Friday, September 25, 2015

Principal's Update- September 25, 2015

Happy Friday! 
We're nearing the end of September.  I love seeing that routines are now in place and kids are actively engaged in their learning!  Thank you for everything you have done to make this a great start to the year. 

Homecoming Lunch Schedule (October 2):
Next Friday is our early release for the Homecoming Parade.  Below is our lunch schedule for that day.  Please note this is the serving time (they should be in line at the first time).  The lunch period will be only 30 minutes on this day.

11:00 Kindergarten
11:15 2nd Grade (recess 11:05)
11:25 1st Grade (recess 11:15)
11:40 3rd Grade (recess 11:30)
11:50 4th Grade (recess 11:40)
12:00 5th Grade (recess 11:50)

Homecoming Dress Up Days:
Laura Forman and Jessica MacLeod will be sending an email from Student Council regarding dress up days next week.  Staff can participate in the dress up days, expect for PJ Day.  If you do participate in the other days, please remember the Dress Guidelines. 

Child Study:
If you have a student you are concerned about for Child Study, please email me the name and the details about the concern.  We will be prioritizing the order we discuss students (based on need).  Please DO NOT go to Lorri and schedule this. 

Office Referrals:
Please complete them!  Like we discussed in August, if a child is disruptive, call the office and then send them down.  Please remember to complete this referral at some point during the day.  We are tracking the data for our PBIS purposes. 

Recycling Leaders:
Annette wanted me to share that the Recycling Leaders have not started yet.  Until this team starts, please have a student in your classroom take care of this. 

Stoplight Activity:
Each week, I'm going to try and share some type of instructional activity/graphic organizer that you can use in your classrooms.  This Stoplight Activity is a great way for kids to truly analyze a problem (usually math).   You pose a problem for students.  Then, alone or in groups, they work to create an incorrect answer, a partially correct answer, and a correct answer (correlates to the colors of the stoplight).  Research shows that a strong way for students to understand the "why" is to also understand how NOT to do something, too.  It is also a great way to model a growth mindset with kids (mistakes are a way to learn!). 
Click here to use the activity

"That Kid"
Justin Lang recently shared an article with me regarding "that kid".  It's a pretty powerful message.  Take some time this weekend to read it: 
Building Weekly Newsletter:
Valet Parking of the Week:
The Valet Parking spot goes to Special Education Teacher, Rhynda Dulas.  Rhynda has a true talent for working with students, families, and teachers. The thing that impresses me the most about Rhynda is her ability to show compassion and caring to kids while holding them accountable.  And, not only does Rhynda have a talent for students, but she successfully collaborates with staff on a daily basis.  Thank you to Rhynda (and her strong team of teachers and paraprofessionals).  We couldn't do our jobs without you!   

Have a relaxing weekend!  And, Happy Homecoming!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Principal's Update- September 18, 2015

Happy Friday, everyone!
Life has been busy around McKinley!  And, as much as we go home exhausted, it's been great seeing the excitement, energy, and learning throughout the building.

We had our Summer Learning Breakfast this morning.  We had over 85 students participate and turn their calendar in!  Congrats to Jack Langlois for winning the iPod Touch.   Below are a few pictures from the breakfast:   

Building Goals
Below is a link to our building goals.  Our building goals generated from work with Site Team on building data and needs.  These building goals will be the foundation of the work we do this year.  We are still working on our STEM goal- this may change slightly (just the wording).  If you have questions about the goals, let myself or your Site Rep know. 

Click here for the building goals

PTO Sign-Up
Teachers, please consider signing up to attend one PTO Meeting this year.  The link went out yesterday through Office 365. 

Garbage Cans in Hallway
At our Cabinet Meeting, Bob shared a concern that custodial staff had a hard time finding garbage cans in classrooms.  Can you have a student (or two) be in charge of placing the garbage at the door each night?  This will speed up the process so staff can get to other things (cleaning floors, windows, etc.)

Teachers, I will be sending an email out this weekend with some documents to help guide your work as a PLC.  Please use this email when working with your PLC on Monday or Tuesday.   I will try to make it around to each of your PLCs. 

Referendum Video & Representatives
This week, a McKinley team attended a presentation to learn more about the upcoming referendum. This team consists of Michelle Simon, Michelle Meiners, Sonya David, Diane Frazier, and Amy Cocchiarella.  There will be more information coming out from this group as the weeks progress.  If you have questions, see this team or the website:

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to see the Weekly Newsletter

Valet Parking for the Week:
The Valet Parking for the Week goes to Kindergarten EA, Tarah Thompson.  Tarah always has a positive attitude toward her work and students.  Tarah and Trisha have a lot of energy coming from their classroom.  Tarah has nothing but respect and care for the students she serves.  She is dedicated to her job and will do whatever it takes to make Kindergarten a great experience for our K4 students.  Tarah, enjoy the parking spot!

Snapshot of Learning:
Katie Demmer's 2nd Graders working on reading stamina.

