Friday, January 26, 2018

Weekly Update- January 26, 2018

Happy International Fun Day at Work!

Another huge thank to our Paraprofessionals and Educational Assistants at McKinley.  The passion, experience, and talent from this team is second to none. You are such an integral part of our work at McKinley.  Thank you for being such talented educators!

Time Left this Year:
As I do some reflecting on the year, I can't believe we are already entering into February.  It seems like just yesterday we were quickly unpacking our rooms and getting use to our new building.  Time flies, for sure!

Just remember- our kids only get each grade level once in their life.   Each of our students only gets 1st grade (or 3rd, 4th, 5th, etc). one time.  It's up to us to make sure that year is impactful and meaningful to our students' learning journeys.

Looking forward, we only have our students for 81 more days.  81 days.... that really isn't a lot when you think about it.   81 days is 4 months.   81 days is 526.5 hours of instruction.  81 days is 31,590 minutes of instruction.   When you think that 81 days, ask yourself - am I using every second to the fullest?  Do I have a sense of urgency when it comes to learning?   Our students deserve that.

Culture Iceberg:
I appreciate all of the reflection and difficult questions you are asking around your own personal biases.  It has been great to hear the way you are truly thinking about yourself as a person and educator... and how your thoughts, actions, and beliefs translate to the classroom.

This week, I posted this culture iceberg on Twitter.   This came up in an MLK Day session I attended.  Take some time to look through the iceberg to see the layers of culture and what we need to do, as both people and educators, to make sure we are being responsive to culture (not just race!).  As you can see, culture goes way deeper than just dress, food, etc.

Maker Space Cart:
We have a team that is looking into starting a "maker space cart" at McKinley.  For those of you who have never heard of what a makerspace is, click this 1 minute video link:

A huge thank you to this team who are helping form the work around our makerspace cart.   This cart will be filled with resources for students to design, create, dream, and fail (remember how critical failure is to the learning process!).  When we know a start date for the cart and resources, I will let you know.

Engagement Connection:
Thinking about our work this week with "creating an introduction for guided reading" and our work around engagement, I want to remind you of some of our learning from last year with Jensen's Engaging Students with Poverty in Mind.  In chapter 4, Jensen urges that educators need to increase buy-in.   He states that attention skills are predictive of school success.   This is something we all know- if kids aren't engaged, they won't learn.   However, we (collectively as teachers) don't plan for engaging.  We hope it happens. In chapter 4, there are some great ways to build that excitement and engagement with students, including creating a "hook", playing red light, purple light, doing pause and chunk, and doing quick writes.   I would strongly encourage you to check out this chapter for some awesome, practical ways to engage students in any lesson!  If you have read this far, email Justin to enter your name for a prize!

Guided Reading in K:
I had the great opportunity to watch "guided reading in action" in our Kindergarten classrooms yesterday.  Super impressive!  There is some magic that happens with our youngest readers as they learn more about being a reader.  It was great to see what we are learning put into action... nice work, Tamra, Jen, Paige, Rachel, and Courtney!

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week:
Our McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week goes to Josiah Bachtle!   As you know, Josiah wears many hats around McKinley, including SAC Supervisor and Lunchroom & Recess Supervisor.  Josiah is a natural with our kids.  Josiah is compassionate, trusting, and a true advocate for our students.  One of the things that impresses me the most about Josiah is the way he builds relationships with kids.  He knows them as a person and student - and uses this relationship to help keep our kids motivated and happy during the day.  Josiah, we love having you as a member of our McKinley team!

I got this from a colleague (Akram Osman, @AkramMosman) in my professional learning network on Twitter..... how will you be a "Hope Dealer" today?   How will you create hope in our students?  How will you create hope in each other?   I challenge you to go out and become a hope dealer!

Have an awesome weekend, colleagues!

Friday, January 19, 2018

Weekly Update - January 19, 2018

Happy Friday, everyone!
I hope you've had a great week of learning, relationships, and fun.  Just a reminder- a week from today is International Fun Day at Work 2018.  Be prepared for a day of fun!

