Friday, March 1, 2024

March 1 Update

Happy Friday!
Another great week of relationships and learning!  We have some "guest" staff today - 
Principal - Maci Anderson (2D)
PE with Mr. Melcher - Tucker Anderson (4B)
Secretary with Steph & Intervention with Mrs. Zupansic - Lyv Hartman (4D)

School Social Worker Week:
Next week provides us time to celebrate Annette Warner, our School Social Worker!  Annette goes above and beyond and does so much to support our school - students, families, and staff!   Please take some time next week to celebrate and recognize Annette and all she does for McKinley! 

Ramadan begins March 11 and runs through April 9.   This is a time our Muslim friends celebrate.  Many of our older students will be fasting during the day (we are working on a space for them during the lunch hour).  Please take a few minutes to watch the video below to learn more about Ramadan -  

With our transition to 1:1 devices, the plan has been to remove the desktop computer attached to your Smartboard.  Our Building Leadership Team has piloted this and provided some feedback on this process.  Mike Halverson, as well as many others, are examining that feedback and using it to provide PD and support moving forward.

Next school year, your desktop computer will be removed.  With this, you will use your laptop computer to project on your board.  

More to come on this - just wanting to share about your desktop computers.

Building Weekly Newsletter:

Have a great weekend - enjoy the beautiful weather!

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October 4 Update

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