Friday, January 19, 2018

Weekly Update - January 19, 2018

Happy Friday, everyone!
I hope you've had a great week of learning, relationships, and fun.  Just a reminder- a week from today is International Fun Day at Work 2018.  Be prepared for a day of fun!

Take a second to reflect on the above quote - and how kids need a little hope and somebody who believes in them.   How are you being a "hope dealer" to our students?  What are you doing to ensure there is hope?  What could we be doing that is taking hope away?  Be a hope dealer....

Paraprofessional & Educational Assistant Appreciation Week:
Next week is Paraprofessional and Educational Assistant Appreciation Week.   Please take some time next week to appreciate those that help support our learners, each and every day.

Whole & Small Group Minutes- Reading Research:
Our focus for this year has been on guided/small group instruction.   As we have progressed through this learning, I hope you are realizing how critical whole, small, and independent time is in a balanced literacy block.

I was recently reminded of some work from Barbara Taylor (reading guru from the U of MN) on what makes a classroom/school effective in the area of literacy.  Please take a few minutes to look at the below pictures - one shows the amount of time spent in whole, small, etc. and how effective that classroom is (most, moderate, or least).    The second is the time students should be spending in whole and small group instruction.

I'm hoping that you are seeing the sense of urgency behind why guided/small group instruction is critical.  It is expected that we are spending this time, every day, during our literacy blocks.

Engaging with Poverty in Mind:
As you remember, we focused some of our staff learning around Eric Jensen's work on poverty and engagement.  As I re-examined this resource last weekend, I continued to find important research and strategies to keep all kids engaged in learning.   I would definitely recommend pulling this resource back out - there are some great ideas in it.

one thing that resonated with me is the five "unwritten" rules for engagement - what can we do to keep kids engaged in learning?  The rules are:
1. Upgrade your Attitude - your attitude has direct impact on the engagement level in your classroom.  Remember, you chose your weather!
2. Built Relationships & Respect -  Students have to know you care for them.  Share things about your life or make time each day to ask a student about their personal life.  Remember, we need more good deposits than withdrawals.
3. Get Buy-In - You can't just hope students will be engaged - you have to plan for this.  Plan a hook, breaking the content into smaller mini chunks, letting students do more talking.   All of this will help increase buy-in for the students. Remember, you are a salesman to the learning!
4. Embrace Clarity - Students need to know exactly what is expected - academically, as well as behaviorally.  We need to be very clear in our target and what is expected.
5. Show your Passion- Model your love of learning for students.  Let students know about something you are interested in, what you wonder about, or your "why" behind teaching.  Let them see this passion everyday!

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week:
Our McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week goes to Kindergarten Teacher, Courtney Hugs!   Courtney is a warm and compassionate educator who puts relationships at the forefront of everything she does.  Courtney works hard to make sure her students' needs are being met- academically, socially, and emotionally.  Courtney is positive and always has a smile on her face.   We are very lucky to have Courtney Hugs as a teacher to our McKinley students!

Have a great weekend, everyone. Enjoy the heat wave!

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