Friday, September 30, 2016

Weekly Update- Friday, September 30, 2016

Happy Homecoming! 
Another great week of energy and learning at McKinley!  Don't forget about all the special events going on at McKinley today! 

Staff Pictures:
Below are our completed "group pictures" for the entryway.

"Coming together is a beginning.  Keeping together is progress.  Working together is success." -Henry Ford

Kindness in Chalk Day - Monday:
Monday is "Kindness in Chalk Day", a kickoff to October's National Bullying Awareness Month.  On Monday, take some time with your class (10-15 minutes) decorating the outside of McKinley with positive, kind messages for anyone walking by.  You can choose any time that works for you - we have sidewalk chalk in the office.  Once we run out, we are done (so, you may want to check first if you plan on doing this in the afternoon). 

PBIS Assembly - Friday:
On Friday (10/7), we will meet for our second PBIS Assembly.  The assembly will begin at 1:40.  K-2nd grade, please leave for the gym at 1:30, 3rd-5th grade at 1:35.   We may want to start using outside doors for assemblies too (4th and 5th may want to go out the service door and come in the outside gym doors?).  I'd like to start right away at 1:40. 

At this assembly, I'd like to take a little time and honor students who have shown grit this month.  If you have an example of how a student (or staff) showed grit, please email me the name, room, and a brief description of why they were nominated.  We will typically use leadership slips for this purpose- however, I want to acknowledge grit again to keep this in students' minds. 

We will need people for skits.... so, be ready! :)

With the Presidential Election approaching, please keep your  views and opinions away from any conversations with students.  Discussion is fine - but interjecting your own personal beliefs is not appropriate. 

After School Program - Teachers & EAs:
We are still in need of teachers and EAs for ASP.  Please go in and apply ASAP if you are interested.  If you are interested in subbing, please apply and then email me (indicating you only want to sub).  ASP starts October 25th! 

Follow-up from Staff Power Hour:
First of all, thank you for Wednesday's powerful conversation around equity, equality, and poverty.  It is great to synergize around the idea of moving our work forward.   During our Power Hour, I heard teams talking about the picture of equality -vs- equity.  I have shown you this a few times, but thought it would be a great way to leave us thinking about this idea. 

We also spent time on Wednesday discussing the myths of poverty.   I believe it left us thinking, "what can we do?"  This will be our focus for learning as we move forward this year.  Below is a great video addressing the problem, but also starting the conversation on what we can do:

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

Valet Parking for the Week:
The Valet Parking for the Week goes to 2nd Grade Teacher, Kate Seifert!  Kate was been at McKinley for a few years now, in 4th grade and now 2nd grade.  One of the things I appreciate the most about Kate is her positive approach with students and staff - she is always looking for ways to make the world a positive place.  Kate builds great relationships with students and has a true growth mindset with all students.  Kate, we are lucky to have you as a McKinley Monkey! 

Have a great Homecoming weekend and GO HUSKIES!

Friday, September 23, 2016

Weekly Update- Friday, September 23, 2016

Happy Friday, September 23rd! 
It's been a great week of learning and growth at McKinley! 

Building Goals, 16-17:
Our Site Team spent some analyzing data to determine our building goals for the 16-17 school year.  Click here to access those building goals.  We will go over these at our first Power Hour - however, please use these goals when setting your team PLC goal on Monday. 

Just a friendly reminder to continue to acknowledge "grit" as you see it.  If you see a student showing grit, complete a leadership slip and turn this in.  Also, spend some time acknowledging to the student, too.  We will continue our focus on building grit in students as we continue our journey this year. 

Staff Power Hour:
For those of you new to McKinley, our staff meetings are called "Staff Power Hour".   Next Wednesday, 9/28, we have our first meeting in Rachael Eickhoff's room (we have outgrown the library). 

Certified Teaching staff, plan on attending.  Please be there and ready to go at 2:45pm.   For those who are not in a certified teaching role, your attendance is optional.  Feel free to attend if you'd like. 

Homecoming Early Release:
Just a reminder that next Friday, 9/30 we release at 12:30 for the Homecoming Parade.  Teaching Staff, please remember you need to continue to work at school or supervise at the parade. 

