Friday, January 27, 2023

January 27 Update

Happy International Day of Fun!  
I can't wait to see the costumes, fun, and excitement today!   
Don't forget to join us in the library at 7:15am! 

Vision Card Reminders:
Don't forget - 
  • Intellectual Safety Survey (teaching staff) - please complete during the month of February.
  • Positive Recognition - continue to utilize those positive recognition tools (Positive Office Referral, McKStrong slips, High Five, Good News Call)

Your Work Happiness & Our McKinley Experience:
This is a great time for a self-reflection around what type of mindset and environment you are creating at McKinley.  This time of year can get long - no days off in site, long days with no sun, etc.  I understand that we are all human and bring our own emotions, experiences, etc. to work every day. 

I challenge you to think about what brings you happiness at work. This can be anything from laughing with students, having a personal conversation with a colleague, or doing something that requires creativity.  What brings you happiness at work?  

During the month of February, find that happiness at work.  Take time to do those things that make you happy or find new things that bring you happiness.  Check in on your colleagues.  Take time for you.  It's important to find happiness in your work day, too. 

The video below is a great reminder of what type of experience we can build at McKinley.  Our little interactions every day add up to create an overall experience, as shown by the below video.  Take the 2 minutes to watch.... 

Family-Teacher Conferences:
In a few weeks, we will welcome families into the building for conferences.  Below is a 6 minute video clip with some great reminders of conferences.  The man in the video is Rochester's Superintendent, Kent Pekel, who use to lead the Search Institute (a group focused on the research and application of relationships).  There are some great reminders  - please take the time to watch!  

Have a great weekend  - stay warm!

Thursday, January 19, 2023

January 19 Update

Happy End of the Week! 
I hope you enjoy your e-Learning Day and Teacher Workday tomorrow!  

Take the 3 minutes today to watch the below video.  When the days get tough, we can often find ourselves focused on what went wrong, what we didn't do, or if were enough.   Watch this video and remind yourself - YOU, yes YOU, make an impact.  You make an impact.  Everything you do makes an impact.  Take some time to watch this, reflect, and remind yourself - YOU are enough.  

Paraprofessional Appreciation Week:
Next week is Minnesota Paraprofessional Week.  This is a week we celebrate our paraprofessionals and Educational Assistants and all they do for our students.  A huge thank you to Bernie, Kara, Stacy, Abby, Grace, Mary, Samira, Jenn, and Jessica for all they do!  Their roles at McKinley are invaluable.

Please take some time this week to celebrate these educators!  They are amazing!  

Late Starts & Breakfast:
Due to feedback, we are going to be offering breakfast on two hour late start days.  The plan looks a little different, so take some time to read the plan below -
  • From 9:40-10:00, our kitchen serving line will be open.  Students can go through the line, put in their PIN number, and return to their classroom to eat. 
  • Your team will want to create a plan to have an adult walk a group to the lunchroom to get breakfast when they arrive.  We don't want to wait until all kids have arrived, as we will have 500 kids in the line.  You and your team can create a plan to get kids down.  
  • Mary and Jolene will also be in the lunchroom to help students.  
  • Breakfast will end at 10:00am.  This is mainly due to Jill, Laurel, and Stacy needing to get ready for lunch (which starts at 10:55am).
  • This is a trial run.  If you have feedback after our first one, please let me know.  

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

Have a great weekend!

Friday, January 13, 2023

January 13 Update

Happy Friday, McKinley!
And, happy Friday the 13th! 

Burgers, Books, and Belonging:
We had a great turnout last night to enjoy some burgers and books!  It's always a highlight to see our students and families in a different environment!  

A huge thank you to -
Jill and Laurel for preparing a great meal.   Not only did they serve breakfast and lunch yesterday, but they prepared a great dinner, too!  

Eric Oppegard, Michelle Meiners, Sami Nelson, Julie Bauer, Denise Carlson, Michelle Hadler, Katy Furniss, Danielle Nystrom, Cam Murad, Grace Thurnau, Danika Brown, Mallory Baumann, Michelle Simon, Nura Elmi, Sylvia Zavala, Jolene Ward, & Katie Demmer for helping to host the event.  Not only did you make the event happen, you made our families feel welcomed!  

Steph for organizing all the RSVPs and communicating with families!  

What a fun event!  

Carry the Banner:
How did you carry our McKinley banner this week?

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day:
On Monday, our nation celebrates MLK Day.  Take  the 1:20 to watch the video below (from ABC News) to remind ourselves why we celebrate this day.   The day is centered around the idea of "what are you doing for others"  What a great reminder (and way to honor and celebrate) to continue to make the United States an inclusive place for all.  

Reteaching Expectations:
As I put in our morning announcements on Wednesday, we need to continue to spend time re-teaching expectations.  After a long break, it can take twice the amount of vacation days to re-acquaint students with expectations.  

Monday's Professional Learning:
Monday is a day that is for you!  It's rare we get an entire day devoted to our own learning.  A couple of reminders - 
  • Have an open mind and be a learner.  Lots of work goes into this day that is completely designed around your needs.  Soak it all in and be a learner! 
  • Wear your McKinley gear!  
  • Consider carpooling over to OHS, as parking may be an issue.
  • Join in on the #761PD Challenge - let's share the great learning we are doing! 
  • For our afternoon session, please be in the Learning Studio by 12:40pm (anyone who is assigned to come back to the building in the afternoon).  

What: We invite you to engage in an interactive pursuit of professional conversation during our January PD  Day.

Why: To take an opportunity to recognize, acknowledge and extend our relationships and learning.  

How: #761PD Challenge cards will be handed out at the entrance of the OHS Auditorium before Superintendent Elstad speaks. (See sample.)

  • Complete as many challenges as you can.  You’ll earn one entry in the door prize drawing for each challenge completed.

  • Enter the drawing through this link ( by noon on Tuesday.

  • Prize winners will be announced Wednesday.

Please see the emails from Michelle Krell regarding your specific schedule on Monday.  


International Day of Fun at Work  - Friday, January 27:

Just a reminder -  our schoolwide IDFW is coming up on January 27.  See the link for more details on the day.  Looking forward to seeing the costumes!

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a great weekend!

Friday, January 6, 2023

January 6 Update

Happy 2023 - and welcome back!
I hope you had a great few days back!  2023 is going to be a great year!  

Winter Benchmarks - Next Week:
Just a reminder of next week's winter benchmarking plan.  Katie sent this out on December 20.  Also, please remember that Tier 2 and 3 interventions are cancelled next week so our team can help support this process at all buildings.  

Montessori Open House:
We are hosting a Montessori Open House on January 31, 2023 from 5-6pm.  Families can come and learn more about the Montessori program at this Open House. Just sharing in case families ask you.  

Burgers, Books, and Belonging:
Next week, we have a family night/dinner scheduled.  This is a great time to come eat and see our students and families.  If you (and your family) are attending, please RSVP by today so we have a count for meals.  It's a great opportunity to see our students and families in another setting!  

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a great weekend!

October 4 Update

Happy Homecoming! Another great week at McKinley!    Toot Your Horn Thursday: This week's Toot Your Horn Thursday Winner is Brenda Hager...