Friday, May 26, 2023

May 26 Update

Good morning!
Last blog for the 22-23 school year!  I will update this a few times over the summer to keep you in the loop.  

Can you believe it - one week left of school!  Let's make this last week a fun and memorable week focused on relationships!  

Staffing Update:
Just an overall staffing update, as it's been a few weeks since I've shared.  Below are new staff to McKinley next year:
  • Jodie DeKam Valentine - 2nd Grade (2A)
  • Amy Staloch - 4th Grade (4B)
  • Kate Sailors - 4th Grade (4D)
  • Katy Montgomery - Special Education Case Manager
  • Erin Kruger - Behavioral Interventionist (BI)
  • Xandra Stowman - K-5 Art
  • New Counselor - we are interviewing some great candidates on Friday
Sadly, at the end of this year, we will be saying goodbye to Jesus Santiago, Julie Bauer, Abby Leemkuil, Mara Schack, Amy Wencl, Danielle Nystrom & Madi Ferris.  We wish them well!  

End of Year Checklist:
Below is the End of Year Checklist to help you close out the school year.  Please turn in your copy to Steph when you are complete (please note - we still have 6 days of school left, so please hold on completing some of these items until late next week).   

Teacher Checklist

Just a reminder- summer programming is at McKinley, so classrooms/offices/spaces need to be cleaned and ready for programming.  

Please let Steph or myself know if you have questions.

Student Showcase Next Week:
Just a reminder - next Wednesday is our all school Student Showcase.  This event has taken the place of a traditional awards ceremony and is meant to honor all students, celebrating the growth and gifts from the school year.    A few things -
  • Doors will not open until 1:30; families will be asked to wait outside.  
  • Anyone visiting needs an ID/Driver's License.  
  • This is an open house format - families will come and go between 1:30-2pm. 
  • Please have families check their child out in Office if they are taking their child at 2pm.  

7 Splendid End of Year Send Offs:
Below are some fun ways to end the school year rom Edutopia (it's geared toward K-12, but could be modified) - 

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a great Memorial Day Weekend!  

Friday, May 19, 2023

May 19 Update

Happy Friday, McKinley!
Another great week of learning at McKinley!  

I know this week, as well as the next two weeks, could be long.  I can tell our level of frustration is high. Please keep telling yourself - 9 more days.  We can either make those 9 days tough and rough, or enjoy the little moments and go out with a positive ending.  It's important, with these last few days, to remember that it may not be perfect.  Kids may not be perfect.  Behaviors may not be perfect.  Heck, we may not even be perfect.  The transition to summer, change in routines, field trips, etc. all can dysregulate students (and staff).   Make sure you find joy in those little moments and remember - we can do this.  

Summer Work Requests:
If you have any summer work you are requesting, please complete the form by Friday, June 2.  This includes needing paint touched up, fixing something, etc.   Please check your common spaces, conference rooms, and any open rooms too.  

End of Year Management - PLEASE READ:
As we know, the end of the year can be difficult for many.  This week, many of our students were dysregulated.  To be honest, I think we had adults, including myself, having times of this too.   

As we move into the end of the year, please remember a few things - 
  1. Routines are still critical.  You may end up doing something different during your "math time", but keeping the schedule and routines is critical.
  1. Smile - laugh - show love.  Now, more than ever, we need to show (with our body language and words) that we are still excited for school.
  1. Explicit SEL Skills Should Still Happen -   Continue to teach, reinforce, and support SEL skills.  We often think of this at the beginning of the year - it's need now, too.
  1. Recognize Positive - Continue to point out, recognize, and reward positive behavior.  Let's celebrate things going well, even if they seem little or seem to be a behavior that we have regressed in (that now the student is making slight improvements).   
  1. Get Outside - remember what nature and fresh air do to a brain- get outside!  
Below are two resources with lots of ideas to use tomorrow in your classroom/work area - 
End of Year Podcast (if you look below, you can see actual times they discuss the topics if you don't want to listen to it all)

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

Have a GREAT weekend!

Friday, May 12, 2023

May 12 Update

Happy Educator Week!
I hope you felt the love this week and shared your gratitude for each other, too.  When you think about it, we are very blessed to have such an amazing team at McKinley.  Thank you to everyone for the gifts you bring to our building every day.  

Update on Staffing:
A couple updates in staffing - 
  • Paige Larson will be moving to 1st grade (previously it was 2nd).   Paige will be moving into 1B.  With Amy Wencl taking a leave, this created a spot to connect Kindergarten and 1st Grade.  
  • Jodie DeKam Valentine will be moving to 2nd Grade (coming from Lincoln).  Jodie will be moving into the MakerSpace in room 2A.  Jodie started her career at McKinley and has been at both Washington (4th grade) and Lincoln (4th Gr, 1st/2nd Gr Looping).
  • Katy Montgomery will be our new K-5 Special Education Case Manager.  Katy is coming from Waseca (previously Farmington) and has a strong background in behaviors and setting III.  
  • Erin Kruger will be our new K-5 Behavioral Interventionist (BI).  Erin is currently a BI at Lincoln and is fabulous!  She will greatly help us establish this role next year.

End of Year Management - PLEASE READ:
As we know, the end of the year can be difficult for many.  This week, many of our students were dysregulated.  To be honest, I think we had adults, including myself, having times of this too.   

As we move into the end of the year, please remember a few things - 
  1. Routines are still critical.  You may end up doing something different during your "math time", but keeping the schedule and routines is critical.
  2. Smile - laugh - show love.  Now, more than ever, we need to show (with our body language and words) that we are still excited for school.
  3. Explicit SEL Skills Should Still Happen -   Continue to teach, reinforce, and support SEL skills.  We often think of this at the beginning of the year - it's need now, too.
  4. Recognize Positive - Continue to point out, recognize, and reward positive behavior.  Let's celebrate things going well, even if they seem little or seem to be a behavior that we have regressed in (that now the student is making slight improvements).   
  5. Get Outside - remember what nature and fresh air do to a brain- get outside!  
Below are two resources with lots of ideas to use tomorrow in your classroom/work area - 
End of Year Podcast (if you look below, you can see actual times they discuss the topics if you don't want to listen to it all)

Building Weekly Newsletter:


Friday, May 5, 2023

May 5 Update

Happy Friday, McKinley!
Another great week!  We hope you all had a great trip the Movie Theater.  If you get time, send our PTO an email to thank them for sponsoring this event!  

Reminders for Next Week:

Time of Year:
Just a reminder - this time of year is hard.  With only 4 weeks left, emotions are high.    Some are excited, some are fearful, some are anxious.   This time of year will require more redirections, reteaching, and just overall care.  Please remember this as we finish the year - we may need more care, support, and grace for all. 

Have a GREAT weekend!

October 4 Update

Happy Homecoming! Another great week at McKinley!    Toot Your Horn Thursday: This week's Toot Your Horn Thursday Winner is Brenda Hager...