Friday, October 25, 2019

Weekly Update - Friday, October 25, 2019

Good Morning - and happy Friday! 

Gratitude Challenge Starts Friday!
Next Friday, our annual "gratitude challenge" starts on Twitter.  This is something I would like ALL staff to engage in.  If you aren't on Twitter yet, it's time.  Join today, it's free. 

Below is a calendar with the daily prompts.  If you tweet about 12 of these, you will be entered into a drawing to have an off-site lunch with five of your colleagues.

I'm looking forward to spreading the "gratitude word"! 

Gratitude Challenge Calendar

Words We Choose:
As you know, this is one of my favorite quotes - "the words you speak become the house you live in".   We've done extensive work around the words we use to describe students - and how powerful these words can be to your beliefs, actions, and expectations.  But, what about yourself?  your workload?  Are you choosing the words you are using there, too?   I know - we have a lot on our "plate" this year with new initiatives and new curriculum.  However, start to monitor the way you talk about this.  Your brain is wired to listen to your thoughts and put those into action.  Instead of thinking "I'm so overwhelmed and this sucks", think "I have a lot to do - and the things that are important will get done".  It will change your mindset and the "house you live in!". 

Think Time:
It's been so great to see our new reading resources in action.  The language, stories, and activities with these resources is engaging and higher level.  It's exciting!   I know these resources have left people feeling like, "Where do I fit all this in?"  I know time has become an issue in most classrooms.  As we continue into the year, don't forget about the power of "think time".  Our scholars need time to think, reflect, and process... and, at times, have productive struggles. 

Bus Driver Appreciation Week:
This week was Bus Driver Appreciation Week.  A huge thank you to Karen & Grace Thurnau for creating cards for our drivers - and thank you to everyone who signed the cards.  We delivered cinnamon rolls yesterday morning to each driver.  Thanks to Steph and Selena for all of your work organizing this.  Below is a message I received from the Bus Company: 

Justin and McKinley Staff,
What an awesome and unexpected surprise we all had when dropping at McKinley this morning!  I personally drove a McKinley based bus and saw Selena holding the big box containing the treats as I drove up to unload…I was then pleasantly presented with my pastry and card that certainly will be the highlight of my day!  You folks have always taken the extra step to make us feel extremely appreciated and valuable.  Lots of smiles and boasting going on from the McKinley drivers, for sure!!

Have a wonderful rest of your week!

Mindfulness has become something that is just a regular thing in our day.  It's been great to see how much our staff are engaging in this work - to help regulate students and get them ready for learning.  Just a reminder to be using the term "mindfulness" instead of "yoga".  There are religious connections to engaging in yoga.  I've had a few questions this year from parents on this. 

Building Leadership Team Meeting Notes:
Our Building Leadership Team met this week - below are the notes.  We read a great article from Peggy MacIntosh on white privilege - your BLT rep will be discussing it with you! 
Click here to access the notes 

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

Have a great weekend, everyone!  Go do something you enjoy!

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Weekly Update - Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Happy Friday - or Wednesday!

Courageous Conversations:
Thank you for your conversation around the Courageous Conversation protocol & compass on Monday.  This will guide our work, moving forward.  As you enter into conversations about race, always ask yourself where you are at within the compass & stay focused on the agreements and conditions.  This will help us focus on the work (race) and keep the conversation productive. 

If you did not read the article, please take some time.  This is critical work.

Accountable Talk
Below is a link to a card to help students stay accountable during discussions.  This was on Twitter recently and was on each student's desks.  The goal is for them to use the sentence starters & questions to stay focused and engaged in a discussion. A huge thank you to Eric Oppegard for creating & sharing this!

Accountable Talk Card 

LCSI Foundation #3 -  Guest Blogger Danielle Nystrom:
Foundation #3: Developing the Art of Listening
The third foundation that LSCI is built on is “Developing the Art of Listening”. Within this foundation it is important to acknowledge that choosing to listen to a child is a purposeful action. The choice is made to engage in a conversation. This is the first phase; attending. The choice is made to listen and the adult needs to have a neutral and approachable demeanor. In order to do so successfully, the adult must pay attention to their body language, their breathing, and their facial expressions. Presence has an impact. Children are able to pick up on the slightest shift in body language and facial expressions. The second phase is decoding. While the child is speaking, the adult should be looking for what is not being said. They are searching for meaning and attempting to make connections between the feelings experienced and the behavior that occurred, in a nonjudgmental way. During this phase is also important to allow processing and reflection time for the child so that these connections can sink in. 

