Friday, January 27, 2017

Weekly Update- January 27, 2017

Happy Last Day of Conferences!
It's been a great experience for conferences this week.  I love seeing parents in the building and collaborating with you on the education of their child/children.   Thank you for all the time and energy you put into conferences! 

A couple "random" updates:
  • Spanish Club starts next week.  Kate Seifert has agreed to lead a Spanish Club for students after school.  Kate has experience from her work in Northfield in a Spanish immersion school. I can't wait to see this in action!
  • ISD 761 Foundation Grants are due today!  When you are finished, send them to Sarah Hoffman.
  • Lorri and I are working on setting up tours of an open school (Wilson and Willow Creek) in the next month.  I'd like for classroom teachers to get into both Wilson and Willow to see what an open school feels and sounds like.  More information will come on this! 
  • After School Block II ends on Thursday, February 9th. 
Behavior Iceberg:
Just a reminder from a few weeks ago... the behavior iceberg.  So much of the behaviors (actions and words) we see are at the top of the iceberg... we don't really get to see what "below the surface".  Every action has a reason....  This is a great reminder for us all! 

Paraprofessional and Educational Assistant Appreciation Week:
Thank you (again!) to our wonderful Paraprofessional and Educational Assistant group here at McKinley.  You are a dynamite team of educators that support learning each and every day. We appreciate you so much!  Hope you enjoyed your week!

Snapshot of Learning:
The pictures this week are almost all NON-learning!

International Fun Day at Work 2017 (which is technically today) was a great success!  It was great to go back to the 80's with our clothes and games! 

Snow Day Challenges!  Thanks to all who got silly and had fun! 

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to see the newsletter

Valet Parking for the Week:
The Valet Parking for the Week goes to 2nd Grade Teacher Sami Nelson!  Sami is extremely compassionate, flexible, and is a learner herself.  One of the things that impresses me most about Sami is her focus on all kids - in her classroom, but also in the building.  Sami is always looking for ways to make sure every student in our building gets what they need - academically, socially, and emotionally.  Thank you for all you do, Sami! 

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Friday, January 20, 2017

Weekly Update- Friday, January 20, 2017

Happy International Fun Day at Work!  The actual day is next Friday, but we have no school that day.  So, we are celebrating today!   I'm excited to see all the 80's outfits today!

Construction Update
If you haven't been by the work at our new site (Willow Creek), you should swing by this week.  The walls are going up for the Kindergarten and 1st grade addition... pretty exciting!  Bob Olson has been updating our admin team on the project... things are moving along!  Next Wednesday, a team from McKinley (and the middle school) will travel to various schools to see furniture.  There is a certain amount of money allocated to furniture (not the entire building), so this team will help research what is out there and what we want at our new McKinley School.  The team is Kayla Davis, Amanda Gislason, Jen Koziolek, Mark Langlois, Justin Lang, and myself. 

I am going to schedule a meeting with paras and EAs to update you, see blueprints, and talk through the boundary change process.  Watch for this!

Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences are next Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.  As we mentioned at our Staff Power Hour, keep a few things in mind as you meet with families:
*Stay positive and focused on goals and growth (growth mindset)
*Not all parents had a positive schooling experience - warm and welcoming
*Be honest with parents on the strengths, as well as areas of growth
*Plan for every student/family to leave knowing where their child is at and where they need to go.

As I mentioned at our meeting, we do this already.  This building has a "gift" on partnering with families.

PBIS Team Meeting- January
The PBIS Team met this week for our January meeting.  Some of the big rocks to come from this meeting: 
*Don't forget positive recognition!  If you have a "Good News Call of the Day", please let me know the student and why.
*Don't forget we are not here to "catch kids" or force compliance.  We are here to teach behaviors to students. 
*Do we add students to the PBIS Assemblies?
*The building is calm and positive.

Click here to access the notes

The Future is Now:
I saw this article in a magazine I subscribe to - "The Future is Now".  The article addresses our "current realities" in public education.  Each of these "realities" made me think.  I thought it was interesting- hope you do, too! 

Click here to access the article.

Building Weekly Newsletter
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

Valet Parking for the Week:
The Valet Parking for the Week goes to Tier 2 Interventionist, Michelle Meiners!  Michelle is one of the most flexible people I know.  Michelle knows her purpose is to support learning- she will do anything to make that happen.  One of the things I appreciate the most about Michelle is how much she researches - she will look for hours to find resources and approaches to help our students.  Michelle is a great colleague and educator!  Thank you for all you do, Michelle! 

Enjoy "International Fun Day at Work"!  Have a great week!

