Friday, February 26, 2016

Principal's Update- Friday, February 26, 2016

Happy Friday, McKinley! 
We are completing another great week of learning at McKinley!  What a great place to be. 

Thank you to everyone for helping in my absence lately.  In the last few weeks, I have been out of the building for various meetings.  As much as I hate being gone, I appreciate everyone who has helped "cover" in my absence.  A special thanks to Lorri, Justin, and Annette for your extra responsibilities!  I can honestly say we (McKinley) work with some of the best people in the state!  

Joining our 2nd Grade Team!
Welcome to Dan Tinaglia as a 2nd Grade Long-Term Sub for Katie Demmer.  Dan will be here doing some observing; however, he officially begins March 14.  Dan is no stranger to McKinley, having completed his student teaching with Mark Langlois.  Welcome, Dan!

Reading Corp, K-3:
I was notified this week that McKinley was accepted to be a K-3 Reading Corp site for next year.  Reading Corp is an organization that works with students, grades K-3, on specific reading interventions.  What does this mean?  More support for our early readers!  More information will come on this....

Door Duty:
Don't forget about door duty!  First, if you are assigned before or after school, please make sure you show up.  Second, don't forget to get into the halls when the bells ring.   I love this about McKinley- however, I'm seeing it go away more and more.

Announcements from Libby:
Below is some information that Libby compiled regarding finding books in the guided library. 

Finding Leveled Library Books
Did you know that there is a quick and easy way to search for books in the guided (leveled) library?  In order to do this, you need to log in to destiny by:
1.       Go to the Media Center webpage.
2.       Click on “Find a book in destiny.”
3.       It will bring you to a log in page (The username is your normal username (mine is ezeman) and the password is mckstaff for everyone.).
4.       Now you are logged in and can search for library books and leveled library books (there is a green arrow next to the leveled library books).

I will plan to quickly show how to search only in the leveled library (by changing the material type to “kit”) at our next staff meeting.  This is also the way you can search for books from other schools (to have them send over if you are trying to round up multiple copies of a specific text or a copy that our library does not have). 

A few teachers have had difficulty logging in to this system. Teachers, if you have not logged into this system this year, please do so by the end of the day March 7th.  If you are unable to log in, please send Libby an email. 

Leveled Library Usage Reminders
We have noticed several books and book bags out of place in the guided library.  A big thank you to Denise and to Nancy Kennon (who volunteers) for all of your work with our books!  Please help us keep the library usable for everyone by following these guidelines:

1. While browsing, if you take a bag out, put it back in the box you took it from (bags are labeled with box numbers to help with this).
2. Check out all bags of books that you remove from the library from Denise.
3. Be sure to keep the whole bag together (we can’t take individual books out of these bags). 
4. When you are done with the bag, check it back in with Denise. 
Thank you for your help with keeping our guided library organized and useful. 

A Snapshot of Learning:

Rachael Eickhoff and her 3rd graders created a hologram of the moon to observe the changes in moon phases.  How cool!

Kindergarten extended their learning into the outdoors to look for real-world shapes in math.

We had some great thinking last night at our Science Fair.  A huge thanks to Rachael Eickhoff , Lori Huisenga, and Lorri Harrison for all their work with this! 


Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the weekly building newsletter.

Valet Parking for the Week:
The Valet Parking for the week goes to Sonya David!  Sonya wears many different "hats" throughout her day- and does it extremely well!  Sonya is extremely positive, focused, and dedicated.  Sonya will do "whatever it takes" to make sure our McKinley team is serving our students.  Sonya, we love having you on our team- thanks for all you do! 

Have an amazing weekend and enjoy the 50 degree weather tomorrow!

Friday, February 19, 2016

Principal's Update- Friday, February 19, 2016


Happy 100th Day of School!

Please don't forget to place all your documents in your shared folder- notes, Essential Standards Charts, etc.  It's getting harder and harder to track down your work.  Please place the documents in the folder by the next day. 

Below is a link to our discipline data for the school year. The PBIS team will be meeting Wednesday to look at this data and determine trends, issues, and supports we need for behavior.   It's pretty interesting to look at discipline for the year.  Click here to see the discipline data

Teaching Students GRIT
I recently read a great article on teaching students to have "grit".  Grit has to do with the ways someone believes in themselves and their goals- and honors the resilience they will encounter.  It has a lot to do with mindset and helping students when a mistake is made.  Here's the article:

Outdoor Learning
As I told you, there are 15 of us who are receiving our STEM Certificate through St. Kate's.  I have recently joined this cohort to learn more about STEM and how we can "grow" as a STEM building.  Because I am not in a classroom, my "lesson plans" are to inform you of what we are learning, as well as some of the happenings in the building. 

Below are pictures from Katie Demmer's 2nd grade class.  Katie's class took their learning outside to "kick off" their work with forces and motion.  Her students were practicing scientific observations and how things move in nature.  What a great way to build background knowledge and practice a skill before you start a unit.

This weekend, I will be adding in some information about outdoor learning.  I will update the blog as soon as I have that in here !  

