Friday, December 23, 2016

Weekly Update- Friday, December 23, 2016

Happy Winter Break!
We made it- the Friday before Winter Break!

This time of year always makes me pause to see and appreciate all the good we have at McKinley.   With how crazy life can get on a daily basis, it's important to stop and see the good we have here.  This building is filled with compassionate, talented adults who are here for one purpose- to support our learners.  One of the things I appreciate the most about the McKinley Staff is the way you embrace any student (or family) with asset-thinking, not deficit.  You are always looking for ways that the student (or family) contribute to our school community, not the deficits they experience. 

I want you to know you are appreciated - for everything you do.  I couldn't ask for a better group of educators (all of you are educators) who are always all about kids.  THANK YOU FOR THAT. 

NO SCHOOL- Monday, January 2
Just a reminder there is NO SCHOOL on Monday, January 2, 2017.

After School Program- Block II
ASP Block II starts on Tuesday, January 3, 2017.   We have finished up registration and bussing for this.   I will work on staffing and send an email out (hopefully today!).

Growth Mindset- The False Mindset
This week, I saw this article on Twitter about growth mindset.  It's an interesting read, as the author of Growth Mindset explains her concern with how educators use this term (and the original intent/research of the concept).  It was an interesting read, as I'm guilty of using the growth mindset incorrectly at times!

PBIS Discipline Data - December
Justin recently put together our December discipline data.  This month, we had 23 office discipline referrals (compared to 43 in December 2015).   Next month, the PBIS Team will spend some time analyzing this data to continue to support our learners.  If you see any observations from the data, connect with a PBIS Team Member.  Click here to access the discipline data

Building Weekly Newsletter
Click here to access the building newsletter for January 2-6, 2017

Valet Parking for the Week
The Valet Parking for the Week (back to school) goes to Special Education Teacher, Danielle Nystrom!   Danielle has a strong passion and advocacy for our learners - she is always looking for ways to help our students develop.  One of the things that impresses me the most about Danielle is the relationships she builds with her students.  She truly knows her students as learners, as well as people.  Danielle understands behavior and how to support learners.  Way to go, Danielle! 

Have a great, LONG week off  - enjoy your family, friends, and the people around you!  Take some time to sharpen your saw, too!


Friday, December 16, 2016

Weekly Update- Friday, December 16, 2016

Happy Friday! 
One more week.... we can do this!

It's National Ugly Sweater Day... I'm excited to see what everyone is wearing!

I saw the below picture on Twitter this week (from the book Kids Deserve It)... it made me think of the work we have been doing in our Staff Power Hours.

Visitors on Monday
On Monday, we have two groups of visitors to McKinley- a team from a St. Cloud Elementary and a team from Austin.   Below are some details:

St Cloud- the team will arrive around 9:30 and stay until 12:00.  This team was connected with McKinley at the Science Conference last month in which our teachers presented at.  They are a STEM school, but are looking at other ways to program.  We will be in classrooms around 10:30-11:30am.

Austin- the team will be here around 1:30pm and stay until 3:45pm.  This team is here to see how McKinley uses the PLC process - particularly using data/assessments to guide our work in core and Power 1/2 Hours.  We will be in and out of PLC's observing (and possibly asking a few questions!). 

Growth Mindset - An Invitation to Grow
I found an article on Twitter this week about a school's approach to growth mindset (SWAG- School with a Growth Mindset).  Take a second to read- do you think McKinley is a SWAG?   If you respond to this question through email, your name will be entered into a drawing (for a good prize!).

McKinley- Owatonna People's Press
McKinley was recently featured in the Owatonna People's Press Education Edition.  Below are links to the articles:
Ed Edition- Page 1
Ed Edition- Page 2

PBIS- Referrals
Moving forward, please only include one students' name (not including victim) on a referral.  Lately, I'm seeing groups of students being referred to the office for behavior.  A referral will have 3-4-5 students' names listed.  Please complete a referral for each student.  If you list the victim's name, this doesn't count (you can list the victim's name under the comment).  

When we enter this data, it's too hard to track (and throws our data off) if we have more than one student listed for a referral. 

PBIS Positive Communication Home
Please don't forget about positive communication home - leadership slips, High Five letters, and just positive notes.  With our work on PBIS, I want to make sure we continue to honor those who are meeting expectations.

Weekly Building Newsletter:
Click here to access the weekly building newsletter

Valet Parking of the Week:
The Valet Parking for the Week goes to Sonya David!  Although her main role is a Special Education Paraprofessional, Sonya serves our building in so many ways.  Sonya is extremely positive, dedicated, supportive, and 100% focused on all students.  Sonya works hard to make sure all of our students have the supports in place to be successful.  Sonya builds deep, lasting relationships with students and families.   Thank you for all you do, Sonya!

Have a great weekend everyone- enjoy the snow and stay warm!

Friday, December 9, 2016

Weekly Update- Friday, December 8, 2016

Happy Friday, everyone!
I know I shouldn't complain, but I'm not ready for the cold weather.

A couple reminders:
  • Annette is gathering items for a few families in need.  Please consider donating!
  • DIBELS Benchmarking in Monday and Tuesday.  Art and Music are relocating for those days.
  • ASP Block II registration and CLPs are due Monday, December 19th to Lorri.  We need to set-up bussing before Winter Break. 
Winter Concert
A huge kudos to Paige Moon and our 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders on their work last night.   The work, energy, and passion that went into last night's performance was felt throughout the evening.  We have an amazing music program here at McKinley - thank you to Paige, Kim, Holly, and Mikkel for that! 

