Friday, February 23, 2018

Weekly Update- Febuary 23, 2018

Happy Snowy Friday!

You are a hero... each of you.  We know this time of year gets hard... keep up the good work and focus on your "why" and your #oneword2018.

Synergize & Celebrate - March 6:
We will be taking some time to synergize and celebrate on Tuesday, March 6 at 2:40pm (we will meet somewhere here at McKinley).  The goal of this is to take some time to acknowledge all the hard work we have done since September.  I know this time of year can get long, stressful and emotional.  However, we have a lot of accomplishments to celebrate and take time to remember our "why"!   This is open to all staff - please attend!

Engagement Strategy:
We will spend some time at our Staff Power Hour next week reviewing the Engaging with Poverty in Mind (Jensen).  That book is filled with great ideas to increase engagement in your classroom.

One of the engagement factors is to engage for energy and focus.  A strategy that Jensen offers it gets students up and moving.  I re-read this section and summarized the strategies in the below link (I will also put a copy in your mailbox).    The section reminded me of how important it is to take 2-10 minutes to get students moving and collaborating.  And, as Jensen advocates, the use of childhood games helps increase engagement and focus!

Click here to access the 5 strategies

Science Fair:
We had a successful science fair last night!  We have an awesome turn out - I believe Lori Huisenga said 77 students participating!  We had more Kindergarten through 2nd graders this year, too.  A huge thank you to Lori Huisenga, Rachael Eickhoff, and Michelle Simon for your work organizing this awesome opportunity.

Below are our students advancing to regionals in Mankato:

Wednesday - Bus Driver Appreciation Day
Next Wednesday, February 28 is Bus Driver Appreciation Day.  Take some time to thank those people who get our students to and from school safely.

Building Weekly Newsletter
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week:
The McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week goes to Rachael Eickhoff.   I forgot to post this on social media last week, so she gets another week!

We talked about this at the beginning of the year... remember, your words and beliefs become your values.

Have a great weekend, everyone!  More snow on the way!

Friday, February 16, 2018

Weekly Update- Friday, February 16, 2018

Happy Friday!
We successfully finished another great week at McKinley School!

Winter Blues Mindset!
I can feel it.... the winter blues mindset has set in amongst the building.  It's that time of year - it's cold and there is no break in sight.   I can feel it, too.  However, I want you to take some reflection today (or over the weekend) to remind yourself why you are doing this job.  What is your #oneword2018 for the school year?   Where is your mindset when you enter the building each day?  I can tell our "fuse" is short... things that wouldn't have bothered us in Sept/October are now.  We are McKinleyStrong... we are a staff who puts students first.  Please remember this as we continue our work over the next few weeks...

Engagement Strategy:
I found a great reminder from Engaging with Poverty in Mind (Jensen) that reminds us of the importance of less teacher talk and more think time:

Pause and Chunk:
Every few minutes, pause for 7-9 seconds.  These pauses gives students time to mentally process the content and add a sense of anticipation and importance to the lesson.  Taking slightly longer than 30-90 seconds may also help students focus .   Dividing content into small "chunks" also supports attention and understanding.  Keep your lectures short, 5-8 minutes at the elementary level.  Then, have students process the information through strategies like summarizing, think-pair-share, or compare and contrast.

Opening & Closing Doors:
At Site Team, we discussed the concept of "opening" and "closing doors" for students.  In what ways do we open doors (provide opportunities) and what ways do we close doors (close opportunities)?  This has a lot to do with our mindset, body language, words, and actions.  I can honestly say that our staff does a lot of opening doors.  We still have a lot of work to do -however, be proud of all the ways we open doors for students.  We will do more work around this as the year continues - however, I wanted you to start the internal reflection around the ways you open and close doors for students.

Money in Classrooms:
Please do not leave any money in your classroom/desk at night.  There has been some theft in other buildings  - all money should end up with Lorri in the office.

STEAM Night:
We had a lot of fun at our STEAM Family Night on Tuesday - "Design-Solve-Create Night".   A huge thank you to Katie Demmer, Kate Seifert, and Catie Stephani for your help with planning and holding this night.

PTO Carnival:
We had a great turnout for our PTO Carnival last Saturday.   It was great to see families having fun and enjoying our new space!

McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week:
Our McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week goes to 3rd Grade Teacher Rachael Eickhoff!  Rachael is collaborative, compassionate, and focused on what students need.  One thing that impresses me about Rachael is her "never give up" attitude toward student needs.  She understands that students need more than just academics - and she works hard to provide students the supports they need.  Rachael is an asset to our building - Keep up the great work, Rachael!

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

Have a great weekend, everyone!  Take some time to relax and enjoy those you love!

Friday, February 9, 2018

Weekly Update- Friday, February 9, 2018

Happy Friday, everyone!
Thank you to everyone who helped out in my absence on Wednesday afternoon and Thursday - especially Lorri Harrison and Justin Lang.  I attended the Minnesota Elementary School Principals' Association Institute in Bloomington.  It is great professional learning for me - it also made me appreciate (even more!) the work we are doing around all kids and student learning.  I am proud of all you are doing!!

