Wednesday, December 21, 2022

December 20 Update

Happy Winter Break, McKinley!
I hope you find some time this week to relax, rejuvenate, and enjoy your loved ones!  It will be amazing not having an alarm clock for a few days!  Please take some time this week to engage in the following BINGO board....

Burgers, Books, and Belonging Family Night:
Mark your calendars - and come enjoy a burger at McKinley!  Please RSVP  if you plan on attending!  

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a great winter break! 

Friday, December 16, 2022

December 16 Update

Happy Friday, McKinley!

Transition Day - January 3:
A huge thank you to the 2nd Grade Team for planning our January 3 Transition Day!  Please encourage kids to wear their "Yes, You Can!" shirts!  Remember, these transition days are in place to help regulate students, re-establish routines, and rebuild relationships!  It's going to be a great day!  

Guests & Sub Notes:
Please remember to send your sub notes to Steph, also.  Steph prints this and is ready to greet the sub when they come in for the day.   We are hoping to continue to provide this support (and welcoming) to subs so they continue to help us out.  Also, please remember to check in on these guests during the day- how they are doing, if they need help, and inviting them to join you at lunch.  We want these guests to feel a part of our team. 

Have a GREAT weekend!

Friday, December 9, 2022

December 9 Update

Happy Friday, McKinley!

December/January Family Newsletter:

Evans Food Truck:
How awesome was it to have Evan's here on Wednesday?  What a great opportunity!  
Things like that are 100% organized by Steph.  She contacts Evan's, takes pre-orders, and overall makes this happen.  A huge thank you to Steph for this!  If you get time today, don't forget to thank her for making these fun things happen at McKinley! 

Staff Breakfast Bums:
This is an invite to all staff - Wednesday, December 14 is Breakfast Bums Day!
Wear comfy clothes to work!  And, join us for a breakfast in the library from 7:15-7:45am (bagels, sausage links, donut holes, and juice).  Get comfy, come eat, and enjoy some time with your colleagues! 

Carry the Banner:
I am continually amazed at the cool things happening every single day.  Thank you for continuing to carry that banner - through social media, interactions with community, and all the ways you interact with families.  

Vision Card:
Linked is our 22-23 Vision Card for McKinley.  This document contains our building goals and action steps for the year.  Please take some time to review the goals and action steps, as we are all owners of this shared vision.   As we move into January, our leadership teams will be checking in and assessing where we are at.  

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a great weekend!

Friday, December 2, 2022

December 2 Update

Can you believe it's already December!?  
I love this time of year - other than the cold weather!  

Those Little Impact Moments:
Your impact matters.  When I hear that statement, my mind immediately goes to those "movie moments" where someone saves someone's life or becomes a hero of an event or a game.  Those are big impact moments.  Those matter.  And, hopefully we get to experience those big impact moments in our lives.  

But, what about all the other moments we live?  What about the days or weeks we don't see those big impact moments? You each wear many hats - educator, mother, father, sister, brother, friend, etc.  In those roles, we often get "too comfortable" and don't see those little impact moments.  These moments are the times that you made someone feel valued by listening to them or when you give a stranger a smile and a wave.  Or, those times you laugh at someone's joke or thank them for a small act of kindness.   The world is filled with those little impact moments.  Those, to me, are some of the most important impact moments.  And, those are often the moments that we forget to reflect and appreciate on.  Those little impact moments remind me of the clouds in the sky.   They are there, they make a difference, and are often only noticed when it's a good time (sunny out) or a bad time (bad weather approaching).  Those clouds, or little impact moments, can be appreciated every day.  

In my role, I am blessed to see each of you in your "element" at school.  I get to see the way you interact, the way kids are growing and are loved under your care, and just your overall approach at McKinley.  Each of you has an impact in what you do - even on your best or worst days.  

I challenge you to take some time in December to look for those little impact moments - in you, as well as others.  Those moments are like clouds - there, important, and something to be noticed.   You have impact.  

Carry the Banner:
As Jimmy Casas reminds us, how are you carrying our McKinley banner?  What are you doing to share, show, or explain the amazing people, things, and learning that happens at McKinley?  Don't forget, we carry this banner in every interaction we have.  This is one of the things I love the most about McKinley - the unwavering commitment and love for our school.   How will you carry the banner in December?

Being Responsive - Student Perspective:
Our overarching theme this year is being responsive - to each other, students, families, and the community.  In thinking about our work with kids, we often have students share their thinking during instruction - often through an exit slip.   Exit slips, or formative assessments, give the teacher some knowledge into a student's level of mastery on the learning.  
Taking that exit slip to the next level, teachers can look at content (if a student understands the concept) and the student's thinking in where they are at in the learning process.  The above picture shows a teacher having students place their exit slips into one of the four bins.   In doing this, a teacher can see where students see themselves in the learning process.  Someone who does not understand the concept, but sees themselves in the "I'm a Pro!" section may be disconnected with what is being expected in the learning.  Someone who understands the concept but puts their exit slip in the "I'm just learning" may need more of a self-esteem connection.  What a great way to combine student's learning of a content AND where their perspective in the learning.  This is another tool to help us be even more responsive to student's academic and emotional needs.  

Talk Read, Talk Write:
One of our action steps connected to our 21st Century Learning goal is to have all students engage in at least 2 Talk Read Talk Write structures this school year. This week we held a mini-PD on the Talk Read Talk Write routine.  If you were unable to attend or want a copy of the resources, here is the slideshow and article we read:

Talk Read Talk Write Handout - Pages 1-2 are a quick overview of the structure.  Pages 3-4 are the introduction to the book.  Page 5 is a planning template.

Please connect with Katie Demmer if you would like support co-planning or co-teaching a Talk Read Talk Write lesson.  She'd also like to hear about some ways you are implementing this into your classroom!  

MLK Day Professional Learning:
Don't forget, registration closes on Tuesday, December 13 for certified staff! Please go in and sign up! 

Registration closes Tuesday, December 13 for Certified Staff 

What is the basic structure of the day?

7:10-7:35         Coffee & light grab-n-go breakfast

7:40-8:10         Welcome  - Superintendent Elstad 

8:20-9:20         Professional Learning Session 1

9:30-10:30       Professional Learning Session 2

10:40-11:40     Professional Learning Session 3

11:40-12:40     Lunch (on your own)

12:40-3:00       Meet at McKinley

Session Brochure

How do I register for Professional Learning Sessions?

All sessions are in PD Express.  Each option includes a course description, intended audience, and presenter information.   Please choose sessions that best fit your professional goals and needs. 

  • All staff should register for at least one Equity session in honor of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. This supports our commitment to providing an equitable education for all learners. 
  • Extended sessions are intended for specific audiences. 
  • There are several recorded sessions identified with a camera icon. Please open the link to view all options.

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a GREAT weekend!

October 4 Update

Happy Homecoming! Another great week at McKinley!    Toot Your Horn Thursday: This week's Toot Your Horn Thursday Winner is Brenda Hager...