Friday, April 27, 2018

Weekly Update - April 27, 2018

Happy Friday, everyone!
We have gone right from winter to summer... wow!  I love this weather!  I hope you get a chance this weekend to get outside and enjoy the sun!

Power of Your Thoughts:
Your mind is an amazing thing.  Not only does it control the physical operations of your body, but it also controls your unconscious side of things - things you don't even realize you are doing or saying.  Please remember this as we continue down our path of identifying our biases.  Your thoughts, beliefs, and conversations eventually become your "reality".  Each of us have different "realities" - all based on your experiences. This is the power of diversity - we all bring different "realities" to the table.  However, our "realties" can also influence our body language, words we choose, and overall demeanors.  This is where the power of unconscious bias' comes in - your internal thoughts are showing in your external communication, whether you want it to or not.  Remember - your thoughts become reality.

Instruction & Last Day of Interventions:
As you know, we are coming to the end of a great year.  We've done so much great learning and teaching this year - I'm proud of the work we have done!   Please remember - we still have instruction time left.  And, students need routines.  We should still be fully engaged in balanced literacy and math blocks, including guided/small group reading.  

Our last day of services (EL, Tier 3, and Power 1/2 Hours) will be on Friday, May 25.

As you saw from Michelle Krell's email this week, we will be moving to FastBridge next year (instead of NWEA/MAP).  Michelle presented to Site Team on the benefits of FastBridge- there are many! As we do more preparing for next school year, this will be an item we discuss.

It Doesn't Just Happen at Starbucks:
Last week, I came across an article on the power of educators acknowledging and addressing their biaes.   It's a quick read and well worth it - please read!

Click here to read the article!

Taste of McKinley:
If you are free on May 10, please join us for some good food and conversations!

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Lorri will be sending this out later today!

McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week:
The McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week goes to Lorri Harrison!   Lorri has a natural gift of organization, flexibility, and compassion for people.   Lorri keeps our school running efficiently on a daily basis.  The thing I appreciate the most about Lorri is the way she works with people.  She is personable, compassionate, and lets people know they are welcomed and valued at McKinley.  She is our first "view" of McKinley to visitors - and she does it well.  I will greatly miss Lorri next year.  Keep up the great work, Lorri!

No complaining challenge...coming your way soon! :)
Have a great weekend, everyone!  Get out and enjoy the weather!

Friday, April 20, 2018

Weekly Update- April 20, 2018

Happy Friday, everyone!
It's going to be a great weekend - spring is finally here! 

As you know, this is one of my favorite quotes.  This is so true in so many ways.  This aligns so much with our equity work - your words, actions, and body language show what your priorities are.

Days Left of School:
As we close out April, we have only one month of school.   This month goes pretty quickly.   Can you believe we are coming to the end of one school year in our new building??

As we finish the year, be aware of what message you are sending to students.  If we are posting "__ Days Left of School", we are really showing students our priorities around learning and school.  I know, as a person, we are counting down the days until summer vacation.  However, please be aware of this message as you communicate with students.  

I Scream, You Scream, We All READ for Ice Cream:
We had a great turnout at our reading night Tuesday - around 300 people!  Families enjoyed ice cream and participating in writing a story (story cubes).  It was a great night!  A huge thank you to Lori Huisenga, Libby Zeman, and Jess Zupansic for planning this evening.

Taste of McKinley:
We are trying something new this year - the Taste of McKinley.  Families are invited to bring a food item (meal, dessert, drink) of their culture/heritage.  Then, families will walk around and sample each other's food items.  If you are free to join (help or eat), mark the date (note the time change!).    

A Few Literacy Items from Libby

Running Records: 
I have enjoyed collaborating with teachers around running records.  These conversations have gone many different directions, but I have enjoyed all of them as they have all been centered around what our learners need next.  How well everyone knows their readers is truly impressive.  I look forward to the discussions around running records at our staff meeting next week.

*Please bring a completed running record to the staff meeting.  We will be using them to discuss teaching points.

*If you have not yet scheduled your time for running records, please do so today.  My schedule between now and 4/30 is quite full, and I want to be sure we can find a time that works.

We have the team of retired teachers coming in on the 17th and 18th of May to complete our testing.  Fifth, third and second all have a fieldtrip during this time frame.  The schedule is always tricky, but this will make it even more so.  If possible, please avoid scheduling additional things on these days.  Once we have assessors confirmed, I’ll get a schedule completed and shared with you.

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week:
The McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week goes to Phy-Ed Teacher, Kyle Melcher!  Kyle is a caring educator who is focused on building high quality relationships with students.  Students look forward to seeing Kyle, mainly due to the relationships he builds.  Kyle is flexible and always willing to do something if it impacts students. Kyle is an asset to our team - keep up the great work, Kyle!  

Have a great weekend, everyone!  

Thursday, April 12, 2018

Weekly Update- April 12, 2018

Happy Thursday, everyone!

What another great week at McKinley!  We are nearing the end of the year- 35 days left of school.  This year, as crazy as it has been, as gone by so quickly.  I'm proud of all the work we have done in only a short time.

35 days left of school.... 227.5 hours of instruction.... 13, 650 minutes of instruction.  Let's finish strong!

