Thursday, March 24, 2016

Principal's Update- Thursday, March 24, 2016

Happy Snow Day - and Happy Spring Break!  

Instrument Demonstration Day- April 4
When we return from Spring Break, 3rd- 5th grade will have an "Instrument Demonstration" from the OJHS Band and Orchestra.  This is a short program for students to see instruments in the event they are interested in joining band or orchestra.  3rd-5th grade, plan on being in the gym from 8:20-8:50 for this. 

MCA Testing
MCA Testing starts Wednesday, April 6th.  Testing will take place in the library and will be all-day.  Please be aware of this as you work with students, even in the hallway.  We would like the library area (even hallway) to have be quiet and focused for testing.   Click here to see the MCA Schedule

Summer Maintenance
If you have things you need done in your room this summer, please email me with your request.  I am meeting with Bob soon to discuss the summer work around McKinley.  This doesn't have a deadline on it, but I will be meeting with Bob sometime after break.  

Summer @ McKinley
McKinley is going to be a busy place this summer.  We have a couple things going on that I want you to be aware of:
  • District Kindergarten Kamp and ESY (Extended School Year) Programming will run out of McKinley.  I am not sure on room locations yet, but a few classrooms will be occupied by students this summer.
  • The addition and renovation of our Main Office will start in May.  The office will be getting a small addition on the front of the building, as well as a secured main entrance.  The main office will now have a "real" nurse's office, secure main entrance, teacher work room (woo hoo!), conference room, and a normal sized staff bathroom! 
  • The building will be open for Summer Learning on Wednesdays (12-1pm).  Students will have access to books in the library during this time.
Kindergarten Open House- April 7
We will welcome our new Kindergarteners on Thursday, April 7th!    During this time, students meet the K teachers and get to see the K classrooms.  Parents hear about all the logistics of Kindergarten - schedule, bussing, curriculum, SAC, etc.  If you know of a family who has an incoming Kindergartener and is interested in McKinley, tell them to join us at our Open House.

School-wide Title
I am meeting with a team on Wednesday, April 6th to apply for School-wide Title programming.  I have mentioned this before, but this will allow us to use our Title dollars with more flexibility.  This team is meeting on April 6th to analyze our trend data and create an action plan for core and interventions. 

Weekly Building Newsletter
Click here to access the weekly building newsletter

Valet Parking for the Week
The Valet Parking for the Week goes to Tom Smith!  Tom is an excellent teacher who makes movement and physical activity engaging and "real world" for his students.  Tom has high standards for his students - both socially and academically.  The thing I appreciate the most about Tom is his flexibility, collaboration, and willingness to do what is right for students.  Tom has been known to completely change his day/schedule to accommodate for something else.  Thank you for all you do, Tom! 

Take some time this week to re-energize your batteries and "sharpen your saw"!  When we come back in April, we have a little over 2 months with students.  We've had a great year - now's our time to finish strong! :)

Friday, March 18, 2016

Principal's Update- Friday, March 18, 2016

One more week until Spring Break... we can do it!

School Board Meeting- Monday
McKinley presents on Monday, March 21 to the School Board.  If you are available that night, you should join us to show your McKinley support.  The Board starts at 6:30pm in the District Office Board Room. 

STEM Night - "Night of Creativity"
On Tuesday night ,we hosted a "Night of Creativity".  We had 3 stations that allowed families to show their creativity through various activities.  A HUGE thank you to the staff that helped with this- Rachel Eickhoff, Kayla Davis, Amanda Gislason, Nicole Joachim, Sonya David, and our MSU Student Teachers.   Below are pictures from the night:
Students explored websites that tested their creativity.

Families created "stop motion videos" with iPads. 

Families experimented with the 3Doodler pens. 

Mrs. Gislason set up the 3D printer. 

Families created an engineering project on the 3 Little Pigs.  Each family built a house and then "tested" it to see if the house would withstand blowing from the wolf (hair dryer).
Whip Around- Engagement Strategy:
Below is a link to a great engagement strategy that can be used in any classroom and for any content area.   The strategy is "Whip Around" - basically, students answer a question.  Then, the teacher shares the responses and students have to listen carefully to make connections between their thoughts and their classmates'. This is a great activity to use in your classrooms.  Click here to see more information:

Growth Mindset
Below is a nice reminder of the ways we can help develop a growth mindset in our students.  Remember, we all "visit" a fixed mindset when it comes to certain situations or experiences.  Our job is to help students move their thinking to a growth mindset.  Don't forget that students need to experience GRIT, not learned helplessness.   

