Thursday, January 29, 2015

Principal's Update- Friday, January 30, 2015

You're almost done with conferences!  Thank you for all your late nights this week (and all the time preparing for conferences).  I'm so amazed with all the conferences I joined.  You were direct, professional, personal, and focused on student learning and family needs.  We are lucky to have you. 

Thanks again to our awesome paraprofessionals and educational assistants.  We couldn't do this job without you.  You are a vital part of our team.  Hopefully you enjoyed your week. 


I Love to Read Month
I Love to Read Month starts next week!  Our theme is "Escape with a Good Book".  We have some great activities planned- DEAR times, theme days, special reading areas in the library, and a finale assembly.  We aren't sharing yet, but there will be a "Pie a Staff Member" during the finale assembly.  If you do not want to get "pied", please let me know.  As much as we stress reading all year long, February is a time for us to have some school-wide fun to encourage reading.  Enjoy this with your students!  

Click here to see a calendar of the month

Lisa's Last Day- Wednesday, February 4
It's Lisa Austinson's last day on February 4th.  Make sure to stop down and thank Lisa for her service to McKinley!  She will be missed!

STEM Night- Thursday, February 5
We have a STEM Night next Thursday from 6-7pm.  Our theme, "The Engineering of Books and Reading" will be a nice kick-off to I Love to Read month!  We have two famous authors and the MN Center for Book Arts joining us.  Families will learn the process of engineering books- from an author's idea to the actual physical creation of a book.  It's going to be a fun night!  Thanks to Dr. M for all his planning!

McKinley Carnival- Saturday, February 7
The McKinley Carnival is next Saturday, February 7 from 2-5 here at McKinley.  I've already realized how big this carnival is to our kids, as well as our PTO.  Set-up will be Friday after school if you are interested in helping!

Staff Picture Board
Don't forget to be ready for your "group picture" on Monday or Tuesday.  The pictures will be proudly displayed in our entryway.  Let me know a time on Monday or Tuesday that your group would like the picture taken. 

Valet Parking of the Week
The valet parking spot goes to Denise Carlson.  Her nominators, our 2nd grade team, chose Denise because she "puts in extra time to ensure that all students get books to read while setting up the different test times.  There were times when Denise worked right through her lunch to meet all the needs that came to her."

Thank you, Denise! 

A Snapshot of McKinley Learning

Mrs. Simon's 1st graders and Mrs. Huisenga's 2nd graders working on engineering snowflakes.  They spent some time following the engineering process, as well as learning about 2D and 3D shapes, symmetry, and hexagons. 

Mrs. Forman and Mrs. Huisenga's 2nd graders spending some time creating bubbles.  Through their investigation of states of matter, they blew bubbles outside and observed them change states of matter while landing.   

We're already into January- time flies when you are having fun!   Happy Friday!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Principal's Update- Friday, January 22, 2015

We've made it to Friday!  Hopefully you find some time this weekend to relax and enjoy your family!

Steele County Times- STEM!
Check out the Steele County Times newspaper for an article on McKinley STEM Elementary!  I can't find it online or I'd attach the link.  It features Dr. Meagher, Mrs. Gonzalez, and some of her kindergarteners! 

National Paraprofessional and Educational Assistant Week:
Next week (January 26-30) is National Paraprofessional and Educational Assistant Week.  We're so fortunate to have such amazing paraprofessionals and educational assistants who support student learning (and us!) on a daily basis.  Take some time next week to express your gratitude to these amazing people.

Essential Standards Chart:
Classroom teachers- take some time over the next two weeks to complete the Essential Standards Chart with your team.  As I explained at the meeting, this sheet serves many purposes.  First, it focuses our work with Enduring Understandings, learning targets, and common assessments.  Second, it guides and enhances our work in PLCs.  And finally, it provides flexibility and focus for our Tier 2 intervention process.

If your team needs support or want clarification, let Jayne or I know.

Nurse Lisa is Leaving Us!
As you heard, Lisa Austinson is leaving McKinley for a position at the Mayo Clinic.  Lisa does above and beyond her job duties on a daily basis at McKinley.  Please stop and wish her well!  Her last day with us will be February 4, 2015. 

MLK Survey:
Please complete the MLK Survey.  This survey helps us reflect on this year's sessions, as well as guides future professional learning.

Practice Lockdown:
We have a practice lockdown on Monday, January 26 at 10:10am.  Please remind students of the lockdown procedures, as well as behavioral expectations.  Also, please touch base with any students you feel may have a difficult time with this practice lockdown. 

Valet Parking of the Week:
Our Valet Parking of the Week goes to Julie Bauer.  We are so incredibly fortunate to have Julie as a Tier 3 teacher in our building.  Julie's focus on student learning and interventions is evident in everything she does.  Additionally, Julie's background in data analysis ensures we are providing targeted interventions to student needs.  Thank you for all you do for us, Julie!

A Snapshot of McKinley Learning:

5th Graders doing an art integration project with Mrs. Gislason & Mrs. Zeman.  Libby's class read two versions of a Cinderella story, both of which were told through different perspectives.  Then, students created fans that illustrated both perspectives from different angles.  Not only were these 5th graders learning about perspective in literature, they were seeing perspective in art!

Kayla Davis's students using Office 365 to write "circle stories".  After they drafted their circle stories, they used 365 to collaborate and edit each other's stories. 

Jump Rope for Heart was at McKinley on Thursday!  A special thanks to Tom Smith and Peggy Radke for organizing such a great event! 