I Scream, You Scream, We all READ for Ice Cream!
Join us for our last Reading Family Night on Tuesday evening.  We will be enjoying ice cream sundaes and using our creativity to author a story! If you are available to help, please let Lori Huisenga know.

Multicultural Night:
We had a great turnout at our McKinley Multicultural Night on Tuesday.  We had pizza, games, laughs, and just an overall fun evening.  A HUGE thank you to Laurie (& Brad) Wolhart, Liz Stitzmeyer, Caryn Boetel, Nura Elmi, & Sylvia Zavala for all your work to make this night possible.  And, a huge thank you to everyone who helped volunteer.  Here are some pictures from the evening:

This is one of my favorite days during the year- seeing what YOU love about McKinley.  We have so much to be thankful for - it's a great day to reflect on that.  Below is just a snapshot of some of the tweets from yesterday:

Mindset Video on RTI Framework:
Below is a 1 minute, 30 second video on the Response to Intervention framework.  Libby shared this with me earlier this week - the video made me realize a couple of things.  First, as Hattie describes, the RTI framework is for ALL kids.  We teach effective core instruction (tier 1), Power 1/2 Hour & supports in room (Tier 2), and supports with additional staff outside of the reading block (tier 3).  We are ALL part of the RTI framework.   Secondly, this model requires flexibility and a teacher continually asking - "What is my impact?   What have students learned and what else do they need?"  I strongly believe in our structure and believe we ARE making an impact.

Click here to access the video

McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week:
My fault... I forgot to post Justin Lang's nomination to social media last week.  So, he is our nomination one more week.

Building Weekly Newsletter:
This will come out tomorrow- via email from Lorri.

Have a great Friday (and weekend!).   Sounds like there is SNOW on the way!

Friday, April 6, 2018

Weekly Update- April 6, 2018

Happy Friday!

It's been a great week back!  We have two months left with our kids.. let's finish strong!

Below are some pictures from our transition day back.   It was great to see all the excitement, relationships, and teamwork occurring (and the dancing in the drop off lane!).

Co-Teaching in 4th Grade:
We've had some great work this year put into a co-teaching model, particularly between our classroom and EL teaching staff.  I have asked Dani Rypka and Laurie Wolhart to write a short description of the co-teaching work they are doing in the area of math- it's VERY impressive.  I am continually amazed at the work that is going into this, as well as the opportunities we are providing ALL kids in core instruction.  

Co-Teaching Math - by Laurie & Dani
Our co-teaching journey started with some awkwardness, excitement and a lot of trial and error. As you all know, the start of the school year was a bit rocky, and so was our attempt at co-teaching math. Thankfully, we were willing to take the time to iron out the problems and the students were flexible and eager to help us learn.
We have 30 minutes of planning every week, we check-in via email or with a quick discussion before, during or after school. We also use a spread sheet with student data to stay current on reteaching and student needs. During our planning time we plan for a short 20-minute whole group and what we call guided math groups (we each teach two, 20-minute groups each day – the groups are between 5 and 10 students). We modeled our groups from the Guided Math groups that Mrs. Stitzmeyer, Mrs. Schlauderaff and Mrs. Zupansic run in first grade. These groups are flexible and based on needs. Depending on the day, some students get no independent time, others 20 minutes and the other group 30 minutes.
We see the benefits of coteaching in so many ways. The biggest success for us is the grit and confidence that the students show. We can reteach in small, purposeful groups which allows students to master a skill. Also, students are not able to “fake it” the way they can often do in a whole group situation. They are held accountable to themselves and their teachers to show their work, ask questions and self-check to be sure they understand.
Our co-teaching time is also the EL service time for any student with a Level 3 or 4 in their English Language Proficiency. When students are that close to being exited from the EL Program, research shows that a push-in, co-teaching model is more effective than a pull-out model.  Students do not miss ANY classroom instruction and their language goals are embedded in the content. 
This is a win-win scenario. All of our students get individualized math instruction and our students who receive EL services have language support at the same time.

Somali Name Conventions:
Two weeks ago, Amy Young shared a sheet with me on the conventions of Somali names.  It was interesting to read this and understand more about names within the Somali culture.  I highly recommend taking some time to read this document to understand more about some of the families we serve.  

Click here to read the sheet

Anchor Charts- Why & How We Use Them:
I recently shared this article on Twitter - a great reminder of the benefits of anchor charts when teaching students.  I appreciate that this author gives us some things to consider when making the charts, too.   

#LoveMySchoolDay is next Wednesday! 
Next Wednesday, April 11 is #LoveMySchoolDay.  This is a day for us to fill social media with all the things we love and appreciate about McKinley School.  Mark your calendars for this coming Wednesday!  

Building Weekly Newsletter:
The building weekly newsletter will be updated here later today.  

McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week:
The McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week goes to Special Education Teacher, Justin Lang!  Justin is a true leader, advocate, and relationship-builder.  Justin truly believes (& models) all students will learn at high levels.  His unwavering commitment to students and staff helps keep us focused on our "real why" - students and learning.  Justin is an asset to our building - thank you for all you do, Justin! 

Have a great weekend, everyone! 

October 4 Update

Happy Homecoming! Another great week at McKinley!    Toot Your Horn Thursday: This week's Toot Your Horn Thursday Winner is Brenda Hager...