Friday, February 22, 2019

Weekly Update - Friday, February 22, 2019

Happy Friday!  More snow on the way... get ready to shovel!  

Science Fair:
A great job to all of our Science Fair participants last night!   And, a huge thank you to Lori Huisenga, Julie Bauer, and Michelle Simon for all their hard work planning and hosting this wonderful event!  

5 Tips for Maximizing Feedback:
Click the image below to see the tips below on taking feedback to the next level.  Take a few minutes to read this...

The Power of Language:
As you know, your language directly impacts your approach and beliefs in students.  This may sound very far-stretched; however, take a minute to think about this.  If I am constantly dreading doing an activity and calling it "stupid", I am changing the way my brain perceives this activity.  Then, when I go to to do it, I already have pre-programmed thoughts that will translate into the way I believe (or engage) with the activity.  The same goes for our students - the way you talk about and think about them will DIRECTLY impact the way we treat them.  Below is a graphic from Twitter on the types of language we want to hear in schools of our loved ones.  Take a minute to check this out - what language are you using? 

NAEP Testing - 4th Grade:
Selected 4th Graders will be participating in the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) test next Thursday, February 28.  This is the test students participate in when you hear things like "80% of our nation's fourth graders...".   Testing will be in two sessions - a morning and afternoon session - and be located in the Learning Studio.  Please be quiet and respectful of the testing environment as you are transitioning through these areas on Thursday.  

Building Weekly Newsletter:

McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week:
The McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week goes to Speech & Language Teacher, Amanda Wood!  Amanda is a knowledgeable, dedicated, and compassionate educator who truly believes in the "all hands on deck" approach to learning.   One of the things that impresses me most about Amanda is her commitment to making learning integrated - she works hard to ensure that programming (and learning) is occurring in many different environments and that teachers have the resources to help support this learning.   Keep up the great work, Amanda! 

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Friday, February 15, 2019

Weekly Update - February 15, 2019

Good morning- and happy Friday!

Just in case you think we haven't had enough snow... below is the view of Val Seath's 2nd grade classroom!  Val said they've turned it into a real-life math problem of measurement! 

You Make Me Proud:
Just an unsolicited editorial from your boss... 
This past week, I've had numerous experiences that have led me to be proud of the work we are doing.  Our Staff Power Hour was grounded around faciliative talk, particularly around small group reading.  I was so impressed (and proud!) of the high-levels of discussion and questioning around this topic.  Our staff are working hard to make sure students are getting high-quality reading instruction on a daily basis.  That makes me honored to be a part of your team...

I've been involved in a few discussions this week around behaviors.  In these conversations, I was reminded of why I love McKinley so much - you do anything and everything to make sure students' needs are met.  The conversations I had were around behaviors; however, each of them were grounded in "what can I do to support this learner?"

And, finally, our "YOU MATTER...." notes.   The number of notes that were turned in and the smiles I saw on people's faces are priceless.   You truly care about each other and will do anything to support/learn/care for each other.  

You make me proud to walk along side you in this work.  Keep up the great work!

Student Wait Time:
With the many recent snow days, I have heard more and more comments about people feeling "behind" and needing to "catch up" on the curriculum.  I appreciate your concerted effort to make sure we are still on pace for completing standards and learning before June.   Thank you for that!

In saying that, don't forget about the power of "wait time" during a lesson.  We often get moving and do most of the talking - with little time for students to process, digest, and think throughout the learning.  Think of wait time as eating a meal... if you eat your food too quickly, you will have a stomachache.  As you eat, you take a few bites and let your food digest before moving on.  Don't forget about this as we are teaching - students need those moments of think to truly learn.

Over the next few weeks, I challenge you - no matter what you teach - to build this wait time into your lessons.  It may be awkward at first, but the long-term benefits will outweigh the awkwardness.  Design your lessons to have these natural wait times built in ... give students, particularly those who have developed a "learned helplessness", time to think (and possibly have productive struggle!).

Image result for importance of student wait time
Reading Leadership:
A huge thank you to our building Reading Leadership team who have been hard at work all year to provide guidance around reading instruction.  This team works hard with providing professional development around reading, solving and aligning K-5 reading needs in the building, and providing feedback and expertise around the rollout of guided reading.  A huge thank you to Paige Larson, Jess Zupansic, Catie Stephani, Kayla Davis, Lauren Bogda, Paige Gilligan, and Libby Zeman for their hard work (and expertise!) around reading instruction.  Nice work!  

F&P Benchmark Assessment Information
Yesterday at Reading Leadership, the team decided that K-4 will all save our Feb/Mar copies of our Benchmark Assessments to pass along to the next grade level.  K-3 will also pass on the most recent reading record that they have from guided reading as well.  This will hopefully help next year's teacher to have more information coming into interviews.  Please save all of your copies as you complete the testing before spring break.  At the end of the year, we will collect them and sort them into the next year's classrooms.

Office Referral Trend Data
Below is a link to our office referral trend data for 18-19.  This data compares majors/minors, as well as overall numbers to last year.  Take a few minutes to look through this.  Our PBIS team has spent time analyzing the data to see if any supports need to go into place.  As a reminder, our building goal is to have 500 or less major office referrals for the school year.  In saying this, this does not mean you cannot send students to the office.