Courtney Hugs' Kindergarteners enjoying the outdoor classroom. 

Mark Langlois's Welcome Board- focused on growth mindset! :)

Welcome McKinley School Class of 2028!

Don't forget, fall benchmarking is due next week (closes 9/23, report by 9/25). 

Have a great weekend!

Friday, September 11, 2015

Principal's Update- September 11, 2015

Good afternoon,
We survived the first week of school!  It's been great to see you "back in action" with our almost 600 students!

Summer Learning Breakfast
Please turn in all Summer Learning Calendars to the office ASAP.  We will then send out invitations to those who will join us for a Summer Learning Breakfast on Friday, September 18 from 7:15-7:45am.  Remember, we will accept any calendar that is turned in- regardless of the learning minutes they logged. 

End of Day in the Office
Please be aware of the "traffic" in the office immediately after school.  I'm not sure if it's because it's week one or due to the increased enrollment, but it is very busy in the office after school.   When I say this, I am not asking you to avoid the office at all times.  I know this is your time to check your mailbox, visit with colleagues, etc.  All I am asking is to be aware of the activity in the office.   It's been a struggle when we have multiple families here with different needs and staff are standing in the having a conversation or watching the family interact with staff.  If the office is a busy place, please take your conversation to the hallway.  See me with questions regarding this. 

Fall Benchmarking (DIBELS & Math Facts)
The Fall benchmarking window is open now.  This will close on Wednesday, September 23.  All DIBELS and math facts should be administered and recorded prior to this date.  Any data entered after will not be loaded into Viewpoint.  If you have questions or need directions, please see Amy LaDue's email from Wednesday, September 9. 

Updated Observation Cycle- ALL Staff
Observations and evaluations will begin soon.  Please see the below link to see where you are at in the cycle and what your assigned week is.  I met with teachers yesterday to discuss summative evaluations.  I will be scheduling a meeting with support staff who will be evaluated this year- watch for this in the next week or so. 

Click here to see the observation cycle and your assigned week

McKinley Weekly Newsletter
Click here for important information regarding next week! 

Valet Parking for the Week
Our "Valet Parking" for the week goes to Ben Kroeger.  Although Ben is the first one here, he still deserves this parking spot for next week.  With all the moving, changes in lunchroom procedures, and increased enrollment, Ben has done a great job of keeping the building looking great.  Thanks, Ben!   

Take some time to decompress and reflect on a great first week.  Enjoy your weekend and GO HUSKIES!

Monday, September 7, 2015

Welcome Back, Staff! September 8, 2015 Post

Welcome back, staff!  We have 600 excited learners joining us on Tuesday!  

Just a reminder, the weekly updates will come out through this blog.  The blog helps streamline our communication, but also helps you go back and search old information instead of having to look through a bunch of emails. 

Summer Learning Calendars
Teachers, please collect the Summer Learning calendars from students.  These can be brought to the office during that first week of school. 

First Day Assembly
We will be meeting for a "Welcome Back Assembly" at 9:00am in the big gym.  Please be on-time and ready to start at 9am.

PLC Dates:
The calendar I gave you on the first day was incorrect.  Here are your PLC dates:
  • September 21 or 22
  • October 5 or 6
  • October 19 or 20
  • November 2 or 3
  • November 16 or 17
  • November 30 or December 1
  • December 14 or 15
  • January 11 or 12
  • January 25 or 26
  • February 8 or 9
  • February 22 or 23
  • March 7 or 8
  • March 21 or 22
  • April 11 or 12
  • April 25 or 26
  • May 9 or 10

Infinitec Training:
ALL STAFF are required to complete this training.  I will be sending out this in a separate email.  Please take care of this training by October 15th.  You do not need to print your certificate.

Referendum Link:
We have a very important referendum coming up.  It's so important to stay educated and know exactly what this referendum means.  As Superintendent Grant showed last Monday, there is a website that contains a lot of information.  Below is a link to this site- take some time to understand what is impacted by this November referendum.

Link to Weekly Newsletter
Just a reminder, Lorri's weekly newsletter will be published here.  Click here to see Lorri's Newsletter

Valet Parking for the Week
Each week, we assign the "Principal Parking" to a different staff member.  This designation is to celebrate the great things our staff does on a daily basis.   This first week back goes to Tamra Gonzalez.  Not only is Tamra a top-notch Kindergarten teacher, but she spent a countless number of hours preparing, implementing, and then wrapping up Kindergarten Kamp this summer.  Tamra took the lead on this project and, along with a team of teachers (including Courtney), produced some amazing results.  Tamra, we are lucky to have you!  Thank you for all you do for McKinley! 

Have a great weekend!  Keep your fingers crossed for some cooler weather! :)

October 4 Update

Happy Homecoming! Another great week at McKinley!    Toot Your Horn Thursday: This week's Toot Your Horn Thursday Winner is Brenda Hager...