Friday, February 25, 2022

February 25 Update

Happy International Fun Day at Work (rescheduled from January)!
Hope you have a great day of fun! 

McKStrong Assembly - rescheduled:
Just a reminder - our McKinleyStrong Assembly has been rescheduled for this Thursday, March 3 from 10:15-10:45am.  1st Grade will be hosting this assembly.  

Women's History Month:
March 1 is the beginning of Women's History Month.   Owatonna Mayor Tom Kuntz declared March 8, 2022 as Women's History Day in Owatonna.  Our library will be highlighting books that show women in history and leadership roles.  This is a month to celebrate all those women who have helped shape history.  

22-23 Sections:
As I shared in an email yesterday, we will have the following sections for the 22-23 school year:
Kindergarten - 4 sections
1st Grade - 4 sections
2nd Grade - 3 sections
3rd Grade - 4 sections (up 1 section)
4th Grade - 3 sections
5th Grade - 3 sections (down 1 section)

More information will be coming as we continue into spring.  

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Every learner, every day! 

Thursday, February 17, 2022

February 17 Update

Happy Friday!

Monday's Collaboration Day:
This Monday, February 21, we will have some time to collaborate, plan, and focus on student learning and instruction.  What a gift.  Thank you to Superintendent Elstad and the School Board for making this happen.  If you get a chance, consider sending them an email... they were instrumental in making this day a reality.

Below is a plan for the day - 
7:30- 8:00 Coffee and Chat - if you are interested, join us in the library for a coffee and social time with your colleagues.  Coffee will be provided.
8:00-8:20- Staff Connect in library - we will connect quick
8:20 - rest of the day is your time.  I highly encourage you to use this time to collaborate, plan, and design learning.  This is your time.   You have PLCs scheduled for this day.  Your team can do your PLC within the day, if you choose.  

Paras and Educational Assistants are not working on this day.  

Next Week: 
A busy week at McKinley - 
Monday - Collaboration & Planning Day
Tuesday - 2/22/22 Day (get pictures to me ASAP)
Friday - International Fun Day at Work

Rita Reding Teacher Improvement Scholarship:
The Rita M. Reding Teacher Improvement Scholarship fund was established in memory of Rita Reding, a former elementary teacher, to help District 761 elementary teachers receive professional training to improve their teaching of the language arts in the following areas: writing, spelling, handwriting, and reading.

Approximately $1,000 in scholarships, with a $500 maximum cap granted per application, will be awarded to elementary teachers each year. The funds can be used for any training opportunity that will help a teacher in grades K-6 become a more effective teacher in the areas mentioned above. This training may include college credits.

If interested in applying, send the completed form to Sarah Hoffman at the District Office by March 1, 2022.

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a great weekend!

Friday, February 11, 2022

February 11 Update

Happy Friday, McKinley & Owatonna Online! 

After School Program - Block II:
A couple of reminders regarding ASP - 
  • This week (Feb 9) - please send home registration to families to enroll in ASP Block II.  Don'r forget to be completing CLP's (teacher completes this) for anyone who has registered.
  • If you are teaching ASP, please apply online.  The posting is on our district website.  If you are an EA or para and are interested in supporting this program, please let me know.  We will need help.  
  • All registrations are due by February 18 at 1:00pm.  

Our February conferences are February 15 & 17 (3-7pm) and February 18 (7:40-12:00pm).   These conferences are virtual.  Staff do need to work from school.   Our PTO will be providing a staff meal on Tuesday.   If you have any conferences you want me to attend, please email me the date, time, and link and I can join, if needed.  

If you have families who do not have internet access, you can set up a phone conference with them.  If this is a conference that you need to "see" the parent, please let Steph or Justin know and we will help you with some alternatives. 

International Fun Day at Work:
I am excited to announce our International Fun Day at Work 2022!  We have rescheduled this event for Friday, February 25.  Please see the invite for more information!  

MCA Schedule: 
I know this is early, but here is our MCA schedule for 2022.  Please note the days/times, as we will need to keep students out of the library and keep them quiet in the building during testing times.

Have a great weekend!

Friday, February 4, 2022

February 4 Update

Happy Friday!
Another great week of learning and relationships! 
Lots of informational things this week - please read below! 

After School Program - Block II:
A couple of reminders regarding ASP - 
  • This week (Feb 9) - please send home registration to families to enroll in ASP Block II.  Don'r forget to be completing CLP's (teacher completes this) for anyone who has registered.
  • If you are teaching ASP, please apply online.  The posting is on our district website.  If you are an EA or para and are interested in supporting this program, please let me know.  We will need help.  
  • All registrations are due by February 18 at 1:00pm.  

Our February conferences are February 15 & 17 (3-7pm) and February 18 (7:40-12:00pm).   These conferences are virtual.  Staff do need to work from school.   Our PTO will be providing a staff meal on Tuesday.   If you have any conferences you want me to attend, please email me the date, time, and link and I can join, if needed.  

If you have families who do not have internet access, you can set up a phone conference with them.  If this is a conference that you need to "see" the parent, please let Steph or Justin know and we will help you with some alternatives. 

International Fun Day at Work:
I am excited to announce our International Fun Day at Work 2022!  We have rescheduled this event for Friday, February 25.  Please see the invite for more information!  

MCA Schedule: 
I know this is early, but here is our MCA schedule for 2022.  Please note the days/times, as we will need to keep students out of the library and keep them quiet in the building during testing times.

Mid-Year Teacher Development and Evaluation Reminders:

Teaching Staff, see the note from Michelle Krell and the TDE team: 
  1. Summative Cycle:

    1. Make sure you know who your Administrator/Evaluator is

    2. Set dates for pre-observations, observation, post-observation, and Summative

    3. Complete two Student Engagement Surveys during the year and write up a reflection in Standard For Success 

  1. Peer Cycle 1 & 2

    1. Complete two Student Engagement Surveys during the year and write up a reflection in Standard For Success 

    2. Identify a Peer Reviewer from your PLC and set a date to meet

    3. Review Peer Review documents from your training and select Peer Observation, Work Share, or Video Share

There are several documents available to support the completion of these cycles in the Owatonna Teacher Development & Evaluation webpage 

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a great weekend! 

October 4 Update

Happy Homecoming! Another great week at McKinley!    Toot Your Horn Thursday: This week's Toot Your Horn Thursday Winner is Brenda Hager...