Thursday, April 1, 2021

April 1 Update

Happy "Friday"!  And, it's already April!
I hope you are able to enjoy the beautiful weather this weekend!

The "Depth" of Positive Relationships:
This is an area we've always felt strong with - we build relationships with students.  This has always been something I love about our McKinley Staff.

Linked is an article on building relationships and what brain science says.  I know, I lost you when I said "brain science".  This article is written in a very practitioner-friendly way - very easy to read. 

Here's my challenge for you - to read the article and truly reflect on the depth of relationship(s) and the ways you build these relationships.  The more I am reading around this area (and work at the U of MN), the more I am realizing the different levels of relationships.  We show our love and care by doing morning meetings, smiling, giving high fives, and providing happiness in a classroom.  And, those things are great!  When you look at the "depth", is that a deep connection? Or, are students truly feeling safe (especially intellectually safe), valued, and feeling they can question/comment/provide feedback honestly?  That's a whole new level of relationship.  Take some time to read the below article and think on relationships in your classroom.....

March Office Referral Data:
Below is a link to our ORD (office referral data) for the year - with February and March as the focus area.  Take a glance at the data - do you notice patterns or areas that are higher than others?  If you see on the top of this document, it's broken down by three races - white, black, and Latino.  You will notice that our SWIS (the program we use) breaks this down into a risk factor - or who is being referred in a disproportionate way.  Our McKinleyStrong Team looked at this data and, moving forward, will start to track this data by race and student groups, also.  I think this data is a great self-reflection at this point - who is being referred (as a building) and why is this?  We will have more conversations around this as the year continues. 

COVID Protocols:
The McKinleyStrong team met this week and discussed our current COVID procotols.  We are going to monitor numbers over the next week (we hope they stay low!).  If numbers stay low, we will be looking at two possible protocol changes.  These are optional, meaning that you can continue with current practices if it's working.   

The first optional change is around recess.  After April 12 (McKinleyStrong Team will give the green light), you can combine two classes once a week for recess.   We do not want whole grade level recess.  For example - 1A and 1B may have recess together on a Friday; 1C and 1D have it on the same day.  This is completely optional - if recess is working for you and your students, continue what's working!  

The second optional change is around student collaboration.  Again, after April 12 and the green light from the team, you can allow a new partnership to form during the day involving student collaboration.  We are asking this only happens once a day and is noted somewhere (in the event we need to contact trace).  For example - my students sit by their guided group and are partners throughout the day with the two students who sit next to them.   For a math lesson, I may have a student work with another student from across the room.  Again, one time a day and record who is partners.  We will monitor this and see if we can create more student collaboration.

Again, this isn't a "go" until McKinleyStrong Team communicates this (after April 12).  I am only sharing in the event you want to start thinking or discussing possibilities.  And, also, this is optional.  You do not have to do the above things.  If it's working, keep doing it.  

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a great, long weekend!

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