Friday, December 22, 2017

Weekly Update- Friday, December 22, 2017

We made it! 

Don't forget, taco lunch today in the lounge.   Thank you for all you do! 

Staffing Changes:
Below are some staffing changes that will occur after Winter Break:
  • Marie Sjulstad:  Marie is retiring on January 12, 2018.  Marie has been an asset to our Special Education Department, as well as McKinley as a whole.   Marie will be taking some time to travel with her husband!
  • Isabel Mendoza will be joining us January 9 as our Student Support Specialist.
  • Amy Manderfeld will be joining us January 2 as an Educational Assistant (long-term for Melina). 
  • Crystal Hobart has already joined us as an Art Teacher (long-term for Amanda). 
As I stated in my email, we are excited to have our new staff join us, but also sad to see Marie leave us. 

January 2, 2018:
When we return, we will be doing a different schedule for the day.  We found out at Thanksgiving Break that students returned unregulated and not ready to access learning.   To address this (and to just make our welcome back a smooth transition for all), we will be focusing on re-establishing relationships, routines, and regulating everyone.  Lorri has included a schedule in the weekly bulletin (below)- I will also send an email out over break.  This will be an "all hands on deck" day, as it always is.  All staff will be joining groups to rotate through stations.  It's also a jeans and STEAM shirt day (staff and students).  I'm excited to see how this day will support our learners!

Trauma Training:
A huge thank you to Annette for leading us through some professional learning on trauma.  I have to say I am so proud of all the work we are doing in this area.  I know we still have work to do, but our awareness and supports for students are making an impact.

Here is a great 1 minute video on tips for teachers (well worth the watch):

Guided Library/Text Requests:
We are fortunate to have an amazingly supportive PTO at McKinley!  They plan to support us with the purchase of some additional texts for the guided library in the spring.  As we dig into guided reading, we are sure to discover the need for additional text.  If you have a request, please send the following information to Libby and she will compile it:

*Reason for Request

For example:
*One Green Apple
*Eve Bunting
*We need more texts where the main character is new to the country and school system.

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

Have a great, relaxing break!  You deserve it.   We will come back on January 2nd ready to finish the year strong!  Or, better yet, McKinleyStrong!


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