Monday, August 12, 2024

August Update

Happy August, McKinley!

T-Shirt Order:
We are working with Oak Glenn to get an order form for t-shirts - more to come!  

Literacy Learning Work - 
Starting this year, the READ Act was put into legislature to have all elementary teachers trained in literacy.  As much as I don't love mandates, I am excited and feel this learning is critical in the work we do.  Just as a medical provider stays current with research and practices, it's important we do, too.

This month, you will be picking up your materials for our work with CORE literacy.  There is more coming on this.  In order to streamline our learning, all of Staff Power Hours & PLC work will be aligned to literacy and your learning.  I'm excited to have our focus and time to support it.

This spring, I, along with my colleagues and coaches, did a crash course in CORE to be your facilitators.  I will tell you - I have always been a nerd about literacy.  I went into this training thinking my way is THE way when it comes to literacy instruction.  I was wrong.  I found myself processing, reflecting, and just in overall thought around reading.  I hope, with an open mind, you find yourself in the same spot.

I am sharing a quote that is resonating with me as we enter into this work - "When you know better, do better."   This really hits me when I think of literacy instruction.  We provide reading instruction every single day - from what we know about teaching reading.  However, as we gain information this year, I believe you will start to reflect, question, and change some of your practices.  This is a good thing!  When you are a learner, you do this.  And this is the real work - which will change students' trajectory in life (there is research to support that what a child's life looks like if they struggle with reading).  I would ask you to enter this work with an open mind and continuously tell yourself - "when you know better, you do better."  It's perfectly okay to learn, grow, and change what we are doing!  When we know better, we do better.   

I am excited to dive into this learning work and ultimately impact student learning.  

Staffing Update:
A couple more updates - 
Selena Smith Flemming has resigned from her role as Assistant Secretary.  Selena is going to work in the Ag Industry in a full-time role.  She will be greatly missed in her role!  

Mary Stanchina has resigned her role as an EA.  Mary has been a great support to our Kindergarten and lunchroom and will be greatly missed!  

Student Council - 
Is anyone interested in serving as the Student Council Advisor (or sharing it as co-advisors)?  The role helps lead our students leadership team to creating events and activities for our building.  Please let me know if you are interested!  

McKinleyStrong Matrix:
As you know, we have revamped our work around the common expectations at McKinley School.  Linked is the PDF of our new matrix - the overall matrix, as well as each of the zones.   We are ordering signs for each of the areas, including your classroom.  We will also be adding students pictures in these areas.  

Master Schedule - Update:
Please see the linked master schedule updates - recess times were added.  

Have a great Steele County Free Fair Week! 

October 4 Update

Happy Homecoming! Another great week at McKinley!    Toot Your Horn Thursday: This week's Toot Your Horn Thursday Winner is Brenda Hager...