Weekly Building Newsletter:
Click here to access the weekly building newsletter

Valet Parking of the Week:
The Valet Parking for the Week goes to 2nd Grade Teacher, Lori Huisenga.  Lori is an expert in student inquiry - she truly knows how to get students interested and engaged in their learning.  Additionally, Lori does well with students who exhibit behavioral issues.  She has a calm, compassionate approach that is built on strong relationships.  Lori, thank you for all you do for our McKinley Community! 

Have a great weekend! 

Friday, March 11, 2016

Principal's Update- Friday, March 10, 2016

Happy Friday, everyone!  With the warm weather, spring fever is hitting.  We've got two weeks before break- let's make sure it's meaningful!

Also, don't forget to complete the Comprehensive Needs Assessment survey (email from me) and my principal survey (email from Sarah Hoffman).

Student Data
Please remember that student data is considered confidential.  As I am doing walkthroughs, I am noticing data sheets, report cards, and grade books open/lying around.  We have to make sure this information is stored in an area where others cannot see. 

STEM Night- Tuesday, March 15
Our first STEM Night is this Tuesday, March 15.  Our theme for this is "Night of Creativity".  Families will visit three stations that will support and build creativity.  We are looking forward to a night of fun- join us if you can! 

Our Culture of Kids and Learning
As I have been doing walkthroughs and participating in integration subouts, it's been amazing to hear our focus on kids and learning.  The thing I admire the most about our staff is our collective commitment to putting students and learning first.  According to Marzano, "highly effective schools produce results that almost entirely overcome the effects of student backgrounds."  This is so true about McKinley - we will do whatever it takes for students to learn at high levels, regardless of student backgrounds.   Keep up the great work! 

Next Year's Sections
I met with Site Team this week to talk through some physical changes to rooms next year.  We are increasing sections (which is a good thing!) for the 16-17 school year.  Below is a breakdown of the sections as of today (we are watching "hot spots" to add additional sections):
K- 5 sections
1- 4 sections
2- 5 sections
3- 4 sections
4- 3 sections
5- 3 sections

Because of this, I am working to reconfigure a few rooms next year.  This will mostly impact Special Education and ELL.  When I finish this, I will share with staff.  Please be flexible- we will be tight on space next year! 

Weekly Building Newsletter
Click here to access the weekly building newsletter

Valet Parking for the Week
The Valet Parking for the Week goes to Erin Hagen.  Erin brings so much warmth and compassion to our Kindergarten learners.  Erin understands how to build strong relationships with students and staff.  Erin is extremely dedicated to the success of our earliest learners.   Thank you for all you do, Erin! 

Friday, March 4, 2016

Principal's Update- Friday, March 4, 2016

Happy Friday!  And, happy end to the 2nd trimester!
What a crazy week it's been.  I can just feel the germs as I enter the building.  If you get a chance today, you may want to open a window for a bit and clean out your room.  It seems like there are germs everywhere!

Teacher Workday- Monday
Reminder- Monday is a Teacher Workday.  Because this Monday is a PLC day, you can meet during the day if you'd like.

National Social Worker Week (March 7-11)
Next week is National Social Worker Week.  During this week, take some time (with students or by yourself) to let Annette know how much you appreciate the work she does for McKinley.  Annette is truly a top-notch social worker- we are very lucky to have her serving our students and families.

Student Engagement
Libby is doing some work on March 16 with teachers on student engagement strategies (through the lens of reading).  If you are interested, please let her know.  I can say, first-hand, some of these engagement strategies will make you think differently about instructing students.

On social media (and throughout the building), you will start to see our building's new hashtag - #mckinleystrong.  This hashtag represents the "family" environment we have around this building, as well as the perseverance and determination each of our students (and us!) show on a daily basis. 

Article: 20 Strategies for Motivating Reluctant Learners
I found this article on Twitter a few weeks ago:  As a former 5th grade teacher, I remember having a select group of students who were reluctant- heads down, not completing work, etc.  This article offers up 20 great strategies on how to "light the spark" with these reluctant learners.  Well worth the read. 

Weekly Building Newsletter
Click here to access the weekly building newsletter

Valet Parking for the Week:
The Valet Parking of the Week goes to 3rd Grade Teacher, Rachael Eickhoff.  Rachael is a reflective, collaborative educator who is all about students and their needs.  Rachael lives a growth mindset lifestyle- with students, as well as herself.  Rachael has high expectations that help model the culture of learning in her classroom.  We're lucky to have you, Rachael! 

Have a great weekend, everyone.  Get out and do something fun!

October 4 Update

Happy Homecoming! Another great week at McKinley!    Toot Your Horn Thursday: This week's Toot Your Horn Thursday Winner is Brenda Hager...