Thursday, March 21, 2024

March 22 Update

Happy Spring Break!
I hope each of you are able to get away from work and be with the people or things you love.  Each of you gives so much to our students, families, and McKinley in general.  This is a great time to totally checkout and just be in the moment.  Enjoy your time, rest up, and get ready to come back and finish the year strong!  

Just a reminder - if you are taking a part of a day (or even a half day) and end up having lunch, specialists, or recess in there, please connect with Justin or Steph before requesting a sub.  We've noticed an increase in half day absences in which a sub comes in for only 45 minutes of teaching.  We would rather fill that internally.   Bottom line - if it's not a solid half day of instruction, feel free to reach out to us and we can help you.  

READ Act Dates 24-25:
As you know, we have some reading professional development for next school year through the READ Act.  I am excited to see us learn and grow as teachers of reading.

Julie Sullivan has worked hard to create a solid professional learning plan for us which includes some days at workshop, MLK Day, etc.  In addition to these already set days, the school board has approved three additional days for our professional learning.  These dates are October 21, February 17, and April 21.  The reason I give you these now is to be mindful of these days when you are taking time off.  

Boundary Changes:
The school board approved K-5 boundary changes starting next school year.  As many of you know, we have an imbalance in the number of students at each of our four elementary schools - some are using every possible space while others have open rooms.  The boundary changes will help with a more balanced student population and use of space.  It's very typical for districts to re-evaluate boundaries every 5-6 years.  

One of our biggest changes in boundary is Colonial Manor, which is out behind Lowes.  Starting next year, that area will move to Wilson.  McKinley's boundary has moved west, taking in students who are currently living west of Cedar (Skyline Gardens, 22nd Street NW, etc).   These areas going to new schools will also help with transportation.  

Families will be notified next week of the change.  Families of 4th graders going into 5th grade can request to keep their child at their current school; however, siblings would go to their new assigned school.  Families have until April 5 to make this request.  After this time, we will have a more solid understanding of our student population and sections.  I apologize that staffing and this has been delayed this year.  The boundary changes impact this greatly.

On May 1 (4:30-5:30pm), we will host an open house for students who are new to McKinley.  If you are able to attend, I would greatly appreciate having some staff in the building.  This is a time for new students to see their new school.

I wanted to provide you with a quick overview of where we are at.  If you get questions from families, here is the website with a lot of information, as well as an address locator for new boundaries.   

Because this is a sensitive topic, please do not talk to classes about this.  After break, we will provide you with a list of those moving so you can keep an eye out.  However, we should not enter into conversations as we still have 2 months left of school.  If families reach out to you, you can direct them my way.  

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

Have a GREAT Spring Break!

Friday, March 15, 2024

March 15 Update

Happy Friday!
Another great week of learning and relationships! 

Carry The Banner - 
Don't forget to carry that banner for McKinley - what stories are you sharing about McKinley?
Such great experiences for our kids....

April 1 - Return From Break:
As a reminder, April 1 is our last Connection Day of the year.  Please see the linked document for our 4/1 Connection Day.  A huge thank you to our Student Council, Val Seath, and Paige Gilligan for planning this!

On this day, we will also be celebrating the fact we filled the jar.  Linked is our plan for the celebration - PLEASE DO NOT SHARE with anyone (students will find out at Monday Morning Announcements).

MN Twins Home Opener - April 4

Update on Staffing & Planning for 24-25:
I've had a few ask about sections, staffing, etc for next school year.  This Monday, March 18, the School Board will vote to put the boundary changes into place for the 24-25 school year.   With these changes, there could be changes to the number of kids at each grade per building.  From there, we will know section numbers.  Because there is a lot of data entry that goes into enrollments and boundary changes, we are planning to finalize things right after spring break.  At that time, you should know more about planning for next school year.

5 Ways to Stop Thinking for Your Kids - 
A great article to remind us to have the thinking on the students - take the 2 minutes to read.  

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a great weekend!

Friday, March 8, 2024

March 8 Update

Happy Friday!
Lots of FYI today... please read all. 

