Monday, July 27, 2015

Summer Update- July 27, 2015

Happy July, McKinley! 

I hope you finding some relaxation and rejuvenation in this beautiful weather we are experiencing!  Only a month left before we are back at it- take full advantage of the month!  With summer school ending this week, I'm hoping to get a few more trips in to the lake before September rolls around!

Just an update on our student population....we are getting more and more requests for McKinley (which is awesome!).

Kindergarten- 77 students
1st Grade- 102 students
2nd Grade- 99 students
3rd Grade- 91 students
4th Grade- 90 students
5th Grade- 91 students

As of today, we will have 550 McKinley Monkeys joining us on September 8th!  :)

Master Schedule:
Today, I sent out the 2015-2016 master schedule.  Creating this was quite the process!  With the addition of a 1st grade section, trying to provide a common prep time for grades 1-5, and only having gym space at certain times of the day... woah!  I appreciate everyone who has been extremely flexible.

Below is a link to the schedule.   We will talk through your Intervention Block, common prep, etc. when we meet in September. 

Click here to see the master schedule!

Staffing Update:
1E- Jen Schlauderhaff.  Jen is coming to us from Washington where she taught Kindergarten.  Before this, Jen spent time at Kids Korner and Wilson.  We are very fortunate to have Jen joining us.  She will be located in Justin Lang & Megan Cartwright's old classroom. 

1A Long-Term Substitute (September-December) for Sami will be Melanie Feldhake.  Melanie is coming with experience and energy from Northfield (I'm starting to wonder if we should have a staff bus coming from Northfield every day??).

ELL- We will be setting up interviews in the next few weeks for Becky Konz's position.

Kindergarten Long-Term Sub for Trisha:  We will be setting up interviews in late August.

Somali Liasion- I am still in the process of finding a liaison during Nura's maternity leave.  If you know of anyone, please send me their name. 

Special Education Para for Bobbi Shaver- I am working with Mark Krug on setting up interviews next week.  I hope to have a name soon!

Summer Learning:
This Wednesday, July 29th, will be our last Summer Learning.  A huge thank you to Denise Carlson and the other staff who have helped make this possible!  Each week, we average about 18-20 kids who join us in the McKinley library.  If you get a chance this week, stop by between 12:30-2pm (I won't be there this week as I am at a training). 

Breakthrough Coaching:
Lorri and I just spent some time at a Breakthrough Coaching training.  This training is helping Lorri and I think of ways to align our work in the office so I am able to be out in classrooms and the building for two full days a week.  If you aren't already, you are going to be sick of me!  We will talk more about this during Back to School Workshop!

Building Aesthetics:
If you have been in recently, you will notice some painting in the doorways of the building.  Amanda Gislason has been busy making our hallway colorful and filled with quotes.  I'm excited to see the final result.  Thanks for doing this, Amanda!

You will also notice some banners being installed in the hallway in the next few weeks.  The banners will also add some color, while reminding students who "we are" as a McKinley team.

One of our bulletin boards will be "When I was your age...".  The bulletin board will have pictures of each staff member when they were in elementary school.  So, consider this your month warning.. dust off the photo albums and find a fun picture of you when you were an elementary student! :)

I saw this on Facebook and had a chuckle to myself... SO TRUE!

I will be seeing you soon... enjoy your month of August! :)

Sunday, July 5, 2015

June-July Update!

Happy 4th of July, everyone!  I hope you enjoyed some time with your family and friends over the weekend.  Can you believe it's already the 4th of July???

Here are some updates from the last month:

Below is an update on staffing for next year:
K3: Courtney Hugstad-Vaa-Leer
2B: Catherine ("Catie") Stephani (recent grad at Winona State)
5A: Lauren Olson (recent grad at UND)
PE: Kyle Melcher (recent grad at Winona State)
Music: Jessica MacLeod (taught 2 years at St. Mary's School in Caledonia)
Literacy Coach: Libby Zeman

Unfortunately, I just received a note from Becky Konz that she will be resigning.  Becky has been accepted to a PhD program at the University of MN this fall.  She will be focusing on STEM.  I'm excited for Becky's next adventure, but sad we will be losing her. 

Building Cleaning & Projects
Our Custodial Staff has spent the last couple of weeks cleaning McKinley.  I haven't received official word on your room(s) being completed- once I do, I will let you know.

There is a roof project that is starting soon- if you come in to the building at all, it may smell from the chemicals.  Just warning you! 

Summer Learning- Wednesdays:
We have averaged around 18-20 kids per week for our Summer Learning at McKinley.  If you are interested in volunteering (or joining us with your own children), stop by McKinley at 12:15 on Wednesdays.  We open the library at 12:30 for book checkout and story time.  Then, at 1:00, students can help work in the garden.  

A HUGE thank you to the staff who have joined us!  We couldn't do this without you!

Guided Math Materials:
I made a trip to Lakeshore to purchase manipulatives, games, and resources for our guided math library. I used the lists your team generated last year.  If you come across any additional resources in the next month, email them to me.  We still have money to spend (odd, I know!).

Master Schedule:
I am still waiting on a few things before I finish up our master schedule.  I'm guessing I should have that information in the next couple of weeks.  Watch your email!

K-5 Summer School & Kindergarten Kamp:
Our Summer School & K Kamp program start tomorrow (July 6).  Our K-5 Summer School is for current students who are below benchmark and need interventions throughout the summer.  K Kamp is for our incoming Kindergarteners who need time in a classroom to master some basics before September.  Both programs are housed at Wilson Elementary.

A huge thank you to Tamra, Courtney, and Erin for their work helping make K Kamp work.  I think Tamra is going to need another summer vacation from all her prep work with this!

Additional Assignments:
I wanted to update you, as well as ask for volunteers, in filling some additional assignments.

Lead Teacher: Next year, Justin Lang will serve as our Lead Teacher.
Patrol Advisors:  Doug Warner & Sonya David
Student Council:  Need 1-2 volunteers for this (thanks to Paige and Lindsey for their hard work!)
Site Team: Tamra Gonzalez, Sami Nelson, Lori Huisenga, Kayla Davis, Paige Gilligan, Mark Langlois, Justin Lang, & Amanda Gislason.   Libby Zeman will be joining us when she can. 
PTO Reps:  We will be doing something different next year.   Each month, a different team and/or grade level will sign up to join a PTO meeting.  More information to come on this! 
After School Program:  I will need staff for this- we can decide in August/September!

Please let me know if you are interested in any of the open positions!

Continue to sharpen your saws- we will be back at it before you know it!

October 4 Update

Happy Homecoming! Another great week at McKinley!    Toot Your Horn Thursday: This week's Toot Your Horn Thursday Winner is Brenda Hager...