Friday, January 13, 2017

Weekly Update - Friday, January 13, 2017

Happy Friday the 13th! 
I am out today at a training.  Please let Lorri or Justin Lang know if you need anything! 
Just a reminder- ISD Foundation grants are due January 27, 2017.  Are we writing any as a building?
MLK Day- Monday
Our MLK Day Professional Learning is this Monday.  This is a great day of learning and collaboration for our staff.  A couple reminders regarding this day:
  • Please be on time.   Superintendent Grant will start at 7:40am.
  • A reminder email should have come out with your sessions.   Please know what sessions you are going to.
  • There are 10 spaces reserved in the School Street parking lot (at OHS) for the presenters.  Please do not park there - they will be marked with cones! 
  • Please come with a growth mindset and be prepared to learn!  It's a great day that is focused on you. 
See me with questions!
It was great to meet with teams this week to discuss winter data.  As we met, I noticed one theme that circled around each of the grade levels - how much you know your kids, inside and out.  It was so great to listen to all the evidence you have to support what our kids need. 
One thing came up at each of the meetings - engagement.  Below are two tools that provide strategies/learning on engagement:
Both are great resources on both engagement in general, but also strategies you can use in your classroom to engage learners in the process! 
International Fun Day at Work:
International Fun Day at Work is next Friday (it's really 1/27, but we are celebrating next week).   Please see my email for the "agenda" for the day.   This is fair warning to all - go home this weekend and find your 80's outfits! 
A Snapshot of Learning:

We had 234 people attend Family Math Night on Thursday.  Families enjoyed pizza and math-focused board games.  Thank you to everyone who helped make this night happen!

Integration subouts wrapped up this week.  It is so great to see/listen to the creativity of your team with integration and "STEM-ifying" your curriculum.  We have such talented people at McKinley!
Weekly Building Newsletter:
Lorri will be sending this out later today.
Valet Parking for the Week:
The Valet Parking for the Week goes to EL Teacher, Liz Stitzmeyer!  Liz has been a wonderful 

addition this past year to our school.  Liz has a energetic and passionate way of getting students engaged in learning.  Liz is extremely collaborative - she works closely with Kindergarten and 1st Grade to co-teach reading and math.  One of the things I appreciate most about Liz is her flexibility and focus - she is in this job to make sure kids learn.  Thank you for all you do for us, Liz! 
Have a great weekend!

Friday, January 6, 2017

Weekly Update- Friday, January 6, 2017

Happy New Year! 

2017 brings along with it change and resolutions.  Over break, I saw a question on Twitter that made me think- "How have you changed as an educator in 2016?" (Please remember- when I use the word "educator", I mean any staff in this building... we all work to influence our students' learning).  This question made me stop and think.  Right away, I thought at a basic level -  the discipline has decreased this year in the building, I've tried to balance my personal and work life, etc...   Over the course of that day, that question still stuck with me, at a much deeper level.  There are many ways I have continued to grow and develop as an educator in 2016 - in both my thoughts and actions. Over the course of the next week, let that question stick with you- "How have you changed as an educator in 2016?" 

A couple reminders about next week:
  • Integration Subouts start next week.   These are half-day subouts to work in integration for January/February.  Please come a "focus" in mind and bring any resources you need. 
  • Family Math Night is Thursday night from 6-7pm.  We are serving pizza and having a board game night (with a math focus).  Join us if you can! 
Student Lockers:
Please remember to have students put their winter boots on the floor, not on top of lockers.  The water from their boots will rust the lockers. 

School Gardens:
Over break I also saw a great article on how school gardens are becoming teaching spaces.  It immediately made me think of our building and the momentum around outdoor learning.  Here is a link to the article:

A Snapshot of Learning:

 Our "welcome back" PBIS Assembly was a hit!  Thank you to Justin Lang and Annette Warner for their hard work in planning this!

Lori Huisenga's 2nd graders turned this cold weather into a positive thing!  2C observed states of matter changes (liquid to solid and liquid to gas) with bubbles and the cold air.  The students observed from inside! 

Building Weekly Newsletter
Click here to access the weekly building newsletter

Valet Parking for the Week
The Valet Parking for the week goes to Lorri Harrison!  As you all know, this place would be in disarray without Lorri.  Lorri's commitment to our students, parents, and staff is impeccable.  One of the things I appreciate about Lorri the most is the way she keeps me (and maybe us) focused on what is important.  When life gets crazy, Lorri keeps me focused on why I went into this job.  Lorri is one of a kind.  Keep up the great work, Lorri!

Have a great weekend, everyone!  Stay warm!!

October 4 Update

Happy Homecoming! Another great week at McKinley!    Toot Your Horn Thursday: This week's Toot Your Horn Thursday Winner is Brenda Hager...