Friday, March 4, 2022

March 3 Update

Happy March!
Another great week of relationships and learning!  

Kindergarten Kick Off: 
Last night, we welcomed the Class of 2035 to McKinley as our newest McKinley Huskies!  This is always a special night to see our students entered, so excited and ready for school.  A huge thank you to Steph for organizing a lot of this event and to our Kindergarten Team (and Jennifer and Amanda) for helping coordinate and lead this event.  It was a great night! 

McKinleyStrong Celebration:
On Monday, I will be notifying the students that we filled the jar.  We will be doing a school-wide celebration next Friday, March 11.  More information will be released on Monday.  This should NOT be shared with students - I repeat, this should NOT be shared with students!

Student Engagement:
I've heard from many of you that engagement is an issue lately - during whole, small, and independent times.  As a building, we will be putting some efforts toward this to help provide you with some ideas, resources, and tools to increase engagement as we enter spring.  If you are interested in helping brainstorm some ideas, please let me know.  

Additionally, please remember that we have Katie who can do some observations, planning, and support with engagement.  

School Social Worker Week:
Next week is a week to honor our School Social Worker, Annette Warner (and her intern, Alyssa Evans).  Please take some time next week to honor and recognize all the supports, love, and energy that this team provides to our students!  

Staff Absences:
Please remember a few things when you are absent:
  • If it's less than a full day, please let Steph or I know.  If it's only a half day, or an hour, we like to internally fill the position before we bring a sub in.  
  • If you are planning to be gone for any personal or planned days, please connect with Steph.  We have our intern, Darius Westrich, to use in situations like this.  Also, if you plan to be gone, please do not hold off until spring.  Get those days in ASAP. 
Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a great weekend - get away from school and enjoy those around you!

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