Here's a great math lesson in parallel and perpendicular.  If you want a real-life model, ask
Justin Lang where he parked his car today!

No After School Program next week due to conferences.  Please remind your students!

Have a relaxing weekend- you've got some late nights next week!

Friday, January 16, 2015

Principal's Update- Friday, January 16, 2015

I have two words for you- OUTDOOR RECESS.  Hallelujah! 

Below is a variety of updates for the week-

MLK Professional Learning Day:
We will gather on Monday for the district MLK Professional Learning Day.  It's very rare we come together for a full day to focus on our instruction.  Take full advantage and enjoy this day. 

As I stated in my email to teachers, consider carpooling from McKinley on Monday morning. Below is a schedule of the day:

7:00: Coffee and breakfast in OHS Commons (optional)
7:40: Superintendent Grant
8:15: Grade Level/Department Meetings
9:10: Professional Learning Session 1
10:20: Professional Learning Session 2
11:30 Professional Learning Session 3 (TDE: 11:30-12:45pm)
12:30-1:30 Lunch (on your own)
Return to Site
1:30-3:00 Professional time to Extend Morning Learning (we will meet in McKinley Library at 1:45pm)

Enjoy the day!

I Love to Read Month:
Planning is underway for I Love to Read Month.  We will finalize dates and events and send this information out by the end of next week (1/23).  Thank you to our committee: Kathy Feltes, Kate Seifert, Francie Khalaf, Jess Zupansic, Karen Thurnau, Denise Carlson, Sonya David, Jayne Jacobson, Sami Nelson, Laura Forman, and Rachael Eickhoff. 

Tech Requests:
I've had a request from IT to remind you of tech requests.  Their team knows we are short-handed and sometimes it's easiest to grab someone quickly in the hallway.  They are happy doing this.  Just make sure you complete the tech request so they can document the hours they work at McKinley.

Facebook & Twitter:
If you haven't "followed" us on Twitter or "liked" us Facebook, make sure you do!  We've had some great updates this week.

Sharpening the Saw:
Thanks to Lorri for sharing an article on staying healthy and "sharpening your saw"- for you, as well as your students.

Valet Parking for the Week:
The parking spot goes to Lisa Austinson.   "Nurse Lisa" is always there for our students, staff, and parents. Her nursing assignment requires her to wear a lot of hats.  If you see her over the next week, thank her!  Besides, who else can consistently deal with vomit and blood and still be smiling? 

Here is what her nominator, Lorri Harrison, said:
"Lisa doesn't start until 7:45 in the morning.  She rushes here from dropping her kids off in Waseca some mornings.  She walks in the door and literally gets bombarded with having to do medications, parents waiting, or students who need her.  She doesn't even get to get her coat off some mornings."

A Snapshot of McKinley Learning:
Dr. M doing a "Habitat Walk" with our kindergarteners.

Mrs. Huisenga's class doing a states of matter experiment.  You may see 2nd graders exploring the building, trying to find examples of states of matter.

Mrs. Feltes hanging bird feeders with kindergarteners.  Ms. Meaney's class read a book about a family who repurposed their Christmas tree, using homemade bird feeders. 

Ms. Meaney's class is also trying to determine what birds like better- cream cheese or peanut butter?

Doesn't this picture make you want to curl up and enjoy a book with Mrs. Wilke's small group?

Have a nice weekend, McKinley family!  Enjoy the nice weather!

Friday, January 9, 2015

Principal's Update- Friday, January 9, 2015

I'm finishing up my first week here at McKinley.  It's been one of the best weeks of my life.  McKinley is one of those places that you feel is "home".  I have been so quickly welcomed by everyone- staff, students, and parents.  I'm excited to join your family!

A couple updates:

I wanted to take a minute to explain my thoughts on communication.  Like I stated Tuesday morning, I believe communication is vital to the work we do.  I wanted to clarify my approach to communication:

Emails- I will send out emails with things that require immediate attention and that only require you or your team. 

Blog- This blog will be used for general McKinley updates.  This will range from anything academic to small things we can celebrate.  It's probably best to enter your email address to get an email when this blog is updated. 

Social Media- I will be using Twitter and Facebook to communicate with families.  Like I said earlier, I want the community to see the amazing things that happen here on a daily basis.  If you are interested in seeing this, "like" us on Facebook (McKinley STEM Elementary) or "follow" us on Twitter (@StemMcKinley).  Please keep Lorri or I updated on things you are doing that can be Tweeted!

ISD Foundation Grants-
The ISD 761 Foundation grants are due Monday, January 26 (if you are submitting one).  We are submitting one as a building for guided math materials.  Please see your Site Team Rep for information on this. 

Valet Parking for the Week! 
Each week, we will choose a new staff member for the "Valet Parking for the Week".  This person gets to park in the "Principal Parking" for the entire week.  Next week's winner is Lorri Harrison.  This transition has been so smooth, mostly due to Lorri.   Lorri's commitment and love for this building is very obvious to a new person.  I know, throughout the day, she wears 50 different hats for our students.  Lorri, enjoy the spot for the week!

If you know of anyone you would like to nominate for Valet Parking for the Week, please send me an email with their name and a description of why.  We will choose a new person each week.

Have a nice, relaxing weekend!

October 4 Update

Happy Homecoming! Another great week at McKinley!    Toot Your Horn Thursday: This week's Toot Your Horn Thursday Winner is Brenda Hager...