Friday, February 12, 2016

Principal's Update- Friday, February 12, 2016

Happy Valentine's Day!
Enjoy some treats in the lounge today! 

STEM Night- Thursday, February 18
We are re-scheduling next week's STEM Night.  More information will come with a new date and time.

After School Block III
After School Block III started this week.   This will be our last block of after school programming for the year.  With our change in delivery, we will look at the impact of this in the next few months- did the change offer more focus and purpose to the intervention(s)? 

"Students First"
As we are continuing to move forward in the year, I want to touch base on something we've been focused on this year- putting "student" first.  Whether we realize it or not, even our words set the culture around this building (in particular, the way we describe students).  Each of our McKinley kids are students first.    They aren't an EL student- they are a student who receives EL services.   They aren't a SPED student, but a student who receives special education services.   Remember, they are students first.

Also, I'm asking that we discontinue the use of terms like "low kids" or "don't get it".  Indirectly, these are labels that illustrate low expectations for students.  Students can struggle with a concept or an EU, but they aren't "low kids".  Think of the times you have struggled with anything- you weren't a "low person", but rather struggled with a specific activity, skill, strategy, etc. 

Let's remember this as we move forward- they are students first.  We've got a great culture in this building that is centered around kids.   Let's keep that moving forward! 

You Can Learn Anything - 1 min, 30 sec video
I saw a link on Twitter to a 1 1/2 minute video about how risks, mistakes, and a growth mindset can help you learn anything.  I think it's a great reminder for us (and students) to continue a growth mindset as we complete our school year:  (the video is for Khan Academy- I am in no way endorsing that, but rather the message!). 

Building Weekly Newsletter
This will come out Monday- sorry, the office has been crazy!

Valet Parking for the Week
The Valet Parking for the Week goes to 5th grade teacher, Karla Wilke.  Karla has high expectations for her learners that set a classroom culture that is focused on student need.  Karla knows her students as learners- what skills they possess and where they need to go.  Also, Karla has strong relationships with her students, as well as colleagues around McKinley.   We're lucky to have Karla at McKinley- thanks for all you do! 

STEM Information - Outdoor Learning
I have recently joined the STEM cohort through St. Kate's University (along with 14 other McKinley teachers).  Because I am not in a classroom, much of the work that I have to "teach" will be through this blog.  You will start to see a synthesis of our learning, as well pictures and examples from teachers and students in the building.  Our class is "outdoor learning", so watch for this information over the next month or so! 

Have a great, relaxing weekend!

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