Friday, May 19, 2017

Weekly Update- May 19, 2017

Happy Friday! 
This pretty much sums it up...

As I indicated in the Staff Power Hour notes, we have 10 days left of school.  I recognize that some of our student are "checking out".  I'm seeing some similar frustrations with staff.   Please be aware of your frustration and tolerance level as you come to work each day.  Again, I know some students are showing significant behaviors that need to be addressed.  I'm also seeing less patience (including me!) which is resulting in more discipline.  Please just be aware of this, as well as your own personal frustrations, as we move forward... many of our students are losing their safety, security, and love for the summer. 

Thank you to all who attended our packing clinic.   As we discussed, the library closes this Monday.  On Wednesday (May 24), we will begin to take materials you need to get rid of - extra curriculum, resources you don't want (that are in good condition), extra posters, etc.  This is NOT a dumping ground, though.  It will be a spot to share resources. 

Also, boxes arrived yesterday.  They will be distributed- do not grab them.  Please remember Nikki's directions as you pack.  Also, if you need more boxes, request them in SchoolDude and indicate "bond move". 

Come see me if you have individual questions! 

New Building - Room Assignments:
As I promised, below is a link to the blueprints/room assignments for the "new" McKinley.

Click here to see room assignments

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Friday, May 12, 2017

Weekly Update- May 12, 2016

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!  It's been a great week honoring all the educators in our building.  Just a reminder- today the "energy bus" will come around to deliver energy to you! 

Thank you for all you do.  We truly have the most amazing staff - we are a true team focused on ALL kids!

13 Days Left..
We have 13 days left of school.  When you do the math, 13 days is 84.5 hours.  When you put it that way, it doesn't seem like much.  Wow.  Remember, those 13 days or 84.5 hours matter. 

Also, as you know, we may start to see more behaviors appear.  Please remember that these behaviors appear for many reasons- some are "checked out", some are fearful of a summer of no structure, some are fearful they won't get food, some will miss the stable relationship they have with you.  Please be aware of this and remember how important relationships are, especially at this time of year.  Also, be aware of your level of frustration.  Often, we are feeling very similar.  Be aware of this as you approach our students. 

Moving Meeting- next Wednesday:
Don't forget our "moving meeting" is next Wednesday in Kayla Davis's room.  Nikki Karnop from Relocation Services will walk us through the process of moving.  Nikki has spent hours getting this move ready - and has done a great job with her plan.  If you have questions, please bring them to the meeting. 

Congratulations Amanda and Jen:
Congratulations to Mrs. Gislason on being awarded the 2017 Owatonna Teacher of the Year!  Also, a huge congrats to Jen Koziolek on being nominated.   We have such talent at McKinley!  Just a reminder that today is "Mrs. Gislason Appreciation Day!" 

Construction Update Pictures:
Construction is coming along at the new site!  I was able to peek my head into the construction area on Wednesday.  Below are some photos:

Entrance to Flex Lab

Kindergarten Resource Room

Kindergarten Room (Courtney Hugs' room)

Hallway into 1st Grade Resource Room

Main Hallway outside Flex Lab (looking into existing building)
New Student Orientation:
A huge thank you to everyone who joined us on Wednesday night to welcome our new McKinley students.  It was great to meet our new students, but also see them smile and feel welcome in their new school. 


Building Weekly Newsletter:
Have a super weekend, everyone!  Happy Mother's Day to all our mothers!


Friday, May 5, 2017

Weekly Update- May 5, 2017

Happy Cinco de Mayo! 

Construction Update:
Just a reminder:  On Monday, we will stop using the front door for entrance and exit of students.  The door will not close; however, we will try and keep the "general traffic pattern" away from using it! 

EL Family Potluck:
We had a great turnout for our EL Family Potluck!   It was a night of great food and even better conversations.  A huge thank you to Laurie Wolhart, Caryn Boetel, Liz Stitzmeyer, and Sylvia Zavala for all your work making this night a success!


Spring Concert:
We had our Choir, 1st, and 2nd grade spring concert last night.  The night was magical!  A huge thank you to Paige Moon, Kim Gedde, and all the teachers who helped supervise this evening.  It was a first-class event! 

Student-First Leveling:
Libby wrote a great article in the literacy blog on leveling students - it's a great reminder that we don't "level kids".  As much as we need to know instructional & independent levels, we need to be careful we don't create a literacy environment that forces the student to "become the level".  Take some time to read this great blog entry:

Teacher Appreciation - Next Week:
Sorry for all the confusion regarding "Teacher Appreciation Week".   We will continue our celebration next week.  Monday is PAJAMA DAY for all educators.  Please remember, you are all educators who help educate our students! 

I saw this on Twitter last night.  It reminded me of how important gratitude and appreciation is, even among colleagues.  It's "5 Ways Teachers can show appreciation for one another".   Don't forget to appreciate each other!

Building Weekly Update:
Click here to access the building weekly update

Have a great weekend- enjoy the beautiful weather!

October 4 Update

Happy Homecoming! Another great week at McKinley!    Toot Your Horn Thursday: This week's Toot Your Horn Thursday Winner is Brenda Hager...