Friday, November 4, 2016

Weekly Update- Friday, November 4, 2016

With this weather, it feels like September... can you believe it's November?  And, I'm not complaining!

We have a lot of information this week- read carefully!

Quick Items:
  • Reading on Poverty- Staff Power Hour: If you haven't picked up the readings for the Staff Power Hour, please stop in my office to get it.  We will use this at our November 30th meeting. 
  • ISD Foundation Grant Available: Sarah Hoffman emailed the information regarding the ISD 761 Foundation Grant.  This is a great opportunity to fund an innovative project you'd like to do.  Last year, we received $5,000 for our guided math library.  If you can think of any projects/resources we need as a building, I'd be glad to write one.  Let me know.
  • Absences - Enter into AESOP: If you know you are going to be gone (appointment, vacation, etc.) please enter it into AESOP in a timely manner.  I'm seeing more planned absences getting entered at the last minute.  This makes finding a sub harder.
PBIS Discipline Data - October
The PBIS team has been watching our discipline data and putting supports into place for students over the last two months.  Below is a link to our current discipline data, broken down to understand it.  As you can see, physical aggression and fighting seem to be our highest offense.  Please keep aware of this, as well as continue the communication with students about this.  We will address some of this at our PBIS Assembly this morning.    Click here to access the discipline data

Also, don't forget to keep the idea of "grit" going in your classrooms!   

Kayla's Tech Piece:
Are you interested in a quick way to gather data to use at your PLC?  You can use your SMART Response devices (“clickers”) to collect data from a pre-test, formative assessment, or summative assessment.  The data is collected for you and organized in an Excel document which makes it easy to organize and sort data quickly.  It is pretty quick and easy to set up the assessment in Smart Notebook and it will save you a ton of time correcting paper copies of tests from your students.  It also gives immediate feedback to your students so they know how they did!

Look for more information to come about upcoming training sessions for using Clickers in your Classroom, but for now—check out this link for “7 Clicker Tips for Teachers!”

A SnapShot of Learning:

 The first grade team is using some SMART techniques with students, largely due to the support from Brent Yule.  The idea behind this is to link movement and learning together.  There are ways to have students refocus, too.  Brent would be a great resource if you are looking to hear more about this.

 Can you believe it's November and we have students outside with no coats on? 

  EL Graduation Night - we honored our "graduates" of the EL program on Wednesday night. 

Friday night was PTO Bingo Night.  We had a great time! 

It was fun seeing all the creative ways you took Halloween and turned it into engineering projects for the kids.   Wow! 

"Orange Out Bullying" was last Friday.  Thanks to Catie Stephani and Lauren Olson for organizing!
2nd grade engineering Cinderella's carriage as part of their "Cinderella" unit. 
Weekly Building Newsletter
Click here to access the weekly building newsletter

Valet Parking for the Week:
The Valet Parking of the Week goes to Tier 3 Interventionist, Gia Davison!  Gia's calming, positive presence is felt in any interaction with her.  She keeps you grounded, but also focused on what is right for students.  Gia is highly invested in our students, finding ways to support and intervene on foundational reading skills.  Gia, we truly appreciate having you as a part of the McKinley team! 

Have a great weekend, everyone!  Get outside!

1 comment:

  1. I agree 100%! Thanks, Gia, for keeping us all grounded!


October 4 Update

Happy Homecoming! Another great week at McKinley!    Toot Your Horn Thursday: This week's Toot Your Horn Thursday Winner is Brenda Hager...