Friday, February 3, 2017

Weekly Update- Friday, February 3, 2017

Happy Friday!  It's already February! 

I attended the Minnesota Elementary School Principals' Association Conference yesterday.  It was a great day for me to reground myself as an educator, instructional leader, and a person.  One underlying theme from this day - finding the strengths in people.  I know this term is overused in an universal, general way; however, the impact is extremely powerful.  I'm challenging you for the rest of the year - to be able to find at least one positive in every student, every day.  As we have learned from our work around PBIS, people change behaviors when they feel support and positive recognition.  Our students need this - to know at least one positive strength they bring to our classroom communities.  Are you up for the challenge?
PBIS Discipline Data- January
The month of January is finished- click here to see the breakdown of the discipline data.  As you can see, discipline is on the rise this month.  The PBIS Team will discuss this at our next meeting.  As you examine this sheet, please let a PBIS team member know if you have thoughts or ideas regarding discipline!     

Open School Tours:
With our move to an open school next year, some questions have come up on the differences between an open schools and our current building.  Because of this, classroom teachers will be touring both Wilson and Willow Creek on Thursday, February 9th.   Below is a schedule for this day (teams will tour and debrief with me).  Click here to access the schedule

Appreciation Evening @ Torey's:
We don't spend enough time appreciating each other!  Please join us on February 16 from 3-6pm for a staff appreciation.  If you can't come the whole time, stop for a bit.  We will have appetizers and lots of compliments and positive recognition!  An invitation will be emailed later today- please RSVP with Lorri (for a food count). 

AM Arrival/PM Dismissal:
A couple reminders regarding AM arrival and PM dismissal:
  • If you have door duty, you need to be outside.  Please get your assigned dates on your calendar.  I'm noticing more "unsupervised" doors.  Thank you to those who are great about remembering. 
  • When the bell rings, all staff in the hallway.  This was something that impressed me when I arrived at McKinley.  There is a feel in the building when the bell rings- staff and students positively greeting each other.  This is a great tone to start the day. 
Twitter Hastags:
Don't forget about our two Twitter hastags - #mckinleystrong and #McKinleyPD.   The #mckinleystrong focuses on all the great things we do every day to build a community and support all of our learners.  The #McKinleyPD is a spot to share resources for professional learning- for all staff.  Check it out and continue to share using these! 

And, if you don't have Twitter yet, you are MISSING OUT!

Weekly Building Newsletter:
Click here to access the weekly building newsletter.

Valet Parking for the Week:
Our Valet Parking for the Week goes to Justin Lang!  Over the years, Justin has been an integral member of our Special Education team.  This past year, Justin graciously agreed to take on PBIS as a half-time assignment.  Justin has a ton of strengths- building relationships with students and staff, understanding behaviors, and doing whatever he can to support us in the building.  One of the things I appreciate most about Justin is the way he helps me (and us) stay focused on what is important- students and learning.   Thank you for all you do, Justin! 

Have a great weekend, everyone!

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