Friday, November 18, 2016

Weekly Update - Friday, November 18, 2016

GO HUSKIES!  And, a special good luck to Brent, Eric, and Kyle! 

This blog will not be updated until Friday, December 2nd! 

LCD Projectors
Just another reminder regarding LCD projectors - turn them off when you aren't using them.  The bulbs are very expensive.  The IT Department is going to start not replacing them- which means it's our budget.  I can tell you, if that becomes a reality, we won't be able to replace bulbs like we should.  We have limited funds for the remainder of the year. 

Turn your LCD projector off when you aren't using it!

Just a couple random things:
  • On Monday, we will have some teachers from Austin visiting McKinley.  They are here to learn about our PLC process, Intervention Blocks, and how you use assessments to guide this.  They will be visiting PLCs.
  • Make sure you have your reading assignment for our November 30th Staff Power Hour.  The article is on poverty.
  • On December 2 (Teacher Workday), I am out of the building from 10-3pm meeting with some administrators from the Burnsville School District.  If you need me that day, I will be available by email or text.
Teacher Clarity of Purpose- REPEAT
I'm getting around to classrooms, I'm noticing that teachers are doing a great job of stating the Enduring Understanding or Learning Target for the day/week.   It's posted and stated to students very clearly.  What I am noticing is that the clarity of that EU or LT is missing- students don't know exactly what mastery will look like by the end of the lesson?   What should they walk away being able to do?  From John Hattie's research around what is effective, you can see that learning clarity has an extremely high impact on learning.  Students, as well as teachers, need to be crystal clear about the "end result" - mastery.  This is why the Essential Standards Charts work well with this process - your team determines the EU, but also mastery way before you start teaching any lesson/unit.  When students know what mastery looks like, they rise to the occasion. 

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Week of November 21: Click here to access the weekly building newsletter
Week of November 28: Click here to access the weekly building newsletter

Valet Parking for the Week:
The Valet Parking for the Week goes to Kindergarten Teacher, Jen Koziolek!  Jen does amazing work with her Kindergarteners.   Jen is patient, compassionate, and focused on each of our students' success.  Jen goes above and beyond to make sure her students are socially, emotionally, and academically prepared.  Jen's classroom is filled with energy, excitement, and rigorous learning!  Keep up the great work, Jen!

Have a great weekend! -Justin

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