Challenge: Check out this video from Ferris Bueller’s Day Off ! Watch it twice! The first time you watch it, turn the volume off. Watch the body language of both characters. The second time you watch it, pay attention to the tone and the questions being asked.

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

Make Time for YOU! 
As you know, this job demands a lot.  Without self-care, you can become exhausted - physically and emotionally.  Take some time this break to do something YOU enjoy.  Do some relaxing, unwinding, and be with those you love.  Take care of YOU!

Enjoy your MEA break!

Friday, October 11, 2019

Weekly Update - Friday, October 11, 2019

Happy Friday, everyone!

Camp McKinley:
We had a great turnout (around 250 people!) for our "Camp McKinley" last night.  A huge thank you to Chelsea Van Roekel, Dani Rypka, Danielle Nystrom, Julie Bauer, Kathy Feltes, Sami Nelson, Laurie Wolhart, and Madie Conley for your work around this night.  Another thank you to Sylvia & Nura for being available for language support.  What a great night! 

Dear Complainer...
A great blog entry from the Energy Bus on complaining & blaming.  Take a minute to read - great reminders!  Click here to access the blog entry

How Does Communication Fit into the Literacy Puzzle - Guest Blogger Amanda Wood
Check out a great blog entry from Amanda Wood on how communication and literacy fit together. 

September ORD Data:
Below is a link to our September Office Referral Data (ORD).  This data is collected to examine trends in behaviors, but also provide supports for individual students.  Our McKinleyStrong Team analyzed the data last night and found the following observations:

  • The 11-1pm is our highest time for referrals.  We thought this could be possibly be due to a large amount of kids in one space (lunchroom), volume in lunchroom, students being away from a teacher for the first time during the day, or just that it's their first unstructured time during the day.
  • The team found that physical aggression is extremely high.  This matches previous years, too.  We talked about possible reasons and determined we would track who is being physical and figure out how to support them best.  

September ORD Data

Reserve November 1 - SHHH, it's a SECRET:
Keep this secret.. as we will be announcing next week.  We did fill the jar!  Woo hoo!  Our team met last night and determined that November 1st will be our McKinleyStrong Celebration.  More information will come on this; however, plan on an activity on this day.  More information to come! 

Life Space Crisis - Guest Blogger Danielle Nystrom:
Foundation #2: Understanding the Dynamics of the Conflict Cycle:
The second foundation that LSCI is built on is “Understanding the Dynamics of the Conflict Cycle”. This is especially important when trying to understand the timeline of an event. The conflict cycle is made up of four parts and occurs in a cyclical rotation. First, the child brings their values and world views into a given stressful event. This event or stress causes an emotion to be felt or experienced. An internal dialogue occurs based on the thoughts and feelings. This internal dialogue leads to some type of observable behavior. This could be anything from an eye roll to flipping a table. Once the observable behavior occurs, there is some kind of response from the adult that is around. This response will either keep the stress level the same or will increase the amount of stress the child is experiencing. It is imperative that the adult involved in the situation be responsive to the child’s needs; not reactive (yelling, punishment, etc). If the adult reacts to the behavior, the students’ stress level will increase, a new emotion will be experienced, followed by a more intense behavior. This cycle will continue if the adult continues to match the student; and the stress level will continue to rise. As stated earlier, the adult has multi-dimensional thinking and the ability to manage and control their emotions. The adult needs to be the thermostat in the event and work to keep the stress at a level place to assist the student in draining off their intense emotions.

Understanding the conflict cycle is important as it helps the adult involved understand how the child is feeling. It is also very helpful in assisting with determining the timeline of an event or crisis situation. The conflict cycle lends itself to this process. The adult can ask simple questions to gather information. Questions include: What happened? How did you feel? What were you thinking or feeling? What did you do? How did they respond? These questions allow the adult to hear the perception of the student and understand the feelings that the child was experiencing. 

Check out this great example of going around the conflict cycle… a few times! Breakfast Club

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

Have a great weekend, everyone! Keep your fingers crossed for NO SNOW!

Friday, October 4, 2019

Weekly Update - Friday, October 4, 2019

Good morning - and happy Homecoming!
Mindset & Language Matter!  Think about those words you are choosing - they have greater impact than you realize!  

Guided Groups:
Guided groups are up and running this week!  A huge thank you to all the teachers who spent hours getting student goals established and schedules made.  I know this required a lot of time and effort.