Friday, December 23rd:
On Friday, December 23rd, we will do a school-wide Pajama Day.  Below is a plan for the day (some details are still being worked out):

8:45-10:45 All-School Movie (Kindergarten & 1st Grade in Library; 2nd-5th Grade in Big Gym).  Teachers, this is your "gift"... time off to prepare for 2017.  Our specialists, EAs, and paras will supervise the rooms.  Specialists are CANCELLED on this day. 

11:00-1:00 Lunch (provided by me!).  Bring your own beverage (Lang, no comments!). 

1:10-1:20 OHS Carolers visit us (Big Gym- be there and ready by 1:10pm). 

2:30 Relaxation and freedom!

Student Voice- Follow Up:
Last week, I talked about adding student voice to the assessment process.  It is critical that we know what students are thinking - about learning, misconceptions, and their overall progress.  So many of you are doing exit slips - what a great way for students to show mastery at the end of a learning experience.  Below is a next layer to those exit slips - having students determine their "progress" in the learning.   After students have completed the exit slip, they determine which bucket to place the ticket in (all based on their feeling toward their learning progress).  What a great way to add student voice to a formative assessment!
PBIS November Data
I apologize for this being late - below is our November discipline data by location, problem, and motivation.  Also, below are the notes from our November PBIS Team Meeting.  You will see from the data that discipline seems to have increased - however, I truly believe we are all getting on the same page about what behavior warrants an office visit and what you handle in your classroom.  Thank you for all your work making PBIS work! 

Click here to see the discipline data by month

Click here to see the November PBIS Meeting Notes

I found an interesting article on homework that I'd like for you to take a moment to read (especially if you are a classroom teacher):  Click here to read the article.  This is something I'd like us, as a building, to examine... does homework have a place and purpose?  Please take some time to read this quick article.... Site Team will begin to do some learning work around homework in the next few months.

Weekly Building Newsletter:
Click here to access the weekly building newsletter

Valet Parking for the Week:
The Valet Parking for the Week goes to Dani Rypka!  Dani is a passionate 1st grade teacher who is always looking for ways to do what is best for kids.  One of the things I appreciate most about Dani her skill to balance high expectations (and holding kids accountable) with also understanding (and providing supports to help them).   Dani does amazing things in her room each and every day.  Dani, we appreciate you!

Have a great weekend - and enjoy the first snowfall!

Friday, December 2, 2016

Weekly Update- Friday, December 2, 2016

Happy Teacher Workday!
Don't forget the Staff Christmas Party is tonight, 6pm, at the VFW in Owatonna. 

Door 8
Please see yesterday's email regarding Door 8.  We need to all be on the "same page" when it comes to using this door. 

My Principal Survey Feedback
At our Staff Power Hour on Wednesday, I shared my results from the recent plus/delta you completed.  I compiled the results into themes.   As you can see, there are things I will continue doing... there are also things I need to end or start doing.  I appreciate this feedback so much.  My role is to support you, students, and learning.  I have a growth mindset with my role, so I am always looking for ways to grow into a better leader and person.  Below are the themes I collected from the survey:

- Does what is best for all kids
-Supportive and approachable
-Is a true coach & learner (growth mindset)
-Knows our McKinley kids

Areas for Opportunity:
-Wears emotions on sleeve (seems stressed and "short" lately)
-Help coach us in behaviors
-Feel like I can't stop and talk without an appointment
-High expectations, but may expect change too quickly

Again, thank you for this feedback.  This is valuable information that will help me as we move forward together as a team!  If things come up moving forward, please let me know. 

Student Voice in the Learning Process
During learning, we frequently "check in"  on student learning through formative assessments and checks for understanding.  This "check in" is often missing one essential component- student voice.  Knowing exactly what students are thinking about their learning is critical in our instructional decision-making.  Having students stop, reflect, and share where they are at is a piece of the learning process that is often forgotten (I know, as a classroom teacher, I struggled with doing this).

Giving students a Likert scale (4-3-2-1) with a rubric, completing sentence frames ("I still need help with.."), having a thumbs up/down, or having students reflect on your feedback are all great ways to get into students' thinking- where they are at in the learning and what they still need. 

As we move into the remainder of the year, continue to explore ways in your lesson to get student voice into your check for understanding.  It's extremely powerful. 

PBIS- Perception
At our Staff Power, Justin walked us through the idea of "perception" and how important it is to know your perception (and biases) when dealing with children and behavior.  Because our backgrounds are so different, we all approach situations differently.  We use what we know to create a "perception" of a situation/behavior.  This perception can actually harm situations if we aren't aware of it.  Justin charged us in thinking of situations like an iceberg- we see what is above water, but not what is below.  This is a great analogy in dealing with students - we don't know what is "under the water".  It is important for us to remember this.  Below is the illustration we used:

STEM Night, "Winter Olympics"
What a fun night of "Family Winter Olympics" last night!  We didn't have a great turnout, as there was a Christmas event going on downtown.  But ,we still have fun.  A huge thank you to Paige Larson, Courtney Hugs, Karen Thurnau, Maria Conzemius, Rachael Eickhoff, Kayla Davis, Mark Langlois, Karla Wilke, and Laurie Wolhart for your work at this event! 

Weekly Building Newsletter
Click here to see the weekly building newsletter

Valet Parking for the Week:
The Valet Parking for the Week goes to Special Education Teacher, Brianna Luhman.  Brianna has been a wonderful addition to our building and Special Education team.  Brianna is extremely patient, positive, and passionate about kids.  Brianna works extremely hard to make sure students are getting what they need - academically, emotionally, and socially.  Thank you for all you do, Brianna!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

October 4 Update

Happy Homecoming! Another great week at McKinley!    Toot Your Horn Thursday: This week's Toot Your Horn Thursday Winner is Brenda Hager...