Friday, September 30, 2022

September 30 Update

Happy Homecoming, McKinley!
I'm excited to have a fun day, today.  Just a reminder - 

10:30 Teddy Bear Parade (see Jen S's email about the parade route)

Picnic Lunches Outside  (join your kids, if interested):  
10:50-11:20 Kindergarten
11:00-11:30 1st Grade & 2nd Grade & E1
11:10-11:40 3rd Grade
11:25-11:55 4th & 5th Grade & E2

12:25 Dismissal for the parade (1:30 parade)

This (below) made me laugh... very relatable to many!    

Child Collaboration Team (CCT) Referral Process:

Goal of CCT:   

To provide interventions, strategies, and approaches for the teacher to impact student learning.  CCT is open to any teacher seeking to support student needs ranging from but not limited to –  academic concerns, behavior concerns, social-emotional concerns, or students needing enrichment with core instruction.

Team members:

  • Principal

  • School Social Worker

  • Special Education Representative

  • Teaching and Learning Coach

  • Classroom Teacher(s)

  • Support Teacher(s), if applicable

  • School Psychologist

Meeting Dates/Times:  

The team meets every Friday morning to discuss two students – 7:15 and 7:35am.  

If I have a student I am concerned about, what should I do?

  1. To start, collaborate with your team and the student’s previous teacher (if possible) regarding your concerns.   Can your team or former teacher provide any strategies for the student to be successful?

  2. Contact the family regarding your concerns, if not already done so.  Gather any additional information from family that might be helpful to understand the student's "story".

  3. Complete Google Form - “Child Collaboration Team Referral”: If you need support completing this form, please connect with Katie Demmer, Sami Nelson, or Annette Warner.  

  4. Please know that this process can be lengthy, so it's better to start sooner rather than waiting.  A list is started – Team determines the order based on immediate needs.  

  5. Katie Demmer or Sami Nelson will schedule your CCT meeting. You will receive a calendar invite.

  6. When you arrive at the meeting, please be ready to update the team if any concerns have changed since the initial request.  

  7. At the meeting, we will discuss the student and provide interventions/strategies to try.   

  8. At the end of the meeting, the team will determine if we need to revisit the student (and a timeline for this).  

Please remember, this is NOT the “gatekeeper” for Special Education.  

A large percentage of our students are successful after meeting with this team and do 

not require an evaluation.

Carry the Banner:
Don't forget, get on social media and share the work you and your students are doing!  It's time for us to carry that banner and tell our story!  I challenge you all, get on Twitter!  

School Custodian Day - Monday!
This Monday is School Custodian Day!  If you get time, let's get some positive notes, messages, and thank you's to Wayne, Marcus, and Darla for all their hard work in helping keep McKinley clean and operational!  

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

Have a great Homecoming Friday and weekend!


Friday, September 23, 2022

September 23 Update

Happy Fall!  

Please, please, please... Take the 1min, 47 seconds to watch the below video.  

I understand, we are all feeling that overwhelmed feeling- the honeymoon is over.  Please remember - perspective.  Our minds are amazing things.  I keep telling myself, even on those busy days, we are chosen to help.... love..... fix... influence.   This is not "something I HAVE to do" or "something I'm STUCK with".  Instead, I was chosen.  Chosen to help learn, influence, solve, and love this situation.  

Our perspective...
Keep the hope. 

New Technology Specialist:
Welcome to Cameron Murad, who is joining our team as a Technology Specialist!  Cameron will service both McKinley and Washington.  Starting today, please refer all technology tickets to Cameron.  

A huge welcome to Cameron!  Also, thank you to Ian for supporting our team over the last month!  

Homecoming Early Release - 9/30:
We have our Homecoming Early Release on Friday, September 30.  Students will be released from elementary at 12:25pm.  Below is a tentative plan for the day:

10:30 Teddy Bear Parade (1st Grade) - route will be shared as we get closer

Picnic Lunches will be over the lunch hour.  Families are invited to join.  All families must check into the office and, if they take their child early (which is ok!), they need to check them out of the office, too.  

