Friday, February 1, 2019

Weekly Update - February 1, 2019

Wow, can you believe it's already February?  Time flies!

I hope you are also unthawing from the polar vortex.  It was a perfect week to stay somewhere warm and relax!

Transition Day:
Since we have been out school for an entire week, our students will need some form of "transition" back to school Monday.  This can already be a hard time for students - added a week off, some will need time to transition back.  This time, we are letting you and your team determine what you will do on Monday.  Remember, our goal is to rebuild relationships, re-establish routines, and regulate students.  Don't forget to wear jeans and your STEAM gear!

Please do plan some transitional activities, though.  Work with your team on this.  We have found that students' attitude, behaviors, and overall demeanor improve when we give them this opportunity.  Thank you!

Why We Need To See Each Other:
Below is a link to a great blog entry on the power of teachers seeing each other teach.  As we know, there is enormous power in collaboration.  That collaboration includes seeing the talents each of you bring to the classroom each and every day.  Please take some time to read the blog entry - it provides a great rationale for why we need to get into each other's classrooms.

Article - "Open Your Door:  Why We Need to See Each Other Teach"

In saying this, don't forget about our request to access professional learning time.  This request allows you the opportunity to get into each other's rooms - with your Principal covering for you!  So far, we've had staff participate in this with great reviews.  Each of them used this time to continue their own personal growth as a teacher - we love learning at McKinley!  If you are interested in professional learning time, please use the form below:

Click here to access the Google Form

International Fun Day at Work:
Thank you for another great International Fun Day at Work!  We had some much fun, we needed a week off!  Below are some pictures from the day.  Great work on the costumes - every year, you impress me more!

Out of Building:
I am out of the building this coming Wednesday afternoon, Thursday, and Friday.  I am attending the Minnesota Elementary School Principals' Association (MESPA) Winter Institute.  This is a great professional development opportunity for me!  When I am out, Justin Lang will be filling in on Wednesday afternoon.  On Thursday and Friday, Libby will be filling in.  Please be aware of this as we head into these three days.

Building Weekly Newsletter
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week:
Catie Stephani continues on this week... I forgot to post her on social media last week!

The McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week goes to 2nd Grade Teacher, Catie Stephani!  Catie is a compassionate, dedicated educator who creates a learning environment for all.  One of the things that impresses me most about Catie is her willingness to do "whatever it takes" to make sure students needs are met - academically, but also social-emotional needs.  Catie creates a strong classroom community that is focused on growth and learning.  You are #mckinleystrong, Catie... we are proud of you!

Have a great weekend - enjoy the warmer weather!

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