Friday, January 15, 2016

Principal's Update- Friday, January 15, 2016

What another great week to be a McKinley Monkey! 

Paraprofessionals, I hope you have enjoyed your recognition week.  You do so much for our staff, students, and families.  As much as we appreciate you all year, it was nice to take a special week and show you how great you are!

MLK Day- Monday
Just a reminder that Monday is our ISD 761 Staff Development Day.  This day begins with Superintendent Grant at 7:40am in the OHS Auditorium.  After, Willow Sweeney will begin her presentation (like I have told you before, she is great!).  The rest of the morning and day is differentiated based on your need.  Please connect with me today if you still aren't sure what you will be doing. 

Please go into Monday with the growth mindset you bring to work everyday.  A lot of work, energy, and input went into this day to make it extremely purposeful.  I think you will find it to be. 

Math Facts Month
Next week, classes will be participating in a "math facts scavenger hunt".  Throughout the week, you will see classes in the hallway trying to solve math problems.  Just an FYI!

ISD 761 Foundation Grants
The ISD 761 Foundation Grants are due January 25 - if your team is thinking about completing one, get it turned in soon! 

Article- RtI
Superintendent Grant sent this article out to administration about Rti.  I think you will find the article interesting since we are realigning some of work with core instruction and tier 2.

Kindergarten Kamp Data- Winter
For those of you who don't know, we had some incoming Kindergartners join us for "K Kamp" this past summer.  These students were below benchmark and needed some extra "push" before they joined us in September. 

We have been tracking the data of those students who joined us.  It's been some exciting data to watch.  From fall to winter, our building average was 18.6 sounds (DIBELS First Sound Fluency).  This is pretty exciting, as these students started with very little sounds!  If you read this far, email Justin to have your name in a drawing!  

Building Weekly Newsletter
Click here to see the building newsletter

Valet Parking for the Week:
Our Valet Parking for the Week goes to Joyce Chinander!  Joyce is a wonderful asset to our Special Education Department.  Joyce is a stellar paraprofessional who builds strong relationships with students.  She uses her relationships to set high expectations and help “her kids” be successful.  Joyce also finds great ways to add a slice of sarcasm and humor…which always brightens my day! 

It sounds like it's going to be a cold one this weekend- stay warm!

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