Weekly Newsletter
Click here to see the building weekly newsletter.

Valet Parking for the Week
The Valet Parking for the Week goes to Sue Eidenschink.  Sue has been an amazing addition to our team here at McKinley.  Sue has a firm, yet compassionate approach to her way with students.  Sue holds her students accountable, still while supporting them (a very hard thing to do!).  Sue builds strong relationships with students and staff.  We're very happy you are now a "Monkey", Sue! 

Have a great weekend, everyone!  Enjoy some time to "sharpen your saw!"

Friday, February 12, 2016

Principal's Update- Friday, February 12, 2016

Happy Valentine's Day!
Enjoy some treats in the lounge today! 

STEM Night- Thursday, February 18
We are re-scheduling next week's STEM Night.  More information will come with a new date and time.

After School Block III
After School Block III started this week.   This will be our last block of after school programming for the year.  With our change in delivery, we will look at the impact of this in the next few months- did the change offer more focus and purpose to the intervention(s)? 

"Students First"
As we are continuing to move forward in the year, I want to touch base on something we've been focused on this year- putting "student" first.  Whether we realize it or not, even our words set the culture around this building (in particular, the way we describe students).  Each of our McKinley kids are students first.    They aren't an EL student- they are a student who receives EL services.   They aren't a SPED student, but a student who receives special education services.   Remember, they are students first.

Also, I'm asking that we discontinue the use of terms like "low kids" or "don't get it".  Indirectly, these are labels that illustrate low expectations for students.  Students can struggle with a concept or an EU, but they aren't "low kids".  Think of the times you have struggled with anything- you weren't a "low person", but rather struggled with a specific activity, skill, strategy, etc. 

Let's remember this as we move forward- they are students first.  We've got a great culture in this building that is centered around kids.   Let's keep that moving forward! 

You Can Learn Anything - 1 min, 30 sec video
I saw a link on Twitter to a 1 1/2 minute video about how risks, mistakes, and a growth mindset can help you learn anything.  I think it's a great reminder for us (and students) to continue a growth mindset as we complete our school year:  (the video is for Khan Academy- I am in no way endorsing that, but rather the message!). 

Building Weekly Newsletter
This will come out Monday- sorry, the office has been crazy!

Valet Parking for the Week
The Valet Parking for the Week goes to 5th grade teacher, Karla Wilke.  Karla has high expectations for her learners that set a classroom culture that is focused on student need.  Karla knows her students as learners- what skills they possess and where they need to go.  Also, Karla has strong relationships with her students, as well as colleagues around McKinley.   We're lucky to have Karla at McKinley- thanks for all you do! 

STEM Information - Outdoor Learning
I have recently joined the STEM cohort through St. Kate's University (along with 14 other McKinley teachers).  Because I am not in a classroom, much of the work that I have to "teach" will be through this blog.  You will start to see a synthesis of our learning, as well pictures and examples from teachers and students in the building.  Our class is "outdoor learning", so watch for this information over the next month or so! 

Have a great, relaxing weekend!

Friday, February 5, 2016

Principal's Update- Friday, February 5, 2016

Happy February!

I Love to Read Month starts Monday.  We will have a kick-off assembly in the gym at 9:15am.

A couple "random" updates:
  • Stream Computers:  There will only be 27 on the cart.  We are taking 5 of them to set-up a "Read Live" station.  There has been a loss of instructional time with start-up, logging in, and getting it ready for student use.  More info to come on this.
  • Grades 1-5 Educational Assistants on February 12:   I need them for a project.  They will start the day with me and work on data boards.  When we finish, they will re-join their schedule.  This will not impact lunch schedules.   Please plan on them NOT being in your classroom.  Again, this is our classroom EA's in grades 1-5 only.
  • Garbage:  Please help our evening custodial staff and place your garbage cans by the door at the end of the night.  This would be a great job for a few students before they leave for the day. 
  • Clutter Mail:  Many of you have indicated you are not getting "All McKinley emails". Please check your clutter folder.  For some reason, emails are going to that.  We are checking into the reason why.  For now, make sure you check the "clutter folder".
Attendance on Inclement Weather:
Certified Staff:  You are expected to report for duty.  If travel is questionable, you need to make-up your time. . 

Paraprofessionals:  You are expected to report for duty.  If you can't make it, you need to let me know. 

Owatonna Today Show:
Amanda Gislason and her Scoop team were on the Owatonna Today Show.  Here's the link to the video:

Weekly Building Newsletter:
Click here to access the weekly building newsletter

Valet Parking for the Week:
The Valet Parking for the Week goes to Lorri Harrison.  What would we do without her?  Lorri keeps this place afloat and moving forward.  Some of the things I appreciate the most about Lorri is her organization, professionalism, and the way she builds relationships.  Also, Lorri goes above and beyond her traditional role each and every day.  I couldn't do this job without Lorri- thank you! 

Have a great weekend, everyone!

October 4 Update

Happy Homecoming! Another great week at McKinley!    Toot Your Horn Thursday: This week's Toot Your Horn Thursday Winner is Brenda Hager...