Also, we will have some additional special events on this day:
*1st Grade Teddy Bear Parade
*Fall Pumpkin Decorating Contest
*Picnic Lunch
*Huskies Pride Dress-Up Awards

More will come on this!

Kindness in Chalk Day - October 3
October 3rd is Kindness in Chalk Day.  As a building, we will be participating.  Click here to read more about it.  If you have any extra chalk at home, please send it my way!

After School Program
I have posted teacher and educational assistant positions for the After School Program. If you are interested in teaching, please apply online.   Hiring will be flexible this year and based on student enrollment.  Please get your application completed by Friday, October 7th. 

Principal Walkthroughs
I will officially be staring my walkthrough rounds next week.  I'm excited to get in and see all the learning happening around our wonderful building.  Please remind your students that I want to sneak in and sneak out when I join you- kids don't need to stop and acknowledge me.

I saw the below picture on Twitter and think it represents what is happening in today's classrooms.  Don't forget about these 8 important components as your students are learning. 

A SnapShot of Learning:

Zero the Hero visited Kindergarten this week and left glow sticks!

2nd Grade engineering "perches" to stay high and dry in the flood waters!
Welcome, Bernie!
A huge McKinley welcome to our new Special Education Paraprofessional, Bernie Jensen.  Bernie comes to us from the ALC where she has spent a number of years in a similar role.  We are very excited to have Bernie join us!  Please join me in welcoming her! 

Weekly Building Newsletter
Valet Parking for the Week:
The Valet Parking for the Week goes to Michelle Simon.   When I think of Michelle, three words come to mind- compassionate, relationships, and focused on doing what is right.  Michelle truly cares for her students.  She works to build and maintain strong relationships with the students, families, as well as colleagues.  Michelle is always focused on doing what is right for kids - even if it isn't easy.  Michelle knows her students and what they need, academically, socially, and emotionally.  Thank you for all you do, Michelle! 
Have a great weekend, everyone!


Friday, September 16, 2016

Weekly Update- Friday, September 16, 2016

Happy Friday! 
We've finished another great week of learning at McKinley.  It's been great to see how your hard work of teaching procedures and expectations is starting to fall into place.  It's magical! 

Entering Absences in AESOP
If you are planning on being absent, enter this into AESOP as soon as you know of your absence.  It gets very hard to fill positions, as you know.  It's even harder when you wait until a few days before you are gone to enter this into AESOP.  

Use of Door 8 in the Rain
There have been some questions about using door 8 in the rain.  If it is down pouring rain, you can make the call to use the 3rd grade doors.  This is your call.  The office will make the determination of which door to use when we get into the cold winter season.

Here's a great video reminder of "grit":  Grit is our focus this month for PBIS - keep this word alive in your classrooms.  Teach and honor students who are showing grit throughout the month. 

A Note From Libby:
I am so excited to be working alongside of you again this year towards our goal of getting 100% of our students to mastery on the critical EU’s in reading.  Since I went through the information pretty quickly at our back to school meeting, I wanted to recap it for you.
Student Centered Coaching
After doing a fair bit of research on different coaching models, I have found that the student centered coaching model is in alignment with our multi-tiered system of support structure and all of the work we are doing in our PLC’s.  If you are interested, you will be able to sign up for a coaching cycle where I would come to your classroom three times a week for a unit (or a part of a unit that you are focused on a specific EU), and we would co-plan and co-teach the unit.  As I mentioned, this was effective in a fourth grade classroom last year where we saw tremendous growth around a particular EU.  One example of a benefit to having two teachers in the room: we could give a formative assessment at any point, one of us could quickly score and group them while the other one of us continued instruction and then we could instantly respond to our students’ progress towards the EU and break into groups.  In K-2, I will have some guided leveling kits that I can come in and work with you on how to complete assessments and then what to do with the information in your guided group to support kids in advancing levels.  I’d also love to do some work with engagement at any level.  I’ll be talking more about this soon, but I wanted you to start thinking about if this is something you are interested in doing.
Other Coaching Options
Please remember that I am here to support you in supporting our students!  Some things that I supported last year and would love to support again: diagnosing student needs, curriculum support (co-teaching, co-planning, modeling anchor lessons, small groups or specific strategies), PRESS, training support staff, gathering data, analyzing data, connecting teachers and anything else literacy.
Literacy Focus
We will continue to focus on clarity with our purpose, K-2 WTW and purposeful independent reading in our support and professional development with literacy this year.
My “McKinley days” are still going to be Wednesday, Thursday and every other Friday morning.  However, the first few weeks will be unique with me supporting the DIBELS assessing team of retired teachers.  Please email me with any questions as that will be the best way to track me downJ.  I’m excited for the growth that we will see this year!

