Friday, September 11, 2015

Principal's Update- September 11, 2015

Good afternoon,
We survived the first week of school!  It's been great to see you "back in action" with our almost 600 students!

Summer Learning Breakfast
Please turn in all Summer Learning Calendars to the office ASAP.  We will then send out invitations to those who will join us for a Summer Learning Breakfast on Friday, September 18 from 7:15-7:45am.  Remember, we will accept any calendar that is turned in- regardless of the learning minutes they logged. 

End of Day in the Office
Please be aware of the "traffic" in the office immediately after school.  I'm not sure if it's because it's week one or due to the increased enrollment, but it is very busy in the office after school.   When I say this, I am not asking you to avoid the office at all times.  I know this is your time to check your mailbox, visit with colleagues, etc.  All I am asking is to be aware of the activity in the office.   It's been a struggle when we have multiple families here with different needs and staff are standing in the having a conversation or watching the family interact with staff.  If the office is a busy place, please take your conversation to the hallway.  See me with questions regarding this. 

Fall Benchmarking (DIBELS & Math Facts)
The Fall benchmarking window is open now.  This will close on Wednesday, September 23.  All DIBELS and math facts should be administered and recorded prior to this date.  Any data entered after will not be loaded into Viewpoint.  If you have questions or need directions, please see Amy LaDue's email from Wednesday, September 9. 

Updated Observation Cycle- ALL Staff
Observations and evaluations will begin soon.  Please see the below link to see where you are at in the cycle and what your assigned week is.  I met with teachers yesterday to discuss summative evaluations.  I will be scheduling a meeting with support staff who will be evaluated this year- watch for this in the next week or so. 

Click here to see the observation cycle and your assigned week

McKinley Weekly Newsletter
Click here for important information regarding next week! 

Valet Parking for the Week
Our "Valet Parking" for the week goes to Ben Kroeger.  Although Ben is the first one here, he still deserves this parking spot for next week.  With all the moving, changes in lunchroom procedures, and increased enrollment, Ben has done a great job of keeping the building looking great.  Thanks, Ben!   

Take some time to decompress and reflect on a great first week.  Enjoy your weekend and GO HUSKIES!

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