10:50-11:20 Kindergarten
11:00-11:30 1st Grade & 2nd Grade & E1
11:10-11:40 3rd Grade
11:25-11:55 4th & 5th Grade & E2

Lockdown Scenario - today:
Just a reminder of our lockdown practice today.  Below is the email that was sent out Tuesday - 

As we practice lockdowns, I will send out a scenario for the lockdown drill.  The reason for this is so you can process through the scenario and your response, but also so students do not hear/know of the details.  Please remember - this email and information is for our staff only.  NO STUDENTS should know.  

Scenario - 

You are in the middle of working with students when an announcement comes over the loudspeaker  - 

“Staff and Students, at this time we have an external threat of someone trying to gain entry into the building.  Please move to a safe spot away from all windows and doors”.

What would you do?

What would you do if you were outside for recess?  Outdoor learning?  Dismissal?

Please remember -

Send an all staff email to indicate you are safe and if you are missing/have extra students. 

If you want to brainstorm together around your plan or response, I’d be glad to.  Please let me know!

Carry the Banner!
Don't forget - our story needs to be told!  If you haven't Tweeted yet, today is your day!  Share the learning, relationships, and excitement happening in your classroom! 

Social Committee Information:
Our wonderful Social Committee has created a slideshow to explain Social Committee - take some time to check it out!   It's also located in the Virtual Office!  

Buddy Classrooms:
I have added a new document to the Virtual Office - buddy classrooms.  We moved away from this due to COVID - however, staff and student feedback wanted it back.  More to come!  

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a great weekend!

Friday, September 16, 2022

September 16 Update

Happy Friday, McKinley!
What a great reminder for us all.  I know there is a sense of frustration and feeling like we aren't making progress toward academics and "school".   Take some time to think through those positives -because they are there!   It's the 11th day of school - we are making progress.  Keep telling yourself this - we ARE making progress!  

Responding to Behaviors - Building Approach:
Please remember, our students go into crisis when they are frustrated and trying to communicate.  When this happens, respect and confidentiality are essential.  If you are not a part of the plan, or are part of this students' team, you should not be asking questions or gaining information.  There is that line between needing to know for educational reasons and gossiping.  

BAS & Guided Reading:
Don't forget, reading benchmarks need to be completed & entered by next Wednesday, September 21. If you have this data, don't forget that guided groups can get started early.  

Data & Responding Collaboration Meetings - next week!
Teams will meet next week to look through data and create an action plan for learners.  

September 19 PLC - (email was sent 9/13)- 
For next week's PLC (September 19), you and your team will be meeting to discuss student data and begin working through the process for our Data & Responding Subouts (see below - invites were sent). 

This week (prior to the 9/19 PLC), please complete the Thinking About the Kids in My Classroom Document  about your class.  

On September 19 PLC, we will begin together in the Learning Studio (2:35-2:50) to go through literacy progression and background.  From 2:50-3:35, you and your team will use data cards AND begin determining needs for core and intervention purposes.  Please remember to engage your co-teachers in this process, too.  

Team Collaboration
The team (classroom, EL, intervention, Special Education, Coach, etc) will meet during the below times in the Conference Room.  At this meeting, we will finalize the work around core instruction and interventions.  Please come with your data cards (look through and begin preliminary work) and "Thinking About My Kids" sheet completed.  

September 20, 2022

September 21, 2022

September 22, 2022


1st Grade

*note change



*note change


2nd Grade


3rd Grade 


4th Grade


5th Grade

Carry The Banner!
Look at all the fun, exciting learning and relationships happening at McKinley this week!  Keep carrying our banner and showing the world how amazing McKinley is!  

Homecoming Early Release - 9/30:
We have our Homecoming Early Release on Friday, September 30.  Students will be released from elementary at 12:25pm.  Below is a tentative plan for the day:

10:30 Teddy Bear Parade (1st Grade) - route will be shared as we get closer

Picnic Lunches will be over the lunch hour.  Families are invited to join.  All families must check into the office and, if they take their child early (which is ok!), they need to check them out of the office, too.  

10:50-11:20 1st Grade 
11:00-11:30 Kindergarten & 2nd Grade & E1
11:10-11:40 3rd Grade
11:25-11:55 4th & 5th Grade & E2

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

Have a great weekend!

