Friday, February 24, 2017

Weekly Update- February 24, 2017

Happy Snow Day!  I hope you stay off the roads and enjoy the day!

I thought this was a great example of all the growth mindset language we are trying to use with student (and ourselves) around the word "yet"....

Some "random" updates:
  • Integration Subouts start this week.  The schedule is attached is the building weekly newsletter (below).
  • We were accepted into a PBIS grant through the state of MN.  This grant will help us continue to develop our work around PBIS.  I'm super excited!
  • The MCA schedule was sent out yesterday.  Thank you to Denise Carlson for your work on this schedule!
Staff Power Hour Follow-Up:
At our Staff Power Hour this week, we started our work with Eric Jensen's book "Engaging Students with Poverty in Mind".  We had a great conversation centered around ways to engage students.  The thing I appreciated the most about this meeting was how reflective and growth mindset-focused we all were.  Each staff was looking for ways to get even better. 

As a team, we agreed to trying three things before our next meeting:
1. Say what you do want instead of what you don’t want (rule #4 – page 29-30).
2. Finding time to get to know kids. Try a relationship thing every day. Let kids know something about you or do a mini-morning meeting (some personal sharing).
3. Watch your body language throughout your day. As we read, body language sends many messages to students, staff, and families (without us even realizing it!).

Click here to access the Staff Power Hour learning notes

Furniture Group for New Building:
The furniture group went to a showroom last week to look at new furniture for our new building.  I went into the visit thinking we'd look at desks, tables, chairs, etc. that just looked newer.  It was amazing to see how much furniture has changed to meet student and teacher needs.  Below are some of the pictures of the furniture (and our McK furniture group).  It's amazing to hear all the ways this furniture can be used.  The group will continue to explore our options over the next few weeks. 

 Twitter for Educators:
This has shown up in previous blogs, but it's something worth sharing again!  For those of you who are not on Twitter, it's time to join.  You will love it.  For those of you who are on Twitter, below are some ways to continue your growth on Twitter.  This year, I started participating in "Twitter Chats" with fellow principals (below).  The conversation and PD is awesome!

Don't forget about our hashtags: 
#mckinleystrong for information and events around our school community
#mckinleyPD is a spot to share professional development ideas/articles/links

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

Valet Parking for the Week:
The Valet Parking for the Week goes to Marie Sjulstad!  Marie is an amazing paraprofessional who puts students' needs first.  She is flexible, focused on students, and collaborative.  One of the things I appreciate the most about Marie is how positive she is - she always finds something good in every situation.  Thank you for all you do, Marie!

Enjoy your weekend!

Friday, February 17, 2017

Weekly Update- February 17, 2017

Happy Friday - and Happy 100th Day of School!

It's been great to see kids showing their "boomerang" this week during Random Acts of Kindness Week.  This may be a message we continue to say - whatever you throw out, always returns to you. 

Staff Recognition at Torey's:
Last night was our staff recognition at Torey's.  Thank you to all who attended- we had a great turnout.  I spoke last night, but I wanted to say it again to everyone.  Thank you for all you do.  We get so busy with the craziness of our days that we forget to celebrate the small victories we have at McKinley.    This place is really a gem.  Thank you to everyone for all your hard work.  You do great things for our students.

Random Things From Twitter:
Over the week, I have found some random things on Twitter that made me think of you and the work we are doing:
This is a composite of a brain- you can see one is sitting quietly and one is after a 20 minute walk.  The red and yellow areas in the brain are tissue growth- the brain is ready to absorb new information. 
As we know from our work around outdoor learning, the outdoors (air and environment) are so important to learning. 
This statement stood out to me - it's so true.  The future of our world is sitting here at McKinley.  How are we going to shape the future?

As we know, students need a positive, authentic relationships to learn.   This was a great reminder to me to continue to focus on the positives and find one positive thing about each child, each day. 

Supervision in Hallways & Bathrooms:
Please make sure we are supervising students in the hallways and bathroom.  Lately, I have seen a lot of students on their "own" in the hallway.  This includes a teacher walking their class - they continue walking, never turning around to monitor students.  The students at the end of the line get farther and farther behind and eventually are on their own.  Please watch this.  Not only is it loud in the hallway, but students get "amped up" as they get louder.  Then, we expect them to come into a classroom and work.  Their brains are not wired this way.   Please be aware of this, especially as we transition into an open school. 

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

Valet Parking for the Week:
The Valet Parking for the Week goes to 1st Grade Teacher, Jess Zupansic!  Jess is such a caring, dedicated, collaborative, and flexible educator who will do anything for her students.  One of the things that impresses me the most about Jess is the way she balances compassion and accountability.  Jess knows how to make her students feel loved and wanted - but also hold them accountable to high standards.  Jess is awesome- keep up the great work, Jess!

Have a great weekend and enjoy the "heat wave"!

Friday, February 10, 2017

Weekly Update- Friday, February 10, 2017

Happy Friday!  And, did I mention, it's a full moon, too??
Let's hope for a quiet, relaxing Friday! 

