Friday, April 21, 2017

Weekly Update- April 21, 2017

Happy Friday! 
Reminder:  Monday is McKinley's night at the School Board Meeting.  Join us at 6:30pm at the District Office Board Room, if you are available!

I saw a great quote this week on Twitter that represents our work at McKinley.  Just remember, your actions & words are expressing your priorities.  What a great reminder for us all to stay focused on why we do this job!

A Students' Day Video:
Annette shared a powerful video with me last week.  This video reminds us of how much we help determine a child's day - in a good way, or a bad way.  The video follows a student' interactions - first with negative words and actions, then positive.  This video is worth the 4 minutes - please watch!

Last Day of Interventions & EL:
Our last day of interventions & EL will be Tuesday, May 30th.  This includes Power 1/2 Hours.  Until May 30, we will continue to program as usual. 

Weekly Building Newsletter:
Click here to access the weekly building newsletter

Valet Parking of the Week:
The Valet Parking of the Week goes to Lorri Harrison!  Next week is Administrative Assistants' Week - and I can't think of a greater person to appreciate.  Lorri goes above and beyond to make sure our school is running!  Lorri is detailed-oriented, focused on people, and always willing to help out.  One of the things I appreciate the most about Lorri is the fact she "steps up" to do anything if it helps our students, families, or staff (things outside of her job description!).  Thank you for all you do, Lorri! 

Another Twitter find... so true!  Remember, you are important!

Have a great weekend!

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