Wednesday, June 21, 2017

June 2017 Summer Update

Happy June, everyone!  I hope you are having a relaxing and enjoyable start to summer.  Most of my summer updates will involve the construction at our new site. 

STEM Integration Workdays:
Classroom Teachers, don't forget to turn your claims into Amy LaDue by June 30th for your June STEM Integration Workdays.

Save the date - Friday, July 21 & Saturday, July 22 for our McKinley Patrol Fundraiser at the Cash Wise Food Stand.  Proceeds go to our school patrol team.  A huge thank you to Sonya for organizing this!

Master Building Schedule:
The master schedule is complete!  I will be emailing this out to classroom teachers, along with your individual reading and math blocks.  I will send this out in the next day or two.    *This master schedule is still subject to slight changes. 

Click here to access the 17-18 master schedule 

Construction Update:
I toured our new school today with Bob.  The work is coming along- I was shocked at how much progress has been made.  Below are some pictures of the progress...

Current entryway looking into library - walls were removed to widen hallway.  To the left of this picture is Karen Thurnau's new 3rd Grade Classroom. 

Current entryway looking to the north (gym/new addition).  This hallway is being widened to create a commons area. 

The new McKinley Office.  Where I am standing is the entryway - straight ahead is Lorri and Selena's desk, with my office behind. 

Hallway into the new addition.   This hallway is where specialists and the Flex Learning Lab is located. 

The current library.  Straight ahead is where a 4th (Johnson) and 5th Grade (Gilligan) Classroom is starting to be erected. 

4th Grade's Conference Room. 

A new 2nd Grade Classroom (Stephani) which is open to the 2nd Grade Resource Room, but also accessible to 1st Grade (straight ahead).
The new bathroom (new addition, outside the 1st Grade Area).

1st Grade's Resource Room

New 1st Grade Classroom (Schlauderaff)

New 1st Grade Classroom (Nelson on left, Zupansic on right)

Hallway to new Kindergarten wing.

New Kindergarten Room (Larson)

New Kindergarten Room (Larson)

New EL Room being built in hallway that connects new and existing school (located in old art room)

Hallway to 1st Grade Wing (Flex Learning Lab on left)


I hope you are finding some time to unwind and enjoy the people you love.  Have a great summer and 4th of July!


October 4 Update

Happy Homecoming! Another great week at McKinley!    Toot Your Horn Thursday: This week's Toot Your Horn Thursday Winner is Brenda Hager...