Friday, April 20, 2018

Weekly Update- April 20, 2018

Happy Friday, everyone!
It's going to be a great weekend - spring is finally here! 

As you know, this is one of my favorite quotes.  This is so true in so many ways.  This aligns so much with our equity work - your words, actions, and body language show what your priorities are.

Days Left of School:
As we close out April, we have only one month of school.   This month goes pretty quickly.   Can you believe we are coming to the end of one school year in our new building??

As we finish the year, be aware of what message you are sending to students.  If we are posting "__ Days Left of School", we are really showing students our priorities around learning and school.  I know, as a person, we are counting down the days until summer vacation.  However, please be aware of this message as you communicate with students.  

I Scream, You Scream, We All READ for Ice Cream:
We had a great turnout at our reading night Tuesday - around 300 people!  Families enjoyed ice cream and participating in writing a story (story cubes).  It was a great night!  A huge thank you to Lori Huisenga, Libby Zeman, and Jess Zupansic for planning this evening.

Taste of McKinley:
We are trying something new this year - the Taste of McKinley.  Families are invited to bring a food item (meal, dessert, drink) of their culture/heritage.  Then, families will walk around and sample each other's food items.  If you are free to join (help or eat), mark the date (note the time change!).    

A Few Literacy Items from Libby

Running Records: 
I have enjoyed collaborating with teachers around running records.  These conversations have gone many different directions, but I have enjoyed all of them as they have all been centered around what our learners need next.  How well everyone knows their readers is truly impressive.  I look forward to the discussions around running records at our staff meeting next week.

*Please bring a completed running record to the staff meeting.  We will be using them to discuss teaching points.

*If you have not yet scheduled your time for running records, please do so today.  My schedule between now and 4/30 is quite full, and I want to be sure we can find a time that works.

We have the team of retired teachers coming in on the 17th and 18th of May to complete our testing.  Fifth, third and second all have a fieldtrip during this time frame.  The schedule is always tricky, but this will make it even more so.  If possible, please avoid scheduling additional things on these days.  Once we have assessors confirmed, I’ll get a schedule completed and shared with you.

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week:
The McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week goes to Phy-Ed Teacher, Kyle Melcher!  Kyle is a caring educator who is focused on building high quality relationships with students.  Students look forward to seeing Kyle, mainly due to the relationships he builds.  Kyle is flexible and always willing to do something if it impacts students. Kyle is an asset to our team - keep up the great work, Kyle!  

Have a great weekend, everyone!  

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