Friday, October 28, 2016

Weekly Update- Friday, October 28, 2016

Happy Friday!

Staff Development Day - November 7
An email came out this week to Certified Staff regarding this day.  Please go in and register for your sessions.   Paras, EAs, and Liaisons do not report on this day.    Questions, see me!

PBIS Team Meeting- October
The PBIS Team met this week to reflect on the year and analyze behavioral data.  Click here to see the PBIS Team Notes.

PBIS- Positive Home Communication
At our PBIS meeting, we discussed the need to also focus on positive communication with home.  I sent an email out regarding this, but here are the basic changes:
  • Weekly Leadership Slips: Each Thursday, Selena will put a leadership slip in each staff's mailbox.  Send one leadership slip home a week (minimum).
  • Good News Call of the Day:  Each day, I will be choosing one student for the "good news call of the day".  When I call, I will be sharing with the parents a positive story (or positive things) we are seeing that day.  If you want to refer a student for this, stop and see me or email me.
  • High Five Letter:  This "high five letter" is for a handwritten, positive note to families.  When you write a note, give it to Selena.  She will take care of the envelope and mailing it.  I will have translated ones soon!   
Weekly Building Newsletter:
Click here to access the weekly building newsletter

Valet Parking for the Week:
The Valet Parking for the week goes to Melinda Pilcher!  Melinda is on the "go" all day- getting around to multiple classrooms and working with almost 500 students throughout her day.  Melinda is a hard worker who is always focused on "what is right" for students.   We couldn't do what we do without you, Melinda.  Keep up the great work!

Have a great weekend, everyone!  Take some time to sharpen your saw this weekend!

Friday, October 14, 2016

Weeky Update- Friday, October 14, 2016

Happy Friday!
A lot of random reminders this week...

Donors Choose
Just a reminder, as a District employee you cannot access donations through Donor's Choose. 

When a situation arises and you need administration, please call my line (or Lorri's).  Do not contact Justin Lang.  I am seeing more situations of people calling for Justin to come down to remove a student from a room, discipline a student, etc.  My role is to discipline- Justin's is to support the student in learning the appropriate skills.  I do not want to cross this line, as students need to see him as the support (not the disciplinarian).   Again, call me. 

LCD Projector/Smartboard
If you are not using your Smartboard, turn off your LCD projector.  This includes times that you are leaving the room.   The replacement bulbs are expensive - this can be minimized if we shut them off.

We are using way too much laminate.  We are asking our volunteer to record the teachers that are submitting materials so I can address this with individual teacher(s).  I have no issues with things getting laminated- however, everything doesn't need to be laminated.  Once we are out of laminate, we are out. 

Building Weekly Newsletter
Click here to access the weekly building newsletter

A Snapshot of Learning:

5th grade had a day of outdoor learning on Tuesday.  Students went to Morehouse Park to work with the DNR on trout (a year-long project they will be participating in).   What a great learning experience!

Groundbreaking ceremony took place on Tuesday at Willow Creek and OJHS.  We had two students, Istahil Hassan and Miguel Sanchez, represent McKinley at the event. 

2nd Grade Teachers dressed up for an introduction to fairy tales & Cinderella.  Looks great!

Lunch with a Loved One has been a huge success!  Thank you to being flexible with this.  It's been great seeing parents, friends, and families here at McKinley! 

Valet Parking for the Week
Due to a short week, there is no valet parking for the week! 

Have a great weekend- and enjoy the outdoors!

Friday, October 7, 2016

Weekly Update- Friday, October 7, 2016

Happy October!  Can you believe we are already into October?

Classroom pumpkin judging will begin today and go into next week.  Please have your classroom pumpkin outside of your room starting today (please do not have it setting on the floor). 

Staff Attendance:
Just a friendly reminder to watch your attendance at work.  As you, students need relationships, consistency, and routine(s).  This cannot occur when a staff member is gone.  I have been monitoring attendance as requests come into AESOP - please watch how often you are being absent from work. 

Note from Literacy Coach:
It has been so exciting to collaborate with so many of you around your data.  Teams are digging in to find the best strategy to help move their students’ reading forward; with such targeted instruction, we are sure to see phenomenal results!  Our students are so fortunate to have teachers that are so dedicated to their growth.  In the last two weeks I have met with, or have scheduled in the near future, time to connect around data with 11 of you!  I love the collaborative spirit of the McKinley culture.  The work you all do is amazing!

7 Checks for Understanding
Looking for other ways to see if students have mastered the learning?

Guided Reading and Math Materials:
Just a reminder that all guided reading and math materials should be checked out through Denise.  Please do not take these materials and leave a post-it note behind.  You MUST check these out.  If you actually read this, email Justin to be entered into a drawing.

Twitter Update:
A few of you have been dabbling in Twitter - both in your classroom, as well as for professional growth.  Woo hoo!  A couple reminders:  
  • We have our staff professional learning hashtag:  #mckinleyPD  (this is a spot for us to share articles and links related to our professional growth)
  • We have our McKinley community hashtag: #mckinleystrong
  • If you post something about your learning/class, include @mckinleystem in your tweet.
  • Know which students in your classroom cannot be shown on social media!     

A SnapShot of Learning:

Students in PE playing math facts basketball today - working on math facts, underhand throwing, cooperation, and reinforcing math. 

4th Graders, working in teams,  learning how to measure temperature in Celsius. 

Kindness in Chalk Day was a success!  Thank you to all who helped make this day possible.  It was great to see the schoolyard filled with positive messages.  I loved reading what the kids wrote! 

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the weekly building newsletter

Valet Parking of the Week:
The Valet Parking of the Week goes to Special Education Paraprofessional, Julie Cochran.  Julie builds strong, long-lasting relationships with students.  Julie has a special way of being firm, yet flexible with students.  One of the things I appreciate the most about Julie is the way she is always looking for "what is best" for our students.  We are very lucky to have you here, Julie! 

Have a great weekend, everyone.  Get outside and enjoy the fall weather!

October 4 Update

Happy Homecoming! Another great week at McKinley!    Toot Your Horn Thursday: This week's Toot Your Horn Thursday Winner is Brenda Hager...