 1/3 the analyzing and 2/3 the planning instruction.  This is such a powerful mind shift.  It's important to analyze the data; however, the majority of your time is discussing how instruction will change - through enrichments, re-teaching, and changes in your core instruction.  As we move forward into next year, we will spend more time looking at this. 

Student Engagement - Compliance or Authentic?
Here's a great (short) article on student engagement - is it authentic or are students just complying?

School Nutrition Employee Week (May 2-6)
School Nutrition Employee Week is held every May, and provides a great opportunity to celebrate all of the staff who make our meal programs a success!  This week is a perfect opportunity to thank our team for all they do- Lori, Stacy, Laurel, Josiah, and Mary.  Also, thank you to our EA's who serve a dual role in the classrooms and lunchroom.   We appreciate everything you do!  Take some time this week to celebrate our wonderful kitchen staff!

MCA Reading Data
MCA Reading data is available on Pearson's On Demand Website (  You can log in and see how students performed- however, hold off on sharing with students until further information comes out.

Department of Justice (DOJ) Survey
We will be participating in the DOJ Survey at the end of April.  More information will be coming on this. 

Building Weekly Newsletter
Click here to access the weekly building newsletter

Valet Parking for the Week
The Valet Parking for the week goes to Josiah Bachtle.  Josiah is such an amazing member of our McKinley team.  Josiah serves many roles around here - and does each of them extremely well.  What impresses me the most about Josiah is his flexibility and focus on all students.  Josiah is willing to do anything if he knows it's in the best interest of our students.  Thank you, Josiah!

I had to laugh at this one....

It's going to be a nice one out this weekend - get outside and enjoy it!  Have a great weekend!

Friday, April 8, 2016

Principal's Update- Friday, April 8, 2016

Happy Friday!

Spring Pictures -4/18:
On Monday, April 18th, Lifetouch will be here to take spring pictures for students who are interested.  Students need to return the order form and money that day to have their picture taken.  The only exception to this is for 5th graders- all 5th graders will be taking a picture (for their graduation diploma). 

PLCs- Monday:
In your PLC on Monday, please take a moment and look at the progress monitoring data of your students who are utilizing Read Live.  Is this intervention working for them?  Have they demonstrated enough progress to “exit” them from Read Live?  If so, are there other students who would benefit from Read Live (below the benchmark in fluency, but at least 93% accurate)?  Libby will be in the building for PLC’s, so please contact her if you have any questions.

Discipline Referrals- PBIS:
When you complete a discipline referral, please remember to complete the form completely.  This data is being collected for PBIS.  I'm seeing more and more referrals with room numbers missing, last names missing, etc.  Please complete these referrals completely. 

Mileage Due- Friday, 4/15
Anyone who is submitting mileage - please have this to the Business Office by Friday, April 15. 

Weekly Building Newsletter:
Click here to access the weekly building newsletter

Valet Parking for the Week:
The Valet Parking for the Week goes to Lori Kamholz.  Lori (and her team) provide warm, nutritious meals to our 600 learners on a daily basis.  Lori understands how important her role is - supporting our students nutritiously so we can support them academically.  Lori has a positive attitude and is a great team member.  She will do anything for our students.   Thank you for all you, Lori! 

This quote makes me think of our amazing team since we are all focused on the same thing:  student learning and growth.  Thank you for all you do to empower our learners. 

Have a great weekend, everyone!

October 4 Update

Happy Homecoming! Another great week at McKinley!    Toot Your Horn Thursday: This week's Toot Your Horn Thursday Winner is Brenda Hager...