Take a second to reflect on the above quote - and how kids need a little hope and somebody who believes in them.   How are you being a "hope dealer" to our students?  What are you doing to ensure there is hope?  What could we be doing that is taking hope away?  Be a hope dealer....

Paraprofessional & Educational Assistant Appreciation Week:
Next week is Paraprofessional and Educational Assistant Appreciation Week.   Please take some time next week to appreciate those that help support our learners, each and every day.

Whole & Small Group Minutes- Reading Research:
Our focus for this year has been on guided/small group instruction.   As we have progressed through this learning, I hope you are realizing how critical whole, small, and independent time is in a balanced literacy block.

I was recently reminded of some work from Barbara Taylor (reading guru from the U of MN) on what makes a classroom/school effective in the area of literacy.  Please take a few minutes to look at the below pictures - one shows the amount of time spent in whole, small, etc. and how effective that classroom is (most, moderate, or least).    The second is the time students should be spending in whole and small group instruction.

I'm hoping that you are seeing the sense of urgency behind why guided/small group instruction is critical.  It is expected that we are spending this time, every day, during our literacy blocks.

Engaging with Poverty in Mind:
As you remember, we focused some of our staff learning around Eric Jensen's work on poverty and engagement.  As I re-examined this resource last weekend, I continued to find important research and strategies to keep all kids engaged in learning.   I would definitely recommend pulling this resource back out - there are some great ideas in it.

one thing that resonated with me is the five "unwritten" rules for engagement - what can we do to keep kids engaged in learning?  The rules are:
1. Upgrade your Attitude - your attitude has direct impact on the engagement level in your classroom.  Remember, you chose your weather!
2. Built Relationships & Respect -  Students have to know you care for them.  Share things about your life or make time each day to ask a student about their personal life.  Remember, we need more good deposits than withdrawals.
3. Get Buy-In - You can't just hope students will be engaged - you have to plan for this.  Plan a hook, breaking the content into smaller mini chunks, letting students do more talking.   All of this will help increase buy-in for the students. Remember, you are a salesman to the learning!
4. Embrace Clarity - Students need to know exactly what is expected - academically, as well as behaviorally.  We need to be very clear in our target and what is expected.
5. Show your Passion- Model your love of learning for students.  Let students know about something you are interested in, what you wonder about, or your "why" behind teaching.  Let them see this passion everyday!

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week:
Our McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week goes to Kindergarten Teacher, Courtney Hugs!   Courtney is a warm and compassionate educator who puts relationships at the forefront of everything she does.  Courtney works hard to make sure her students' needs are being met- academically, socially, and emotionally.  Courtney is positive and always has a smile on her face.   We are very lucky to have Courtney Hugs as a teacher to our McKinley students!

Have a great weekend, everyone. Enjoy the heat wave!

Friday, January 12, 2018

Weekly Update - January 12, 2018

Happy Friday!
We're back to below zero... yuck!  I'm still not use to this weather - or the wind at this new building!

Just a reminder- International Fun Day at Work is coming soon (January 26) - if you haven't found your team's "theme-dress", start brainstorming!

Good reminders:
Just a couple of good reminders as we continue into January...

First, what is your #oneword for the year?  How is that going?  Remember, this is the word we chose at our welcome back session in August.

Second, ...

Thank you for all you do for our kids - I know they are a priority to you all.

Follow-Up from Staff Power Hour:
Thank you for the conversations and learning on Wednesday around biases and literacy.  A couple of "call to actions" from our last staff Power Hour:

Biases:  Start deeply listening to people (start to create multiple perspective stories) & acknowledge your biases when you are around people (remember, your body language and words will show your biases).  Please remember- biases are not a bad thing.  We just need to be aware of them and start to reconstruct our experiences.

Literacy: Pay attention to the characteristics of selecting and analyzing text as you find text for your readers.