This was on Twitter this week - the question applies to anyone who works with children.   What do your student do differently because YOU are their teacher?

#allstudentsmatter Winner!
Our #allstudentsmatter Twitter winner for the week is Jen Koziolek!   Jen has been tweeting this week about the work her team has been doing around PLCs and ensuring all students matter!  Jen, stop and see me for you $10 Starbucks gift card!  Nice work! 

Guided/Small Group Instruction:
As many of you know, Libby and I both taught a guided group lesson in Kayla Davis's classroom last week.  It was great to get back into working with students around literacy - makes me miss teaching even more!  This was a very eye-opening experience for me as your principal.  I will share some of my thoughts at our next Staff Power Hour - particularly around  condensing the lesson down to only 15-20 minutes (and doing less teacher talk!).  I want to continue this practice of getting around to work with you on instruction - don't be alarmed when I ask to teach with you!  

Principal-Student Advisory Lunch:
As you know, we started a Principal-Student Advisory Lunch this year.   This is a time for me to meet with students, enjoy lunch, and hear about school (from their viewpoint).  This has been a very valuable experience for me - it's great to talk with students about what life is like from their viewpoint!

As I meet, I am keeping track of the "data" and themes of what is being shared.  One of the biggest themes I hear is all about relationships.   Our students truly know you care and are there for them - at all times.  And, as I talk with them (especially 3rd-5th graders), I hear about all their former teachers, too.  I can say this is the greatest thing about McKinley - you truly care for all kids.  Nice work!  

STEAM Family Night - Tuesday:
We have a STEAM Family Night next Tuesday, February 13.  More information will be coming home today with students (I dropped the ball on this!).  If you are available on Tuesday night, stop by and join our families in a fun-filled night of "Design-Solve-Create!"  Join us if you can!  

MCA Testing Security Meeting:
Don't forget - we have our MCA Testing Security training this coming Wednesday, February 14th.  There are two options - 7:10am or 2:40pm.   If you are working with MCA testing at all, please plan on attending a training (I have reached out to you already).  

Building Weekly Newsletter:

McKinleystrong Educator of the Week:
Our #Mckinleystrong Educator of the Week goes to 2nd Grade Teacher, Katie Demmer!  Katie is a deep thinker who is always looking for ways to grow and develop - to meet students' needs.  Katie is purposeful in the instruction she plans - her lessons are purposeful and engaging to meet her learners' needs.  Katie is also compassionate and collaborative, with both families and staff.  Nice work, Katie!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Friday, February 2, 2018

Weekly Update- February 2, 2018

Happy February, everyone!
I hope you had a great conferences week.  It was great to see families in the building, collaborating around student learning.  You do a great job of building that partnership with families.  Thank you for your relationships and focus on students-first!

#allstudentsmatter Challenge!
During the month of February, I am challenging you to blow up Twitter with #allstudentsmatter tweets!  The challenge- look for words, actions, and things your colleagues (across the entire building) are doing to show that all students matter, every day!   I will be doing weekly drawings in February to highlight some of our tweets - with some great prizes!

So, your challenge - go off and find ways your colleagues are putting ALL STUDENTS FIRST (words, actions, etc).  Then, tweet it out using #allstudentsmatter.

Let's blow up Twitter with all the great people we have at McKinley!

Instructional Levels:
I have appreciated all the work that has gone into knowing, planning, and teaching to instructional levels (based on the Fountas and Pinnell Benchmarking).   This is a great tool for us to know a laser-like focus on reading strategies, skills, and text to use to move our readers forward.

One caution to remember when using instructional levels - they should never define the student.  We should never have students "become" their level ("you are a G reader").  Also, we should never create an environment where students feel they need to master a level to "pass a grade".   We, as a teachers, use this data as a benchmark- we have goals to get students to a level by the end of the year.  That is our internal benchmarking.   I caution us to remember that the level is just that - a level to guide instruction.

PLC Documents:
Thank you for joining me on Monday for a PLC check in.  We are doing some great work - and will continue to get better.  Here are the documents electronically:

Essential Standards Chart Guiding Questions

PLC Process Explained

Engagement Strategy:
This engagement strategy is a specific strategy in the area of math.  I have shared this in the past - it's called "Number Detectives".  It's a great way to warm up and build number sense with students.   It can be used at any grade level!  Click here to access Number Detectives

Building Weekly Newsletter:
Click here to access the building weekly newsletter

McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week:
The McKinleyStrong Educator of the Week goes to Special Education Teacher, Brianna Luhman.  Brianna is a positive, focused, and compassionate educator who creates a love of learning in her students.  The thing I appreciate the most about Brianna is her "never give up" attitude toward students - she will do whatever it takes to make students successful learners and people.   We are very lucky to have Brianna on our team - keep up the great work, Ms. Luhman!

Have a great weekend, everyone!

October 4 Update

Happy Homecoming! Another great week at McKinley!    Toot Your Horn Thursday: This week's Toot Your Horn Thursday Winner is Brenda Hager...