Friday, September 9, 2022

September 9 Update

Happy Friday! 
We made it through a 5 day rotation - woo hoo!  This is always a little stressor for me, making sure that the master schedule works out!  

A few random reminders: 
  • Don't forget.... Vikings or Packers gear on Monday!  Let's cheer on the purple this Sunday!
  • Staff Power Hour - our first ALL Staff Power Hour is this Monday, September 12 from 2:40-3:20pm in the Learning Studio.  We do need you all in attendance - see me with any conflicts.  The agenda was shared in the calendar invite.
  • Just a reminder, your "welcome back to do list" is due today.  Please get those items taken care of ASAP and get me your Promise Statements (this is all staff).  
September Newsletter:
Linked is the September Family Newsletter link.   Please remember, if you have items to add to this, please get them to Selena.  Please note - she works on this newsletter about a month before it comes out! 

Paraprofessional Update:
I am THRILLED to report that Grace Thurnau, former paraprofessional, will be returning to McKinley in a temporary role as a paraprofessional.  Grace will be starting this Monday.   

A huge, huge shoutout to our Special Education Team for making this work so far.  Our teachers and paras have worked hard to make the start of this year a great one.  If you see them, please offer your appreciation! 

Lunch Changes:
Due to space and time issues, we need to alter the lunch schedule for a few grade levels (Kdg, 2nd, and 3rd), starting Monday.  The master schedule has been updated with these changes - please check it out! 

A huge thank you to our amazing EA team and Food Services for working through some changes and issues that have come up.  This team is working hard to make sure lunch is a positive, efficient time!  

Hispanic Heritage Month:
Happy National Hispanic Heritage Month!  Next Thursday, September 15 begins this month to honor and celebrate the Hispanic culture.  Below is a 3 minute video that explains this month - please take the 3 minutes and watch!   

Carrying that Banner!
Don't forget to be utilizing Twitter  - what a great way to carry that McKinley & ISD 761 "banner" and share the amazing things you are doing every single day!  

Have a great weekend! 

Thursday, September 1, 2022

September 1 Update

Happy First Week, McKinley!
It was great having families in the building, as well as the two days of students.  The first days of school always create new, unexpected events.  I appreciate your continued flexibility in handling these things as we create routines and relationships!  

Welcome Back To Do List:
Please don't forget to check the "to do list" to get everything turned in and completed!  

*Also, please get me a picture from when you were in elementary school!  

22-23 Theme and Graphic:
Our theme for the school year - "Yes You Can!"  Thank you to everyone who voted.  Below was the graphics with the most votes.  We have ordered signage for your classroom, as well as hallways (with this graphic).  More to come on t-shirts! 

Walkie Talkies & Outdoor Stuff:
Please remember - any time you take your classroom outside, you should stop in the office to get a walkie talkie (also - please let the office know when you go outside for anything other than your recess times). We use channel 4 for all McKinley communication.  This is critical, as Steph or Selena will not be able to relay any messages to you without the walkie.  

Infinitec Trainings:
These trainings are due October 28, 2022 - please get them completed!  

Completing the required online training modules through Infinitec, please click on this link Infinitec Instructions (2022) and follow the instructions. You will need to use your Google account to access the modules. The training modules you need to complete are the following:   

a.       Anti-Harassment Training

b.       Bullying Basics

c.       Mandated Reporting

d.       FERPA- Understanding Student Confidentiality


Once you have viewed each video, you must take the quiz and receive a score of 80% or higher, otherwise you will need to re-watch the video until you achieve 80%.  DO NOT print out the certificate.  We will pull reports from the system and provide the results to the appropriate administrators and committees.  The training needs to be completed by October 28, 2022.

If you have any issues, please contact your building Technology Integration Specialist, thank you!

Special Education Paraprofessional:
We are looking to hire one Special Education Paraprofessional to join us.  Please share with those you believe would be make a great addition to our team!  

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a great Labor Day - enjoy the four day weekend!

October 4 Update

Happy Homecoming! Another great week at McKinley!    Toot Your Horn Thursday: This week's Toot Your Horn Thursday Winner is Brenda Hager...