Friday, November 11, 2016

Weekly Update - Friday, November 11, 2016

Happy Veteran's Day!
A huge thank you to all of our McKinley Veteran's!

PLC Notes & ESC:
When you turn in PLC notes and your Essential Standards Chart, please email them.  It's way too hard to manage paper copies.  Also, please remember to get your sign-in sheet into Lorri. 

LTS Positions:
We have two upcoming long-term substitute positions to be aware of:
  • 1st Grade:  Julia Arnold, currently student teaching in Dani Rypka's room, will be filling in for Jess Zupansic during the month of December.
  • Kindergarten:  Jaci Heath, currently long-term subbing in 3rd grade at Washington, will be filling in for Courtney Hugs from January until the end of the school year.
A huge McKinley welcome to both Julia & Jaci!

Teacher Clarity of Learning:
I apologize up front... I'm going to be making a blanket statement to all.  You know this is one of my personal growth goals, but I do think this is something we should all hear.  

As I'm getting around to classrooms, I'm noticing that teachers are doing a great job of stating the Enduring Understanding or Learning Target for the day/week.   It's posted and stated to students very clearly.  What I am noticing is that the clarity of that EU or LT is missing- students don't know exactly what mastery will look like by the end of the lesson?   What should they walk away being able to do?  From John Hattie's research around what is effective, you can see that learning clarity has an extremely high impact on learning.  Students, as well as teachers, need to be crystal clear about the "end result" - mastery.  This is why the Essential Standards Charts work well with this process - your team determines the EU, but also mastery way before you start teaching any lesson/unit.  When students know what mastery looks like, they rise to the occasion. 


Reading Night Slumber Party:
We had our first reading night this week - "Reading Night Slumber Party!"  We decided to change our focus this year to building excitement around reading, rather than teaching strategies to parents.  Families came in for a pizza dinner and then enjoyed some "reading time" together.  We had over 300 people last night!!  A HUGE thank you to everyone who helped make this night possible - Dani Rypka, Jess Zupansic, Jen Schlauderaff, Michelle Simon, Rachel Peterson, Julia Arnold, Krystal O'Connor, Sonya David, Libby Zeman, Jen Koziolek, Greg Leuch, & John Dale.  Also, a huge thank you to Lorri Harrison for all the coordinating of food and supplies!

A SnapShot of Learning:

Students participated in voting on Tuesday.  It was a great learning experience for them!
Kindergarten did some outdoor learning this week with Dr. Meagher.
Weekly Building Newsletter:
Click here to access the weekly building newsletter.

Valet Parking of the Week:
The Valet Parking for the Week goes to PE Teacher, Brent Yule!  Brent has been a wonderful addition to our McKinley team this past year.  Brent has a passion for physical education, fitness, and learning in general.  Brent has worked extremely hard to help integrate our reading and math curriculum into the PE setting.  Also, Brent does a great job of communicating with families via Twitter.  You've been a great addition to our staff, Brent - Keep up the great work!

Have a relaxing weekend- sharpen your saw!

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