Friday, May 31, 2019

Weekly Update - Friday, May 31, 2019

Good morning - and happy last day of May!
This is our last blog entry for the 2018-2019 school year.  It's been a wonderful year full of learning and lots of memories.  Thank you for your ongoing commitment to our students.  It was every evident (again) this year.  McKinley truly believes in every learner, every day!

Next Week:
Just an update on our last day of school events:

Monday, June 3 -
OHS Seniors (McKinley Alumni) will visit at 1:45pm.  They will make a lap through the building - please have students seated in your grade level areas.  If you want, students can make signs congratulating them.

Tuesday, June 4 -
Bongerball Game at 1:15pm (north fields).  Please remind students of behavior and help supervise all kids outside.

Wednesday, June 5 -
Awards Ceremony, 8:30 in Gym
5th Grade Graduation, 1:00pm in Gym (livestreaming link will be sent out in AM announcements)
End of Year CheckOut Process starts at 2:30pm (ends Friday at 2:00pm)

Thursday, June 6- LAST DAY!
8:55 - Justin Kiel will be live-streamed to give directions & expectations
9:00-10:30 - AM Stations (please sign up for a station)
Picnic lunches outside
1:30-1:45 - Assembly (End of Year Slideshow)
2:00 - 5th Graders travel around building to say goodbye to staff
2:15 - 5th Grade tunnel through library, main hallway, and outside
2:25 - Meet at McKinley Sign (22nd & Hemlock) to wave goodbye to staff
3:00 - End of Year Happy Hour at Justin Kiel's house
4:30 - Mystery Bus leaves from Trinity/Justin's house

Friday, June 7-
7:15 Staff Breakfast (all are invited!) in Learning Studio
2:00 End of Year Checkout Process ends

Check Out Process:
You will be receiving a copy of this in your mailbox...

Next week, our checkout process starts on Wednesday at 2:30 and ends Friday at 2pm.  Please complete all the items on the checkout and return to Justin or Steph.  Also, you will want to go into Stages to check and see where things are at - this is often a process with you and I having to each complete different tasks.

Teacher Check-Out Process
Support Staff Check-Out Process

Summer Communication:
Throughout the summer, please take a few minutes to check your school email from home.  This will be our primary way for updates/communication, as well as information about our August "welcome back week" information.

From "With My Whole Heart" (Facebook):
This entry showed up on Facebook this week.  A great response to a lot of our thoughts right now:

Today I closed my classroom door and hung my ID badge on a hook at home. I left my room looking so...empty.
Don’t get my wrong- I absolutely love my summers! They are needed to rest, spark creativity, build new dreams for the next year and most importantly- to pour into my own family.
But something feels so hollow in these last days of cleaning, filing and closing doors.
For 180 days, 19 children have walked into my doorway. I have heard them laugh the deep down heal your heart belly laughs. I have held them through tears and covered boos boos with bandaids. I have known they were sick without a thermometer. I have watched them grow in all things academic. But, above all...I have watched them grow in confidence.
They have seen me laugh so hard when I couldn’t hold back. They have seen me cry when I couldn’t mask the hurt. They knew my last nerve and right where to find it. They knew coffee is much they’d remind me to bring it with me for morning assemblies. They knew what would warm my heart on a frazzled day.
We became a family.
Yesterday, as I sat in a pile of papers...these kids...they were now scattered forms and scores and pictures and files. My watch still buzzed right on schedule to remind me of medicine for one, speech therapy for another and intervention groups for others. I slid those alarms to off...because their schedules are no longer mine to keep. I filed those papers, distributed their names to new second grade class sets and sat back feeling as empty as my classroom.
This is one of the more gut wrenching parts of the job. While we all do the happy dance when that last bus rolls out, those bus loads of children take little pieces of our hearts with them. We worry about them over the summer. We wonder what teacher will fit them best next year. We think of what we could’ve done differently...or done more. We think of the silly moments and the maddening ones.
Then we pack it all up, close the door and think how lucky we are to have known forever call them, “my kids” and to have the opportunity to begin again with new little faces who will, once again, become family.
Happy Summer my teacher friends! You’ve worked your heart out and it’s time...time to close the door and breathe.
With my Whole Heart,

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

Have a great weekend - rest up for a great last week with students!

Friday, May 24, 2019

Weekly Update - Friday, May 24, 2019

Happy Friday, everyone!

McKinleyStrong Celebration
We filled the jar again!  Woo hoo!   We will have another school-wide celebration next Thursday, May 30 at 1:30pm.  Justin Lang will make an announcement today at 2:15pm for students.  It will be a surprise on what we are doing - more information will come out next week!

EA Positions:
As many of you know, our compensatory funding (money brought in from students of free and reduced status) has decreased for next year - by almost $90,000.  We are not the only site - all sites have seen a decrease.  Because of this, we need to be creative with funding for next year to create supports and opportunities for all students.

Because of this, our Educational Assistant positions for next year will look different.   We will move to a Kindergarten through Grade 5 EA position next year instead of a Kindergarten EA and Grades 1-5 EA.  The logistics of this are being worked out; however, just know that the positions will be combined.  I know this is not ideal - however, we don't have the money to support both positions.

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

Have a great Memorial Day Weekend!

Friday, May 17, 2019

Weekly Update - Friday, May 17, 2019

Happy Friday, everyone! 

What if Everything You Knew About Disciplining Kids Was Wrong?
Take some time to read this blog entry on discipline - and do some reflecting on your practices, approaches, and relationships with students.  It's a mindshift to move away from behavior always resulting in a consequence.  As we know, behavior is a communication - what is the student communicating?  What skills are they missing?  How do we support them?  Take some time to do individual reflection - are you in alignment or disagreement with this blog post?

