Friday, January 9, 2015

Principal's Update- Friday, January 9, 2015

I'm finishing up my first week here at McKinley.  It's been one of the best weeks of my life.  McKinley is one of those places that you feel is "home".  I have been so quickly welcomed by everyone- staff, students, and parents.  I'm excited to join your family!

A couple updates:

I wanted to take a minute to explain my thoughts on communication.  Like I stated Tuesday morning, I believe communication is vital to the work we do.  I wanted to clarify my approach to communication:

Emails- I will send out emails with things that require immediate attention and that only require you or your team. 

Blog- This blog will be used for general McKinley updates.  This will range from anything academic to small things we can celebrate.  It's probably best to enter your email address to get an email when this blog is updated. 

Social Media- I will be using Twitter and Facebook to communicate with families.  Like I said earlier, I want the community to see the amazing things that happen here on a daily basis.  If you are interested in seeing this, "like" us on Facebook (McKinley STEM Elementary) or "follow" us on Twitter (@StemMcKinley).  Please keep Lorri or I updated on things you are doing that can be Tweeted!

ISD Foundation Grants-
The ISD 761 Foundation grants are due Monday, January 26 (if you are submitting one).  We are submitting one as a building for guided math materials.  Please see your Site Team Rep for information on this. 

Valet Parking for the Week! 
Each week, we will choose a new staff member for the "Valet Parking for the Week".  This person gets to park in the "Principal Parking" for the entire week.  Next week's winner is Lorri Harrison.  This transition has been so smooth, mostly due to Lorri.   Lorri's commitment and love for this building is very obvious to a new person.  I know, throughout the day, she wears 50 different hats for our students.  Lorri, enjoy the spot for the week!

If you know of anyone you would like to nominate for Valet Parking for the Week, please send me an email with their name and a description of why.  We will choose a new person each week.

Have a nice, relaxing weekend!

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