Friday, March 4, 2016

Principal's Update- Friday, March 4, 2016

Happy Friday!  And, happy end to the 2nd trimester!
What a crazy week it's been.  I can just feel the germs as I enter the building.  If you get a chance today, you may want to open a window for a bit and clean out your room.  It seems like there are germs everywhere!

Teacher Workday- Monday
Reminder- Monday is a Teacher Workday.  Because this Monday is a PLC day, you can meet during the day if you'd like.

National Social Worker Week (March 7-11)
Next week is National Social Worker Week.  During this week, take some time (with students or by yourself) to let Annette know how much you appreciate the work she does for McKinley.  Annette is truly a top-notch social worker- we are very lucky to have her serving our students and families.

Student Engagement
Libby is doing some work on March 16 with teachers on student engagement strategies (through the lens of reading).  If you are interested, please let her know.  I can say, first-hand, some of these engagement strategies will make you think differently about instructing students.

On social media (and throughout the building), you will start to see our building's new hashtag - #mckinleystrong.  This hashtag represents the "family" environment we have around this building, as well as the perseverance and determination each of our students (and us!) show on a daily basis. 

Article: 20 Strategies for Motivating Reluctant Learners
I found this article on Twitter a few weeks ago:  As a former 5th grade teacher, I remember having a select group of students who were reluctant- heads down, not completing work, etc.  This article offers up 20 great strategies on how to "light the spark" with these reluctant learners.  Well worth the read. 

Weekly Building Newsletter
Click here to access the weekly building newsletter

Valet Parking for the Week:
The Valet Parking of the Week goes to 3rd Grade Teacher, Rachael Eickhoff.  Rachael is a reflective, collaborative educator who is all about students and their needs.  Rachael lives a growth mindset lifestyle- with students, as well as herself.  Rachael has high expectations that help model the culture of learning in her classroom.  We're lucky to have you, Rachael! 

Have a great weekend, everyone.  Get out and do something fun!

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