One of my favorite quotes... and something that I regularly have to ground myself in (especially when times feel tough).  We can get caught up in the day to day "issues" and forget about the bigger picture.  I find myself in this cycle - timelines, behaviors, emails, etc.  All of those things keep me "treading water".  When I get overwhelmed, I need to remind myself of my purpose and all the good things I experience every day - all those things that remind me why I "love to swim".

Take some time today to change your thinking from the "treading of water" to all the reasons you "love to swim". 

New Staff Member - Technology Specialist:
I'm excited to inform you that Noureddine Elghayad has officially accepted the Technology Specialist position at McKinley & Washington. Bringing with him valuable experience in classroom technology from an American school in Morocco, Noureddine will begin his training with our technology team starting Monday, March 11th and we anticipate him being comfortable on his own at McKinley & Washington by the middle of April.

Setting 3 - STRIDE:
Starting next year, we are excited to host a Setting 3 STRIDE program (2 classrooms) here at McKinley!  Currently, Washington has 5 classrooms supporting STRIDE.  Due to space issues, we are moving two of the classrooms to join us!  

STRIDE is our setting 3 (in the classroom over 60% of the day) that supports students with cognitive delay.  The program will be housed in the Learning Center and current Makerspace room - some construction will occur over the summer to close these spaces in more.  More information will come on the program, logistics, and programming.  

Please join me in welcoming this program!  

Curriculum Requests:
Attached you will find the form to complete if you have summer curriculum writing requests for the '24-'25 school year. The deadline to complete this is March 22. You will be notified by April 19 if your request is able to be fulfilled. 

Guidelines for Curriculum Requests:
1. Priority will first be given to curriculum areas, teams, or grade levels where curriculum writing is deemed necessary due to new state standards and/or new courses.
2.  Consideration will then be given for courses needing revision, updating, or further alignment.
3. If curriculum monies still remain, individual teachers or teams of teachers may be approved for requested curriculum work.
4. Requests must be submitted by Friday, March 22 and teachers will be notified by April 19 if their request(s) have been approved or denied.
5. Generally, time allotted for curriculum writing teams will follow the guidelines below:
*New Courses = 6-12 hours
*Existing Courses = 3-6 hours
6.  All summer curriculum writing work will be done at Rose Street or the Learning Zone depending on availability.

BBBS Shirts:
From Beth Fink, Special Education Teacher at OHS - 
We will be selling shirts (see link)  from March 11-27, with shirts being done at the beginning of April just in time for the start of testing.  Shirts will be $17 with $5 going to BBBS.  Shirt sales are open to anyone in the community.  We were wondering if this information could be put in your newsletter to families and shared with teachers at your school/building.  We appreciate your help in raising money for a great organization.  If you have any questions please feel free to reach out.  

Pear Deck:
Starting next school year, we will not have a PearDeck subscription.  If you use this regularly, you will want to use your supply budget to pay for it.  Again, starting next school year.
Have a great weekend!-

Friday, March 1, 2024

March 1 Update

Happy Friday!
Another great week of relationships and learning!  We have some "guest" staff today - 
Principal - Maci Anderson (2D)
PE with Mr. Melcher - Tucker Anderson (4B)
Secretary with Steph & Intervention with Mrs. Zupansic - Lyv Hartman (4D)

School Social Worker Week:
Next week provides us time to celebrate Annette Warner, our School Social Worker!  Annette goes above and beyond and does so much to support our school - students, families, and staff!   Please take some time next week to celebrate and recognize Annette and all she does for McKinley! 

Ramadan begins March 11 and runs through April 9.   This is a time our Muslim friends celebrate.  Many of our older students will be fasting during the day (we are working on a space for them during the lunch hour).  Please take a few minutes to watch the video below to learn more about Ramadan -  

With our transition to 1:1 devices, the plan has been to remove the desktop computer attached to your Smartboard.  Our Building Leadership Team has piloted this and provided some feedback on this process.  Mike Halverson, as well as many others, are examining that feedback and using it to provide PD and support moving forward.

Next school year, your desktop computer will be removed.  With this, you will use your laptop computer to project on your board.  

More to come on this - just wanting to share about your desktop computers.

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a great weekend - enjoy the beautiful weather!

October 4 Update

Happy Homecoming! Another great week at McKinley!    Toot Your Horn Thursday: This week's Toot Your Horn Thursday Winner is Brenda Hager...