Click here to access the trend data 

If you are struggling with a student's behavior, please remember to put them on a tier 2 behavior plan.  Libby, myself, and your other colleagues are here to help write the plans- and support the student! 

Click here to access the tier 2 plan template

McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week:
Our McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week goes to 4th Grade Special Education Teacher, Justin Lang!  Justin is a relationship-oriented educator who is an advocate and support for many of our learners - each and every day.  Justin is a collaborative educator who is always learning and growing.  One of the things that impresses me most about Justin is his unwavering commitment to the work we are doing at McKinley.  He knows his job is to serve all students and will do anything to make sure this happens.  Keep being #mckinleystrong, Mr. Lang!  

Have a GREAT weekend, everyone!

Friday, February 8, 2019

Weekly Update - February 8, 2019

Another week has flown by, and it is hard to believe we are approaching mid-February next week already!

As I reflect on the week, I have to say my highlight was seeing all of the smiling faces of staff and students on Monday morning!  I heard so many, "I've missed yous."   We are so fortunate to have such a positive place to learn and work every day!

Sometimes when we get into the heart of winter, I have to work a little bit harder to keep that positive spirit up.  I came across a past blog post from George Couros recently on Twitter; he shares Three Ideas for Staying Positive, and it had some good reminders for this time of year.   

The snow and cold affects our students too, and they surely have been missing outside time.  Here's a short blog post on the importance of recess and outside time for kids.  Let's continue to get them outside for recess (and learning) whenever we safely can!  Next week looks like we'll have several days above zero.

Informational Items:
*A note will go home with students as well, but we will not be rescheduling the last day of after school program.  

*Please remember to make a plan for completing Benchmark Assessments before spring break.  To see the information in the email that was sent out earlier this week, click here.  

Celebrating the Learning:
Even though it's been a shorter week, there was a lot of amazing learning happening!  There is a great deal of evidence of our STEAM beliefs in these photos.

Also, take a moment to watch this short video and hear what our students have to say about co-teaching.  We have so much to celebrate with all of the co-teaching collaboration this year!

Be sure to take some time this weekend to take care of you.

Building Weekly Newsletter:

McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week:

Our McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week goes to kindergarten teacher Rachel Anderson!  Rachel is always thinking of creative ways to get students just what they need.  Her positive attitude and willingness to try new things bring so much to our McKinley community.  She's always willing to jump in and help.  Rachel is a fantastic asset to our McKinley staff!  (Picture will be added soon!)

Friday, February 1, 2019

Weekly Update - February 1, 2019

Wow, can you believe it's already February?  Time flies!

I hope you are also unthawing from the polar vortex.  It was a perfect week to stay somewhere warm and relax!

Transition Day:
Since we have been out school for an entire week, our students will need some form of "transition" back to school Monday.  This can already be a hard time for students - added a week off, some will need time to transition back.  This time, we are letting you and your team determine what you will do on Monday.  Remember, our goal is to rebuild relationships, re-establish routines, and regulate students.  Don't forget to wear jeans and your STEAM gear!

Please do plan some transitional activities, though.  Work with your team on this.  We have found that students' attitude, behaviors, and overall demeanor improve when we give them this opportunity.  Thank you!

Why We Need To See Each Other:
Below is a link to a great blog entry on the power of teachers seeing each other teach.  As we know, there is enormous power in collaboration.  That collaboration includes seeing the talents each of you bring to the classroom each and every day.  Please take some time to read the blog entry - it provides a great rationale for why we need to get into each other's classrooms.

Article - "Open Your Door:  Why We Need to See Each Other Teach"

In saying this, don't forget about our request to access professional learning time.  This request allows you the opportunity to get into each other's rooms - with your Principal covering for you!  So far, we've had staff participate in this with great reviews.  Each of them used this time to continue their own personal growth as a teacher - we love learning at McKinley!  If you are interested in professional learning time, please use the form below:

Click here to access the Google Form

International Fun Day at Work:
Thank you for another great International Fun Day at Work!  We had some much fun, we needed a week off!  Below are some pictures from the day.  Great work on the costumes - every year, you impress me more!

Out of Building:
I am out of the building this coming Wednesday afternoon, Thursday, and Friday.  I am attending the Minnesota Elementary School Principals' Association (MESPA) Winter Institute.  This is a great professional development opportunity for me!  When I am out, Justin Lang will be filling in on Wednesday afternoon.  On Thursday and Friday, Libby will be filling in.  Please be aware of this as we head into these three days.

Building Weekly Newsletter
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week:
Catie Stephani continues on this week... I forgot to post her on social media last week!

The McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week goes to 2nd Grade Teacher, Catie Stephani!  Catie is a compassionate, dedicated educator who creates a learning environment for all.  One of the things that impresses me most about Catie is her willingness to do "whatever it takes" to make sure students needs are met - academically, but also social-emotional needs.  Catie creates a strong classroom community that is focused on growth and learning.  You are #mckinleystrong, Catie... we are proud of you!

Have a great weekend - enjoy the warmer weather!

October 4 Update

Happy Homecoming! Another great week at McKinley!    Toot Your Horn Thursday: This week's Toot Your Horn Thursday Winner is Brenda Hager...