Engagement Strategy- Quick Draw:
I will be sharing strategies with you from our work around engagement last year.  One of the strategies, a Quick Draw, has students take any topic/concept/learning and turn it into a visual.   Then, students share through a gallery walk their representations.  See link below for deeper directions:

Click here to access the Quick Draw directions

Student Support Specialist- Update:
Isabel Mendoza, our new Student Support Specialist, has been working all week to learn the position.  Isabel will take over things like the Relaxation Room, Check & Connect, the backpack program, and will run some social groups for our students.   Isabel will be starting her schedule next week.

MLK Professional Learning - Monday:
Just a reminder- we have our MLK Professional Learning Day this Monday.   Superintendent Elstad will start promptly at 7:40 (please be on time).  I challenge you to participate in the Twitter challenge for this day.   Our staff has always had a strong presence on Twitter - let's blast our learning all over Twitter!

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the newsletter

McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week:
Our McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week goes to Marie Sjulstad!  Marie is a paraprofessional at McKinley, with today being her last day before retirement.  Marie has been a valuable member of our SPED team for the last 17 years . Marie amazes me with her compassion, dedication to our kids, and the way she builds relationships.   As I stated, today is Marie's last day.   We are thankful for all of her service to our McKinley students.  Marie, you will always be a Monkey with us!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Friday, January 5, 2018

Weekly Update - January 4, 2018

Happy January, everyone!
We survived our first week back.  I can feel a sense of excitement in the building.  It's been great to get back into a routine and start re-establishing relationships.

Student First - Always
I shared this on Twitter a few weeks ago - it reminded me of my "why" of this job and how important our students are.  Take some time to read it and process through your thinking - are we always student first?

Staying Positive as a Reading Teacher:
Michelle Simon shared this article about four principles to staying positive/happy and how it correlates to being a better teacher:

December Discipline Data:
We have our discipline data for December - click here to access it

There is some interesting trends starting to emerge in our office referrals.  Our PBIS team will analyze this at next week's meeting.  We have, overall deceased in December (and we only lost 5 days of learning with the break).  What would cause that?

DIBELS Assessments- Monday
DIBELS winter benchmarking will start on Monday.  Libby has communicated with teachers on a schedule and process to follow.  A huge thank you to Libby for all her work with this!

Staff Power Hour:
Our next Power Hour is this Wednesday, January 10.  I would like all staff to attend this.  We will focus on staying positive, our biases (finish your bias assessment), and selecting and analyzing text (for guided reading).  I sent an agenda out yesterday.   I look forward to learning with you on Wednesday!

International Fun Day at Work- January 26: 
It's that time of year again - International Fun Day at Work.  We will be celebrating (again this year)! We've got a fun day of events planned - I can't wait.  Before this date, pick a team and starting planning your themed outfits.  There will be prizes!

Click here to see the events

Building Weekly Newsletter
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week:
For those of you who have been around, you know we use to give away the principal's parking spot each week.  This was a great way to highlight our awesome staff at McKinley.   We will be changing this focus - to our "McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week".

Our first "McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week" is 4th Grade Teacher, Dani Rypka.  Dani continually amazes me, as a person and educator . Dani is new to 4th grade this year, having spent her career in 1st grade.   If you entered her classroom, you would think she has spent her career perfecting the art of teaching in 4th grade.  Dani has a gift of walking the line between supportive and holding students accountable.   Additionally, Dani provides high quality instruction and questioning to her students on a daily basis.  I am amazed at how focused, rigorous, and engaging her instruction is.  We are very lucky to have you at McKinley, Dani.  Keep up the great work1

Just a reminder- you are all educators.   An educator is anyone who influences students and helps build an environment focused on learning.  This is all of you.  I will highlight an employee (and tweet them out!) each week.

Have a great weekend and enjoy our heat wave (it's going to be in the 20's on Sunday!) :)


October 4 Update

Happy Homecoming! Another great week at McKinley!    Toot Your Horn Thursday: This week's Toot Your Horn Thursday Winner is Brenda Hager...