Last Day of Interventions & EL Services:
Our last day of intervention & EL services will be Friday, May 31.  After this, these teachers will still be around to support students, learning, and end of year activities.  This is the date that official services will end. 

End of Year Activities:
Here is a link to our building end of year activities.  Please remember to let the office know of any special events that will take you off-site or bring families to school. 

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week:
Our McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week goes to 5th Grade Teacher, Eric Oppegard!  Eric is a relationship-focused educator who strives to make every student feel safe, welcomed, and valued in his classroom.  One of the things that impresses me most about Eric is the depth of relationships he builds - students know Eric is there for them.  Even his former students stay in touch with "Mr. O".  Keep being #mckinleystrong, Eric! 

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Friday, May 10, 2019

Weekly Update - Friday, May 10, 2019

Happy Friday, everyone!

Teacher Appreciation Week:
Teachers, I hope you have had a great week in honor of you!  We have some of the greatest educators in this building - people who give energy, compassion, support, and time to every one of our learners.  Thank you for all that you do! 

Below is a quick video that the Apple Valley-Eagan-Rosemount District made for some teachers in the District.  Teachers thought they were shooting a teacher recruitment video - instead, teachers were recognized by students.  Well worth the watch!

And, one more huge congratulations to two of our Teacher of the Year Nominees - Jen Koziolek and Michelle Simon!  We are so proud of you and the work you do!  Keep being #mckinleystrong! 

Energy & Engagement - Do You Have It?
I recently came across an article around energy and engagement in a classroom - and how a teacher's level of this "sets the tone" for the rest of the energy and engagement in the classroom.  With our theme around "Finish Strong!", I thought this would be a great article to share.  Please read and take some reflection time - what is your level of energy and engagement and can your students feel this?

Before School Assessment Dates (19-20):
Mark your calendars for the Before School Assessment Dates (below) for next year:

Thursday, August 29 (7:40-2:50)
Tuesday, September 3 (11:40-7:00)
Wednesday, September 4 (7:40-2:50)

Teachers:  Kindergarten Teachers work 8/29 and 9/3.   Grades 1-5 Teachers work all three days.
EA's work all three days.
Paras work 9/3 and 9/4

There is a STEAM Camp being offered to all incoming 6th graders (current 5th) on August 5-8.  There is more information coming on the camp.  There is a paid "Camp Leader" position available on the District's website if you are interested in helping plan and host this event.  If you have questions, contact Michelle Krell.

Summer Maintenance Request:
If you have work that you would like done in your classroom/room/work area this summer, please fill out the request form.  Due to the number of projects, it is not guaranteed that the work will be completed.  But, fill out any requests you have.  Thank you!

A Couple Notes from Libby:
Fastbridge TestingThank you to everyone for your support with getting our students assessed with the retired teacher team!  The day went smoothly!  If you had absent students, I plan to stop by and assess them early next week.  

aReading and aMathPlease remember to grab the headphones/mice for your scheduled times when you pick up the carts.  Also, students do not log into streams, but rather choose that app at the bottom for Fastbridge.  Ask EA's to complete any make ups in the regular time that you have EA's.  If you have any difficulty scheduling this, please let me know as soon as possible.

Reading Records:The Reading Leadership Team requested that we save the Feb/Mar Benchmark Assessment (F&P) forms for each student (K-4), as well as a current level reading record (K-3) to pass along to the next year's teacher.  Please remember to save these.

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

Have a great weekend!

Friday, May 3, 2019

Weekly Update - Friday, May 3, 2019

Happy Friday, everyone!
Next Week is Teacher Appreciation Week & Nutrition Services Week.  Take some time to recognize yourself and your colleagues for all the service, compassion, and energy you give to our McKinley learners. 

Last Day of Support Services:
Our last day for support services (EL, tier 2 & 3) and Power 20 will be Friday, May 31.

Summer Programming at McKinley:
Our building will be used again this summer for a few programs - Minds at Work, K-Kamp, ESY, Migrant, and summer lunch program.  Please make sure your classroom/area is closed up and all items are put away.  If there are items you are worried about getting ruined, you will want to consider bringing it home.  I believe every room will be used this summer. 

If you have questions about this, please let me know! 

Ramadan is approaching for many of our Muslim families and students.  Please be aware of what this religious event is and how it may impact our learners/families during the month of May.  If you have questions, please let Nura know. 

Track Meet:
Our McKinley Track Meet is next Tuesday (with a rain date of Thursday).  Attached is the busing and lunch schedule for the day. 

Last year, we had a lot of complaints on students' behaviors in the stands. We are assigning more staff to monitoring student behavior when they are watching - this is really for those participating, not watching. 

Please remind your students that the same expectations apply at the track meet as they do at school.  Last year's behavior included running in stands, throwing garbage, swearing, and just overall disrespect to those who are watching the event.  If this behavior does come up, students may miss out on some end of the year activities.  Also, if you monitor this behavior and feel it warrants an "office referral", please find me on the field.  They can sit with me for a while.

Spring Concert:
What a magical spring concert last night!  A huge congratulations to our Orchestra, Choir, 1st, & 2nd Graders for their performance at OHS.  And, a huge congrats and thank you to Mrs. Moon, Mrs. Andreen, & Mrs. Revier for their hard work and talent last night.  Nice work! 

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

Have a great weekend, everyone!

October 4 Update

Happy Homecoming! Another great week at McKinley!    Toot Your Horn Thursday: This week's Toot Your Horn Thursday Winner is Brenda Hager...