Friday, October 25, 2019

Weekly Update - Friday, October 25, 2019

Good Morning - and happy Friday! 

Gratitude Challenge Starts Friday!
Next Friday, our annual "gratitude challenge" starts on Twitter.  This is something I would like ALL staff to engage in.  If you aren't on Twitter yet, it's time.  Join today, it's free. 

Below is a calendar with the daily prompts.  If you tweet about 12 of these, you will be entered into a drawing to have an off-site lunch with five of your colleagues.

I'm looking forward to spreading the "gratitude word"! 

Gratitude Challenge Calendar

Words We Choose:
As you know, this is one of my favorite quotes - "the words you speak become the house you live in".   We've done extensive work around the words we use to describe students - and how powerful these words can be to your beliefs, actions, and expectations.  But, what about yourself?  your workload?  Are you choosing the words you are using there, too?   I know - we have a lot on our "plate" this year with new initiatives and new curriculum.  However, start to monitor the way you talk about this.  Your brain is wired to listen to your thoughts and put those into action.  Instead of thinking "I'm so overwhelmed and this sucks", think "I have a lot to do - and the things that are important will get done".  It will change your mindset and the "house you live in!". 

Think Time:
It's been so great to see our new reading resources in action.  The language, stories, and activities with these resources is engaging and higher level.  It's exciting!   I know these resources have left people feeling like, "Where do I fit all this in?"  I know time has become an issue in most classrooms.  As we continue into the year, don't forget about the power of "think time".  Our scholars need time to think, reflect, and process... and, at times, have productive struggles. 

Bus Driver Appreciation Week:
This week was Bus Driver Appreciation Week.  A huge thank you to Karen & Grace Thurnau for creating cards for our drivers - and thank you to everyone who signed the cards.  We delivered cinnamon rolls yesterday morning to each driver.  Thanks to Steph and Selena for all of your work organizing this.  Below is a message I received from the Bus Company: 

Justin and McKinley Staff,
What an awesome and unexpected surprise we all had when dropping at McKinley this morning!  I personally drove a McKinley based bus and saw Selena holding the big box containing the treats as I drove up to unload…I was then pleasantly presented with my pastry and card that certainly will be the highlight of my day!  You folks have always taken the extra step to make us feel extremely appreciated and valuable.  Lots of smiles and boasting going on from the McKinley drivers, for sure!!

Have a wonderful rest of your week!

Mindfulness has become something that is just a regular thing in our day.  It's been great to see how much our staff are engaging in this work - to help regulate students and get them ready for learning.  Just a reminder to be using the term "mindfulness" instead of "yoga".  There are religious connections to engaging in yoga.  I've had a few questions this year from parents on this. 

Building Leadership Team Meeting Notes:
Our Building Leadership Team met this week - below are the notes.  We read a great article from Peggy MacIntosh on white privilege - your BLT rep will be discussing it with you! 
Click here to access the notes 

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

Have a great weekend, everyone!  Go do something you enjoy!

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