Friday, January 15, 2021

January 15 Update

Happy Snow Day Distance Learning Day!
I think flexibility is the name of our game - here we go again!  I hope you are safe, bundled in, and ready for a fun day!

Just a reminder - Monday is our MLK/Professional Learning Day.  Please make sure you know your schedule for the day.  Tuesday is a Teacher Workday - paras and EA's do not report.  

Every Precious Minute:
What a year this has been!  Now that we are back in-person, we need to work VERY hard to make sure we stay in this model.  It's great to have students and staff back in the building!

This is a reminder about using every single instructional minute, every single day.  Our students have had gaps in their learning since last March.  Because of this, we need to commit to looking at our days and ensuring that students are getting high quality instruction, every single minute.  

With your day today (and Tuesday), please take some time to check your schedule and do some planning around making sure this occurs.  We really need to treat our day - including reading and math blocks - as sacred times in which we are capitalizing on every single instructional minute.  

After School Program:
Coming soon - After School Program!  The program runs February 2 - March 4 (Tuesdays and Thursdays) from 2:05-3:15pm.  Our goal for ASP is to look at what critical skills were taught during distance learning - and offer supports and re-teaching to those who need it.  We need help staffing this program.  If you are interested in supporting after school program, please apply online AND email me.  Again, we need help!  It's only 10 sessions (it can be broken down) and is really fun! 

February Conferences:
February conferences are virtual.  Steph and Selena are working to set this up - we will let you know when PTCFast goes live.  Also, Nura and Sylvia will have our multilingual families scheduled.  More to come! 

Reading - The Pandemic Has Revealed What Really Matters in Education:
Below is a link to an article - it's a great read about the positive things that this pandemic has helped remind us about education.  Take some time to read through it - we will be doing some follow-up work around this in the near future!

Teacher Absences:
Please remember, we have three interns now available to support substitute teaching.  If you are planning an absence, please connect with Steph before putting this into AESOP.  We will check the intern's schedules to see if they are available. 

If an emergency occurs or you get ill overnight, please put your absence into AESOP with "no sub required".  Please email me, too.  I will check to see if an intern is available - if not, I will change your absence and look for an external sub.  

As always, please let Steph or I know if you need help with your absences.  

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a great weekend, everyone!  

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