Thursday, August 31, 2023

August 31 Update

Welcome Back!
I hope you all have found the week back to be energizing!  I'm excited to jump into another year with the best group of people I know! 

Last chance to order a shirt - please order this by noon today if you haven't already!  

First Day & Friday -
For the first two days of school, we need all hands on deck to help support morning arrival.  If you are in a classroom teaching role, please be ready for students at 8:00am.  If you are not in a classroom teaching role, we need you to be outside and in the hallway at 8:00am to help our scholars find their way.   We will need the same for dismissal, too.  

McKStrong Assembly - 
Our first McKinleyStrong Assembly has been moved to Monday, September 11 from 1:45-2:15pm in the gym.  In moving this, we will have all of Kindergarten here.  For those of you who are new, this is a time for us to connect, celebrate, and review expectations.  This first one will be a kick off to another great year! 

Team Building Activity:
For those of you who don't know, I have a secret love (and waste of time) for Tik Tok.  Below is a great team building activity to incorporate into your community building!  

Your Words Matter - PLEASE READ!
Remember, your words matter.  Our brains are wired to create as many connections as possible.  Your brain is designed to take your beliefs, words you use, and turn it into action.... even if it's a subconscious action.  In thinking about this, your words matter.  The way we talk about our student becomes our beliefs and actions.  

Years ago, we made the move to student-first language - all our kids are students first.  Instead of a "special education student", they are a "student on an IEP".    Instead of "a low student", they are a "student growing in comprehension" or a "student who struggles with self regulation". 

Remember, we are a student-first building.  If we are using "student' before their services or needs, we see EVERY learner as a student-first.  I highly challenge you to keep pushing yourself - and others - forward in student-first language. 

Practical Ideas for Relationship-Building in the Classroom - from the Search Institute (click here read entire article

Once we grasp the importance of student-teacher relationships, how do we jumpstart relationship-building once the bell rings?

The beginning of the school year is a great time to frontload and prioritize activities that establish trust and provide a foundation for growth. It’s a chance to get to know each other, establish group norms and create an inclusive environment where all students feel seen and heard.

Here are three suggestions for simple classroom activities that can help students and teachers experience stronger relationships.

  1. Get To Know You and Establish Group Norms is a 30-minute activity that explores what students have in common, and what sets them apart from one another. It’s a great foundation for other relationship-building activities, and helps students vocalize what they need from the group to feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and feelings.
  2. What Makes You Happy? is a 45-minute activity where students share their talents, interests, or activities — sparks — with the group. They’ll share what they are passionate about, what makes them lose track of time, and what kinds of ideas, people, and things turn them on. 
  3. Identity Wheel is a 30-minute activity where students and adults share aspects of their background, heritage, talents, and skills. Sharing in this way builds and strengthens relationships as people learn to relate to their own identity and learn about other’s identities and experiences. 

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a GREAT weekend - make sure you do something for YOU this weekend!

Friday, August 11, 2023

August 11 Update

Happy August, McKinley!

Welcome Back Letter:
Linked is my welcome back letter for the 23-24 with more McKinley-related information.  

23-24 Motto:
Our Motto this year is "Be You, Be Here, Belong.".  Below is the graphic we will use.  

Staffing Update:
I'm excited to share that Abby James will be joining our team as an Educational Assistant!  Abby has recently moved to Owatonna and will have children here at McKinley.  Please join me in welcoming Abby!  

If you know of anyone who is interested and would be a great EA, please have them apply online (and let me know).  We still have a position open.  

As I shared, Jen Schwab was recently diagnosed with breast cancer.  Jen will be taking off until January - we are in need of a LTS if you know of anyone.  

If you are interested in participating in a meal train for Jen's family, please sign up here:

Important Dates:
Linked are the 23-24 Important Dates for McKinley.  Invites will begin going out next week (I already apologize for the 40 emails).  As you know, we will be doing one staff meeting a month (all staff) and moving our second staff meeting to PLC work.  This came from feedback from staff wanting more alignment and time together. More information to come on the PLC work. 

Hope you enjoy your last few weeks and the Steele County Free Fair!

October 4 Update

Happy Homecoming! Another great week at McKinley!    Toot Your Horn Thursday: This week's Toot Your Horn Thursday Winner is Brenda Hager...