Construction Update:
Just a couple of updates regarding the new school site:
  • Tours on Thursday: Classroom teachers joined me on a tour of both Wilson and Willow Creek Schools.  The goal was to see what it felt/sounded like to be in an open school.  We also saw a lot of progress being made at the new school.  If you haven't driven by the north side of the building, you should!  The Kindergarten, 1st Grade, Art, and Music walls are being put up!
  • Furniture Group:  There is a team of teachers who are looking at new furniture options for our new site.  The team consists of Jen Koziolek, Kayla Davis, Mark Langlois, Amanda Gislason, and Justin Lang.  We will visit a showroom on Monday and start to determine what will be new furniture and what will need to come with us.  More to come on this!
  • Decluttering Rooms: Continue to de-clutter your rooms.  As you saw, there is little storage in the new school.  Start to purge things you will not need!
Random Acts of Kindness (RAoK) Week:
This coming week is RAoK Week!   An email went out on Thursday with some general directions for the week. 
Click here to see the directions

Attached in these directions is a pretty powerful video.  This video is guiding most of our theme for the week - a kindness boomerang.   The theme is whatever you "throw out", comes back around to you eventually.  Click below to watch the video (it's a powerful 5 minutes!):

Twitter Hastags:
Don't forget about our two Twitter hastags - #mckinleystrong and #McKinleyPD.   The #mckinleystrong focuses on all the great things we do every day to build a community and support all of our learners.  The #McKinleyPD is a spot to share resources for professional learning- for all staff.  Check it out and continue to share using these!   And, if you don't have Twitter yet, you are MISSING OUT!

PBIS - Golden Spatula Award
1st Grade received the Lunchroom "Golden Spatula Award" for the cleanest lunchroom and the best manners.  This week, they enjoyed a movie and rootbeer floats during their lunch period. 

After School Program- Block III:
ASP Block III will begin on Tuesday, February 21.  Teachers, please refer students and complete the registration paperwork ASAP!  This will be our last block for after school programming. 

PBIS- One Positive, Every Student, Every Day:
Last week, I challenged you to find at least one positive for every student, every day.  How's it going?  Did you find the challenge easy or tough?  As I stated, each of our students come needing our love and support.  Some kids just need a friendly smile, while others need a hug and one-on-one conversation to make it through the day.   Keep working toward that challenge- push yourself to find a positive for each student, every day. 

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

Valet Parking for the Week:
The Valet Parking for the Week goes to our Cultural Liaison, Nura Elmi!  Nura is flexible, compassionate, and always willing to go the extra mile to support our kids.  One of the things I appreciate about Nura is the way she works with parents.   Nura can be compassionate, honest, and firm all at once.  That is a gift!  She supports our families in more ways than we know.  Thank you for all you do, Nura! 

Have some relaxation this weekend - and, enjoy the heat wave! 

Friday, February 3, 2017

Weekly Update- Friday, February 3, 2017

Happy Friday!  It's already February! 

I attended the Minnesota Elementary School Principals' Association Conference yesterday.  It was a great day for me to reground myself as an educator, instructional leader, and a person.  One underlying theme from this day - finding the strengths in people.  I know this term is overused in an universal, general way; however, the impact is extremely powerful.  I'm challenging you for the rest of the year - to be able to find at least one positive in every student, every day.  As we have learned from our work around PBIS, people change behaviors when they feel support and positive recognition.  Our students need this - to know at least one positive strength they bring to our classroom communities.  Are you up for the challenge?
PBIS Discipline Data- January
The month of January is finished- click here to see the breakdown of the discipline data.  As you can see, discipline is on the rise this month.  The PBIS Team will discuss this at our next meeting.  As you examine this sheet, please let a PBIS team member know if you have thoughts or ideas regarding discipline!     

Open School Tours:
With our move to an open school next year, some questions have come up on the differences between an open schools and our current building.  Because of this, classroom teachers will be touring both Wilson and Willow Creek on Thursday, February 9th.   Below is a schedule for this day (teams will tour and debrief with me).  Click here to access the schedule

Appreciation Evening @ Torey's:
We don't spend enough time appreciating each other!  Please join us on February 16 from 3-6pm for a staff appreciation.  If you can't come the whole time, stop for a bit.  We will have appetizers and lots of compliments and positive recognition!  An invitation will be emailed later today- please RSVP with Lorri (for a food count). 

AM Arrival/PM Dismissal:
A couple reminders regarding AM arrival and PM dismissal:
  • If you have door duty, you need to be outside.  Please get your assigned dates on your calendar.  I'm noticing more "unsupervised" doors.  Thank you to those who are great about remembering. 
  • When the bell rings, all staff in the hallway.  This was something that impressed me when I arrived at McKinley.  There is a feel in the building when the bell rings- staff and students positively greeting each other.  This is a great tone to start the day. 
Twitter Hastags:
Don't forget about our two Twitter hastags - #mckinleystrong and #McKinleyPD.   The #mckinleystrong focuses on all the great things we do every day to build a community and support all of our learners.  The #McKinleyPD is a spot to share resources for professional learning- for all staff.  Check it out and continue to share using these! 

And, if you don't have Twitter yet, you are MISSING OUT!

Weekly Building Newsletter:
Click here to access the weekly building newsletter.

Valet Parking for the Week:
Our Valet Parking for the Week goes to Justin Lang!  Over the years, Justin has been an integral member of our Special Education team.  This past year, Justin graciously agreed to take on PBIS as a half-time assignment.  Justin has a ton of strengths- building relationships with students and staff, understanding behaviors, and doing whatever he can to support us in the building.  One of the things I appreciate most about Justin is the way he helps me (and us) stay focused on what is important- students and learning.   Thank you for all you do, Justin! 

Have a great weekend, everyone!

October 4 Update

Happy Homecoming! Another great week at McKinley!    Toot Your Horn Thursday: This week's Toot Your Horn Thursday Winner is Brenda Hager...