A Snapshot of Learning this Week:

Bus Safety this week

5th Graders doing an investigation with the bounce of different types of balls. 

Valet Parking for the Week:
The Valet Parking for the Week goes to Mary Louks!  Mary Louks is a stellar Special Education Paraprofessional.  Mary is always focused on what is right for kids.  She has high expectations, but supports students to meet those expectations.  We are very lucky to have Mary at McKinley.  Thank you for all you do, Mary!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Friday, September 9, 2016

Weekly Update- Friday, September 9, 2016

Happy Friday - what a great first week!  It feels awesome to have life back  into the building!

Follow Up on Mike Mattos
I have been thinking a lot this past week about our McKinley team and the "messages" from Mike Matttos.  I left that session feeling completely rejuvenated and ready to continue our growth as a building to address learning for all kids.  I want to give you all a HUGE "thank you" for the work you are doing.  It was awesome to listen to Mike's ideas and think about all the learning work we have done - focusing on all kids, collaborating on student learning, tier 2 instruction, Essential Standards Charts, and so on....  Your commitment to this process and willingness to "play in the mud" speaks volumes about the culture in our building.  You are willing to do whatever it takes to create learning experiences for all our students.  Thank you for that.  I can honestly say you are the greatest educators I have ever worked with.... and by educators, I mean you ALL (not just teachers). 

Monday Monkey Message
Starting Monday, I will be doing a Monday Monkey Message" (morning announcement) right away at 8am.   During this message, I will update students on our week ahead, as well as recognize students/classes for positive actions/behaviors (PBIS focused).  During this message, we will do the Pledge of Allegiance together as a school.  For those of you going to Specialists (I think grade 3), you can continue with your schedule and do this later in your day.  I will be looking for guest announcers as the year progresses.... more to come on this! 

DIBELS Fall Benchmarking - Tuesday
On Tuesday, September 13, we have a team of retired educators coming to McKinley to administer our fall DIBELS benchmarking.  Libby has created a schedule with this that will have the least impact possible to your schedule.  On Tuesday, please make sure you are quiet as you move through the hallway.  Some grade levels will be administering benchmarks in the hallway/close to the hallway.  Also, a HUGE thank you to Libby for all her work on this! 

Eid- Monday and Tuesday
Students who are celebrating Eid may be gone from school on Monday and Tuesday.  Laurie Wolhart sent an email this week regarding this.  Please be aware of this as you begin to tackle next week. 

Summer Learning Breakfast- Friday
PTO will be holding the Summer Learning Breakfast on Friday, September 16th from 7:15-8:00am in the Big Gym.  Students who are eligible will receive an invitation to attend (with their parents).  If you get a few minutes on Friday morning, stop in and congratulate these students who spent countless hours learning this summer!

Valet Parking for the Week
Our Valet Parking for next week goes to Kindergarten Teacher Paige Larson.  Paige has been a wonderful addition to our Kindergarten team.  Some of the things about Paige that amaze me - the way she interacts/partners with students and families, the way she is willing to try new ideas, and how creative she is!  Welcome to McKinley - we are lucky to have you with us, Paige!

Have a great weekend - spend some time sharpening your saw!

October 4 Update

Happy Homecoming! Another great week at McKinley!    Toot Your Horn Thursday: This week's Toot Your Horn Thursday Winner is Brenda Hager...