Friday, May 28, 2021

May 28 Update

Happy May 28th!  
Another great week of learning at McKinley! 

A couple random updates:
  • Report cards go home next Wednesday.  Please make a note so you remember to send them home that day! 
  • OHS Seniors visit McKinley on Wednesday at 9:10.  Please be outside (around the drop off/pick up lane) and ready for 9:10.  If there is rain, we will move inside.  
  • Superintendent Elstad is doing an all-staff drawing on Thursday morning at 7:45am.   The link will be shared as we get closer.
  • Staff Breakfast - reserve the date!  We will meet on Monday, June 7 at 7:45am in the gym.
Drive Through:
Our End of the Year Drive Through is next Thursday, June 3 from 6-7pm in the drop off/pick up lane at McKinley.  This is a time to wave, cheer, and have closure to the school year.  We will start letting families into the lane at 6:00pm.  If you have signs you want to make, feel free!  This was fun to see last year.  This was a highlight for many of us last year - hoping for another great drive through! 

5th Grade Graduation:
Wednesday, June 2 is our 5th Grade Graduation.  This is virtual - and always a highlight for all of our K-5 students.  Please plan on watching from your classroom at 1:00 on Wednesday.  The link is here (and in the building calendar) -

Summer Reading:
Don't forget about the books we will use next year - Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man (all staff) and Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain (teaching staff).  I know summers are often a time to enjoy reading (more than the craziness of the school year), so I wanted you to have the books earlier.  A great way to get a jump start on reading!  

Closing Up the Year:
As we close out the year, please see the below checklist to help guide this process.   Please know that I am only sharing this early, as there are items that may require you to do some planning.  We still have 9 days left of school - if students see things being closed up (or boxed up), they will start to close their year up, too.  

End of Year Teacher Checklist

Please give your completed checklist to Steph or Justin on June 7.  Thank you!

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a great Memorial Day Weekend!  Here's to summer!

Friday, May 21, 2021

May 21 Update

Happy Friday, McKinley!

I know we are tired.  It's been quite a year and we are ready for some summer relaxation and rejuvenation.  I completely get it.  We do need to keep "in check" these last two weeks.  You and your emotions control the space you are in.  Don't forget this.  Check your mindset and emotions every day.  Check where your energy is going - are you gaining it or draining it? 

Also, please remember that some students are not excited about school ending.   We are their only safety, security, and predictability.   We may need to re-teach many times over these last weeks, rather than respond and refer to the office.  

Stay positive (write a Positive Office Referral!) and in control of yourself.  Choose your energy wisely. 

Let's do this - let's finish strong.  

May 27 - National Sunscreen Day
Don't forget that next Thursday is a fun dress up day! Are you ready for shorts, sandals, and sunglasses?  Get your wardrobe ready and get your (work appropriate) summer gear on.  Prizes will be given to the most festive person. 

8 Epic Ways to End the School Year:

We are running shorter and shorter on people as each day goes on. Please work hard to be here and close the year out with our students. I know, there are emergencies and illnesses, that require you to be away. However, please be aware of the sub shortage as you take time off. Each day, we barely get by with covering.

Sharing Instructional Level Information
Please pass along the BAS paper copy from March and the most recent reading record to the next grade level.  

Additionally, please enter in the instructional level of each student for the end of the year into Infinite Campus by Tuesday, June 1st.  You do not need to reassess students unless you are unsure of where they are currently.  Here are the directions for entering these into Infinite Campus.  

Last Day of Interventions:
Just a reminder that next Friday, May 28 is our last day for formal interventions (Tier 2/3 and EA interventions). That next week, our EA's will be supporting classrooms and assembling our end of the year/summer kits.

Teaching and Learning Summer Work:
Reserve the June dates for some summer work around literacy and Fountas and Pinnell. This is a great time to learn and develop our curriculum even more. Ann Mikkalson has sent out invites.

Building Weekly Newsletter:

It's going to be a warm one this weekend.  Stay cool - but find something to do for YOU!

