Friday, March 17, 2017

Weekly Update - March 17, 2017

Happy St. Patrick's Day!  And, happy Friday! 

Why not start Spring Break one week early?  This Monday is BEACH DAY for staff!  Come to work dressed in your shorts, sunglasses, and sandals!  We will have "beachy" (not even a word!) in the lounge during the day on Monday.  There will be prizes for those who participate!  

Before & After School:
One thing I love the most about this building is the "feel" in the morning as students enter our building.  I believe a huge part of this is due to everyone being in the hallway, greeting and welcoming students.  This past week, I saw the below statement on Twitter: 

What an interesting fact - engagement increased just by being at the door and welcoming students.  Remember, students need to feel welcome and a relationship before they will learn from you.  Kudos to McKinley for "all in the hall" before and after school. 

PBIS - Meeting & Reflections:
We met this week for PBIS - click here to access the meeting notes

I sent an email out earlier this week, but wanted to reiterate something.   I know many of us are thinking "this place is out of control" or "these kid are out of control!"  At times, I find myself thinking the same thoughts.  However, when we really analyzed the data, we found that PBIS Is working - most of our students are meeting our expectations! 

We analyzed discipline data since December to look at students who had 3 or more referrals.  When we pulled this, we found there are only 23 students in the building who fall into this category (3 or more referrals).  As much as we want ALL students meeting expectations, it's a huge celebration that  around 570 are meeting expectations!  Wow!    

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

Valet Parking for the Week:
The Valet Parking for the Week goes to 3rd Grade Teacher, Karen Thurnau!  Karen is collaborative, dedicated, and a learner.  One of the things that impresses me most about Karen is the way she looks at the whole child - not just the academics.  She is always trying to understand the true picture of this child and what she (and we) can do to advocate and support the child.  Keep up the great work, Karen! 

Have a great weekend, everyone!  One more week...

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