Just a reminder - guided groups are a priority.  These time, along with intervention blocks, are sacred.  If we want to get students to becoming readers, guided groups are the structure to making this happen.  Please remember a few things:
  • Guided groups are ineffective if we are not monitoring student goals and adjusting throughout the year.  These are our resources - the responsive teaching is what is critical to making our students high quality readers.
  • Guided groups are at a minimum - 20 minutes.  
  • LLI is designed to support guided groups.  Teachers between both programs should be communicating on the goals, level, progress, and the observational data they are seeing in group.  
If you need support, please let Libby know.  She is a great resource!  

Library Re-Design:
As you could see yesterday, Denise and Kayla were busy re-assembling our new learning space - the library.  The goal of this space is to move away from it being a "books only" spot to more of a learning space.  Eventually, Denise will have things out - puzzles, MakerSpace items, etc... the list is limitless!  The goal of yesterday's work was to create spaces throughout the library for small groups to work.  It looks awesome!  A huge thank you to Denise and Kayla for their hard work!  Also, thank you to the Maintenance Team for their help and our fellow Media Center EA's! 

EL Graduation:
Congratulations to our 2019 EL Graduates!  We are so proud of these students!  A huge thank you to Laurie Wolhart, Liz Stitzmeyer, Caryn Boetel, Sylvia Zavala, & Nura Elmi for all their work coordinating this special evant! 

Life Space Crisis Intervention - Guest Columnist Danielle Nystrom: 
Over the summer I had the opportunity to become certified in Life Space Crisis Intervention (LSCI). LSCI is a framework for working with students who are in crisis. This framework meets the students where they are at and works to increase their capacity to navigate settings that are managed by adults (school); this is something that is a struggle for students who have/are experienced trauma and haven’t developed a sense of safety. This framework is built on three critical foundations. It is important to understand the foundations of the LSCI framework as it plays into the mindset of the adult who is working with a child in crisis. With these insights, it allows the adult to meet the child where they are at. 

Foundation #1: The Understanding of Brain Differences between children and adults
The first foundation is “The Understanding of Brain Differences Between Children and Adults”. This foundation contains three important understandings. The first is the idea that a child’s brain is different than an adult brain. These differences are evident in four different ways: thinking, perception, feelings, and behaviors. When looking at the brain of a child, their thinking is irrational, events are perceived in one way, emotions take over, impulsive behaviors occur and defense mechanisms are used when the pain is too much. This differs from the brain of an adult. Adults are able to think rationally, use multidimensional thinking, manage and control emotions, and can take responsibility for their actions. Adults also have the understanding that their presence has impact; positive or negative. This understanding is important because it shows that children are self-centered in their way of thinking and struggle to see all sides of a situation or event. Adults are able to use multi-dimensional thinking and use all aspects of the situation or event when deciding how to act or respond.

Centered on self- Sees things one way
Multidimensional thinking- See all sides of a situation
Emotions take over
Ability to manage emotions
May act impulsively and use defense mechanisms to protect themselves. 
Can take responsibility for actions and understand that their presence has an impact in some way; positive or negative. 

NEW Educational Assistant Schedule & Role:
Our new EA Schedule starts this Monday.   Just a reminder, EA's are supporting intervention blocks throughout the day.  With their "open" times listed on the schedule, they will eventually have individual students or small groups assigned to work with.  This will be assigned based on data and need.   A huge thank you to the EA team for their flexibility with scheduling this past month! 

Discussion Strategies:
Below is a link to some great discussion strategies - ways to get students collaborating!

Infinitec Trainings - Due in 27 Days!
August is right around the corner and as we wait for the 19/20 school year to begin, I am sending out the step-by-step instructions for the required on-line training modules (using Infinitec) for all employees.  The required trainings include the following:  

    1. Anti-Harassment Training
    1. Bullying Basics
    1. Mandated Reporting
    1. Student Confidentiality

Once you have viewed each video, you must take the quiz and receive a score of 80% or higher, otherwise you will need to re-watch the video until you achieve 80%.  DO NOT print out the certificate.  We will pull reports from the system and provide to the appropriate administrators and committees.  The training needs to be completed by October 31, 2019.

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

October 4 Update

Happy Homecoming! Another great week at McKinley!    Toot Your Horn Thursday: This week's Toot Your Horn Thursday Winner is Brenda Hager...