Friday, May 14, 2021

May 14 Update

Happy Friday, McKinley!
I think the picture says it all.... haha!
In all honesty, just a reminder to finish strong.   Our students only get their school year once - and many will be sad to see you (and their safe place) go away on June 4.  Let's remember to finish strong and stay focused on our scholars....

Teacher of the Year:
A huge congratulations to our 2021 Teacher of the Year, Mark Langlois.  Mark is a student-focused educator who is an expert at building community and making learning engaging.  Mark is also a wonderful colleague and leader at McKinley.  We are proud of you, Mark!  

Class Placements -
We are in the process of working on the 21-22 class placements.  We had Kindergarten (to 1st grade) placements this week and learned one thing - we need placement cards.  Please come to the meeting with a card/post it note for each student.  This will help when we begin grouping students.  

Summer Building Work & Requests:
This summer, we have some work being done on the HVAC system in the existing building.  This work will occur near the door into the gym (south side) - therefore, you should not need to do anything special in your classroom.   Please remember to be cleaning your room up to be cleaned - things put away and nothing left out.  If you have questions about your space, please let me know.

If you have work that needs to be completed (painting or other maintenance work), please complete the below survey before June 7:  Click here to access the summer work form request (we can't honor everything will be done) 

Wilson Support:
Starting Monday, I will be helping support Wilson School as we close out the school year.  Please know that nothing changes here at McKinley because of this.  If you need me, you can still connect with me (or email me).  If you have discipline needs, please reach out to Steph or Selena.  We have Ann Mikkalson (Teaching and Learning Coordinator) and Justin Lang to assist.  This WILL be a great ending to a crazy year!  

Just a couple of end of the year reminders:
  • Senior Walkthrough is June 2 at 9:10.  We will be outside in the drop off/pick up lane and they will walk through (if it rains, we will move inside).  
  • 5th Grade Graduation (virtual) is Wednesday, June 2 at 1:00pm.  Please plan on watching from your classroom to support our learners. 
  • End of the Year Drive Through is Thursday, June 3 from 6-7pm.  If you are available, please join us.  This was a hit last year - many families (and staff!) felt like this was a great way to end the year.
  • End of Year Activities (June 4) - a team is working on these activities and will share what our last day activities will look like.  

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a great, relaxing weekend!

Friday, May 7, 2021

May 7 Update

Happy Friday, McKinley!
I hope you had a great week and felt the appreciation from all.  Each of you have the role of an educator - there is no role that is greater than this.  Please know that your time, energy, and passion does not go unnoticed.  You are amazing!   

Please take some time today - or this weekend - to watch the video below.  It's well worth the watch!  

Happy Mothers's Day:
Happy Mother's Day to all the present and future mother's in the building!  You wear many "hats" during our day - teacher, wife, friend, mother.   I am always in admiration of the way you balance this - all while staying focused on others.  

Take some time this weekend to focus on YOU and enjoy those around you.  

May 11 - National “Eat What YOU Want To” Day!
Just a reminder of an event next week!
Today’s the day to forget about the scale and getting into those summer clothes!  We will have El Ray Del Taco food truck here over the lunch hour.  You will need to place your orders (that day) with the food truck as there are so many options for meals and/or toppings.

Staffing Update:
Kathy Feltes has shared that she will be resigning at the end of this school year.  She and Todd will be moving to Dubuque, Iowa, as Todd will be changing positions.  We will greatly miss Kathy, her humor, and energy... but wish the Feltes' family the best of luck as they head to Iowa!  

Intervention End Date:
Interventions will end on Friday, May 28 for all of our scholars.  

Just a reminder that EID is next Thursday and Friday.  We will have many of our scholars not at school, as they will be celebrating with their family and friends.  

We will be having some community members on our north soccer field during EID.   The group will be be there from 6-10am, as the mosque is under construction.  

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a great weekend, everyone!

October 4 Update

Happy Homecoming! Another great week at McKinley!    Toot Your Horn Thursday: This week's Toot Your Horn Thursday Winner is Brenda Hager...