Valentine’s Day can be celebrated on Friday, Feb. 12th
Due to COVID, if students want to bring a treat to share with their classmates, they should bring an unopened bag of individually wrapped treats by Tuesday, February 9.
If you have students do cards, please treat it as the treat - they need to be brought in by Tuesday, February 9 (they need to sit and decontaminate).
Please know that Valentine treats are completely optional. We know this can be a financial issue for families and we want to be respectful of this.
Friday, January 29, 2021
January 29 Update
Friday, January 22, 2021
January 22 Update
Social Media:
Building Weekly Newsletter:
Friday, January 15, 2021
January 15 Update
Friday, January 8, 2021
January 8 Update
Tips for creating your new Frontline ID:
- Log into Absence Management (AESOP) using your old login credentials. Once you click "login" you will be asked to create your new account.
- Your new username must contain 1 alphabet character and at least 4 total characters. The password must have 1 alphabet character, 8 total characters, and 1 number or special character.
- Once you create your new Frontline ID, an email will be sent to your school email to verify the new account that you created. Please check your email to verify your account.
- If you receive an error message that says "link has expired" when verifying your account, close down your internet browser and try logging in again at a later time. The system takes some time to get your accounts linked.
Now Accepting 761 Foundation Grant Applications
Deadline: January 15
Every spring, the 761 Foundation awards approximately $100,000 in mini-grants to Owatonna Public Schools teachers and principals. Grants are awarded based on the following criteria:
Benefits a large number of students.
Meets an important need, which is not likely to be funded in other ways.
Maximizes good cost to benefit ratio.
Shows creativity and innovation.
Needed funds to continue a past approved project.
Click here for the grant application
Application deadline: January 15
Please itemize and prioritize requests that include multiple items/expenses.
Applicants must discuss the feasibility and implementation of the proposal with the appropriate building administrator. Comments and a signature from the building administrator must be included on the application.
Projects that include the purchase of technology also require a technology request form, which can be found at the end of the grant application.
No incomplete or late applications will be accepted.
Note: this is an electronic application and approval process. After clicking the submit button on the application form, your administrator/supervisor will receive an email to review, comment on, and sign your grant application.
Questions about the grant application process can be directed to Sarah Hoffman, ext. 8610.
March 27 Update
Happy "Friday"! Happy Spring Break! Furniture: Just a friendly reminder - please take care of any items (from Bob Olson's ...

Happy Friday! 3 Tips to Make Any Lesson Culturally Responsive (click for link): A quick, great read on creating opportunities to link...
Good morning! Winter Break is almost here! We can do it! Just a reminder - please be sensitive and aware of the upcoming win...
Happy Friday! Another great week of learning and relationships! Reminders: Purchasing deadline is April 30 - this is for any purchases, i...